Home > A Second Chance(4)

A Second Chance(4)
Author: Jen A. Durand

She had thought nothing could hurt as much as it hurt when Ryan died. They had been so young and in love, she had thought they would have years together. In the end, they had only a few months.

What was happening now felt twenty times worse.

“What are you going to do with an eight-month-old baby?”

He shrugged, “I’ve moved back to the Ivy house for the time being. I thought it would be best to handle all of this privately. Emilia has worked for my family for years.”

“They also haven’t taken care of a baby in years.”

“I am sure Emilia can figure it out.”

Emilia was the Saint Clair’s housekeeper and ran their household with an iron fist. She was in her late fifties and had probably not changed a diaper since Noelle was in diapers. She would have no idea how to rock Kier to sleep when he was tired or sing to him when he was hungry.

“Have you even brought any of the things a baby would need?”

“I was kind of focused on finding my nephew. I didn’t have much time to think about the details.”

She nodded before offering, “then how about you let him come home with me? Just for a little while? Until you have everything you need?”

“That is not a good idea.”

“I’m his mom. The only person he knows in this world. Even though he’s young, you can’t tell me you think he wouldn’t notice my absence?”

She could tell she’d hit a point as he shifted his bag to his other hand as he adopted a calculating gaze. “Noelle and my mother won’t be back for a few more weeks. I still need to work and can’t spend all of my time at home. I am willing to compromise.”

“What are you offering?”

“Move into the Ivy.”

“You’re joking.”

“No, I’m not. Move into the Ivy and help Kier get adjusted to living there.”

Staring at him in disbelief, she struggled to think of a response that wasn’t “over his dead body”. India couldn’t imagine a worse idea. Elizabeth and Noelle had been awful to her when they were together. Completely stuck up and full of themselves, the pair treated her like she was hired help and not the girl Alex loved.

“That’s not a compromise.”

“I actually think it’s pretty generous, Dia.”

Now there was a nickname she hadn’t heard in a while. He used to use it all the time. Usually when he was committed to a course of action she didn’t agree with. How many times had he used it when he talked about leaving town?

“How so?” She asked as she looked down at her sleeping son and gently rubbed his puffy round cheek. They were always so soft.

“My lawyer is currently back there with the Judge working it out so I will have full custody of Kier. For all intents and purposes, he’ll be my responsibility even after Noelle comes back. He and I need to get to know each other. No one knows him better than you.”

“You want me to help you take my son away?”

“I want you to help me be the best guardian I can be to the child in your arms.”

She bit the inside of her lip and looked down at her sleeping son. This was happening. All of it was out of her control. She felt like she’d been run over by a bulldozer.

Alex continued. “You are the one who said you couldn’t just disappear from his life. Move into Ivy house. Help with the adjustment for him.”






“Who was that woman,” Derrick asked as they walked out of the courthouse.

“A blast from the past.”

“In the form of?”

“An ex-girlfriend.” Alex grinned. “My first ex-girlfriend.”

“Noelle left her baby with your ex?”

He nodded, “no wonder she’d been vague. She knew I would have killed her.”

“Still confident in your decision?”

Walking into that room and seeing India had definitely thrown him for a loop. She’d been the last person he expected to see. He couldn’t help but think of it as a welcome surprise. As messy as the situation they were in was, he couldn’t help but think this was his chance to get some closure.

When they broke up all those years ago, it had been for a mix of reasons. Immaturity, ego, and a little bit of selfishness. He’d been so wrapped up in what he wanted he couldn’t see anything from India’s point of view.

“She’s your ex, but you offered to let her move in with you?”

“It seemed like the kind thing to do.”

“Nice sentiment, but you aren’t a kind man Alex. Remember I know you. Before you walked into that room and saw who the foster mom was all you could think about was covering for your sister.”


“So, what is the real reason you invited her to Ivy house.”

Finding out Dia was single felt like a sign. He’d thought he’d lost his chance with her when he found out she’d gotten married only a few years after they broke up. He’d always thought they would get back together. After a few months apart one of them would grew up enough to get over themselves.

Alex smiled for the first time in what felt like weeks. It was looking like he was going to get everything he wanted. The IPO and the chance to restart things with the one that got away.

“You were right. I was India’s worst nightmare. Now I am trying to rectify that by giving her the chance to be a part of helping Kier adjust to his new environment.”

“And you really think she’s just going to let you have her baby?”

“I know India. She is true to her word once she has given it. As much as she hates the circumstances, she knows she doesn’t have many options.”

Derrick shrugged. “If you trust her, I will have to take your word for it. When is the last time you saw her?”

“When I was eighteen and she was sixteen.”

“Wow, so you two have history?”

“You could definitely say that.”

They had been each other’s first in almost every aspect. Alex had been completely in love with her. He couldn’t remember feeling the same way about another girl.

“Judge Adams made welfare checks a condition of your guardianship. She wants you back in her chambers in two months to make sure everything with Kier is going well.”

“That’s fine.”

“She picked a date two days after the New Year.”

“It’s not like I’m going anywhere. It would be just a few days before the announcement of the IPO.”

“She’s a bit anxious about giving custody to a bachelor, so remember to keep out of trouble.”

“Yeah, because I’m the Saint Clair that likes to stir up trouble,” Alex said as they stepped down onto the sidewalk and made their way over to his car.

“I have a couple of things I need to do in the office before I meet with Dia at the house.”

Derrick nodded, “I have a bit of work to do. I am going to head back to the firm.”

The pair shook hands before Alex got into his car. Derrick put a hand on his car door and bent forward. His dirty blond hair fell forward across his forehead as he looked into his friend’s eyes.

“Try and be careful. It has been a long time since you and this ex have been around each other. You have a lot more to lose nowadays.”

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