Home > Whatever It Takes (Bad Reputation Duet #1)(6)

Whatever It Takes (Bad Reputation Duet #1)(6)
Author: Krista Ritchie ,Becca Ritchie

“Good to know.” I try not to sound pissed off or sarcastic or both.

Jared looks around my place like he’s on an apartment tour. “Wow, you’ve got a sweet setup.” He eyes the back wall with the desk and four monitors. Two servers. All the chords are neatly bundled and tucked at the floorboard. It took me days to put everything together and not have it look like a mess.

“You a gamer?” Jared wonders.

Probably not the kind he’s thinking of. I don’t play Call of Duty or Halo or even League of Legends. My true love is the classics on consoles like Sega and N64. But that’s not why I have the computers.

“No,” I tell him. “I’m a software engineer at Cobalt Inc.”

Jared raises his brows. “Damn.” He sounds impressed. “But I thought you said you were at Penn.”

Never said that. He assumed it. Because I look my age—twenty. And this building is affordable and a short distance to campus. It adds up, I guess.

I shake my head. “I didn’t go to college.” I’m not ashamed about that. It’s not for everyone. Definitely not for me.

Jared looks me up and down. “So you’re like one of those geniuses from The Social Network?”

I almost laugh. I’m so far from a genius. I’m just good at what I do.

“Not really.” I’m about to make up some excuse about work. Anything to get him out of my apartment, but he’s already talking again.

“About the other night with Ana,” he says into a cringe. “Sorry if she came on strong. She’s just a huge fan of your family’s.”

“They’re not my family,” I correct him. They’re Willow’s. I’m just…adjacent to them.

He scratches the back of his neck. “Right, sorry.”

“I have to work,” I tell him.

“Oh, yeah. I’ll get out of your hair.” He picks up his broom. “If you have issues with your smoke detector again, you know where to find me.” He leaves quickly. A weird feeling crawls under my skin, and I know it’s from his sudden saccharine neighborly friendliness. It seems fake, but I really don’t want to judge him.

I lock my door and then assess the kitchen. The smoke is almost all cleared out. Checking the pizza, my stomach grumbles and I let out an irritated breath.

Crispy and inedible. Pizza should be neither of those things.

I end up grabbing a Lightning Bolt! energy drink from the fridge and sink onto my desk chair. My computer is one of the few places I can just get completely lost in. Right now, that’s all I want.



Willow’s Tumblr Questionnaire

Age 17



Rules: Complete the form by answering each section truthfully. Once you’ve finished, tag other users to complete the task. Begin by sourcing the person who tagged you.


Have you ever…


Been cheated on: never gave anyone the chance to


Kissed someone and regretted it: never been kissed (don’t judge)


Drank hard liquor: a couple times. I didn’t like the taste


Been drunk and thrown up: nope


Met someone who changed you: I met Loren Hale once (my only celebrity run-in). He was standing on my front doorstep (long story). Loren Hale left within like five minutes—but he actually spoke to me. He noticed my Mutants & Proud pin, and I mentioned liking X-Men Evolution (the cartoons). Then he made a comment about the comics and Lily Calloway. He called her his girlfriend, but they were and are still engaged if Celebrity Crush is right. It made me think that girls could read comics too—and the way he spoke, he presumed I already did. I never tried to read them until that moment, until he left and I thought yeah, I’m allowed to read these too.

I started New X-Men and related so much to Wallflower, a girl I really needed a year ago, when my dad divorced my mom. And I would’ve never read comic books and fallen in love with them if I didn’t meet Loren Hale


Fallen out of love: I’ve never fallen in love to fall out of it


Found out who your true friends are: this is why I keep my circle small. Maggie is the truest friend there ever could be


Lost glasses: multiple times. My little sis sometimes takes them to be funny


Sex on the first date: …idk maybe I’d do it? Thinking about it makes me nervous…


Been arrested: in a nightmare


Turned someone down: for what? Like dating?


Fallen for a friend: no. I don’t like the guys at my school like that (you wouldn’t either if you were me)


What was your…



Last drink: Fizz Life


Last phone call: umm, my Grandma Ida. She wanted to crochet me a scarf for next winter and needed to know what color yarn. I told her blue


Last text message: “I bought it! I bought it!” to Maggie, in relation to Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud—I’ve been saving up babysitting money to purchase the comic book. I read ANYTHING that Loren Hale recommends (my comic book guru), and he suggested this one not long ago on social media


More questions…


Do you have any pets: my dad hates pets, but when he moved out a year ago, my mom let Ellie get a hamster. It smells really bad


What did you do for your last birthday party: ate out at the Noodle House with just my mom, sister and Maggie. I don’t like big parties, especially not ones about me


Name something you cannot wait for: A REBOOT OF NEW X-MEN (PLEASE HAPPEN!!! I’LL TAKE ANYTHING!!!) Also, for Maggie to meet Scarlet Witch (aka Elizabeth Olsen) one day.


What irritates you: being forced to speak up in large crowds


Nickname(s): none (I’m not that cool)


Relationship status: single


Favorite TV show: tie between Gravity Falls & X-Men: Evolution. I love them


High School: ready for it to expire


College: wish I could go. I’m working on it


Hair Color + Length: light brown, straight, and about to my chest?


Height: 5’5’’


Your crush: TOM HIDDLESTON!!! (aka Loki)


Tattoos: my dad says no


Right or left-handed: Right


Any surgeries: nothing that serious


Any piercings: double lobe piercings on both ears, just four little studs, two bats and two stars


Favorite sport: sports? *runs and hides*


First vacation: never left Maine before, but when I was really little, we used to go to the coast, about 4+ hours from Caribou, and we went sailing one time. I can’t really remember it, but my mom has pictures. Everyone seems happy


What do you like…


Hugs or kisses: hugs for now


Shorter or taller: taller than me. Even if it’s only a little taller. That works too.


Older or younger: older but not too old—I couldn’t do what Daisy Calloway does with her boyfriend, who’s like seven or eight years older (I can’t remember)

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