Home > Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me(19)

Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me(19)
Author: Luna David

A tentative smile crept over his lips as a few more tears fell. “Really?”

“Really, sweetheart. I wouldn’t lie to you. I’ll never ever lie to you.” He must have trusted what I said and what my gaze was telling him because his tentative smile turned into the widest, most beautiful grin I’d ever seen.

I’d never been caught so emotionally off guard in my life, but there was nothing I wouldn’t do to assuage his fears and insecurities. And at that moment, I couldn’t stop myself from gripping the back of his neck and pulling him toward me and into a deep, passionate kiss to soothe his fears and make sure he understood how precious this moment was to me.

And god, his lovely, pink lips and gorgeous hazel eyes. Soft and tentative, he let me lead, and when I coaxed his lips open with my tongue, slowly delving in, he tasted of mint and chocolate. Something he’d told me he had a weakness for. He sank into the kiss, his body relaxing in my arms, allowing me to bear more of his weight.

I could have held him forever. Sanders’s body was willowy and the perfect size for me to carry. Just holding him in my arms brought out my protective instincts. When I told him he was perfect, I meant it with every fiber of my being. He was perfect for me. I’d immediately been attracted to him when we first met face-to-face, and his sweetness was so endearing. And then online he’d opened up in a way he wasn’t comfortable with in person, and getting to know him that way had dropped a lot of barriers between us. Not to mention the sweet and sexy pics he’d texted me earlier in the day.

He wrapped his arms around my neck, and my heart nearly burst out of my chest as he hooked his legs behind my back and held on for dear life, sinking even farther into the kiss, soft little moans escaping each time I changed angles. I don’t know how long I stood there, one arm banded around his slim back, the other tucked under his sweet, little, round ass as we continued our kiss.

I realized my feet were moving in some semblance of a slow dance, completely unaware of everything around me until he pulled back and clasped my face in his hands again. I couldn’t have held in my grin if I’d wanted to, and I needed him to see my happiness. Needed him to understand he was a wonderful gift I would cherish. His lashes were still wet as we stared into each other’s eyes. I reached up and wiped a tear from his cheek. “Goddamn, you’re beautiful. How did you know?”

A tremor shook his small frame. “Your tattoo. I’ve never seen you in short sleeves before today. Do you know how long I’ve stared at that picture of you on Cuffd, memorizing every line of your tattoo, dreaming about the day your strong arms would hold me? And after the photos today…”

“Sweetheart—” I managed before he was shaking his head. God, I couldn’t take much more.

“I was hoping. I mean, I didn’t really know, but I was so attracted to you when we first met, and I thought you flirted with me a bit, but I never thought I would be that lucky, and—”

Grinning, I put his mind at ease. “I did. You were so damned adorable.”

He grinned right back at me. “And then we met online, and I just got so wrapped up in Tattooed_Daddy that I could barely pay attention to anything else. You made me feel so good.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the way his mind worked. I rubbed my hand up and down his back soothingly. “Well, I had no clue. But I’m so glad you want both facets of me. I was so physically attracted to you the moment I laid eyes on you that first day, but in the end, I knew it couldn’t work because of the type of relationship I was looking for, the type of relationship I need. I never imagined I would be lucky enough to have you this way.”

“I’m probably getting heavy. I’m sorry. I just latched onto you like a barnacle.” Sanders wiggled to get down, but I gripped him more firmly, not ready to let him go just yet.

“Huh-uh, you’re not going anywhere. I could hold you like this forever.” The comment brought a tender smile to his face, and he touched my cheek before running his fingers through my beard, which I absolutely loved, and I let him know when my eyes fell closed, and I let out a hum of approval. Hearing his breath catch, I opened my eyes and smiled back at him.

Our moment was interrupted by a rather long, dramatic, swoony sigh and our gazes turned toward Leo, remembering he was there. I smirked and glanced back at Sanders, who buried his face in my neck in embarrassment, mumbled “Oh my god,” and then wiggled until I let him down. I kept an arm around his shoulders as he turned toward Leo, his arms crossed.

“You guys are so sweet you’re giving me a toothache. Briggs, I’m so glad you’re you!”

I chuckled and squeezed Sanders closer when he groaned. “I’m really glad I’m me too. How lucky am I?” Leo beamed, and Sanders glanced toward me in surprise. “I’m so happy things ended up this way, sweetheart.”

Sanders turned and hugged me tight, mumbling into my shirt, “Me too.”

“Soooo, while you two were having your romantic moment, I might have caught some video and a few pictures.”

Sanders turned toward Leo and glared. “Ugh, Leo, seriously? It was a private moment.” I kept my chuckling quiet, but Sanders felt it and gave me a playful glare as well. “Not you too?”

I shrugged. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing pictures of us the first moment we realized who we are to each other.”

Grumbling, Sanders admitted, “Yeah, I guess.” He glared at Leo again. “But you need to stop being so nosy.”

“You love me just the way I am, and it’s my birthday, so I can do what I want.” At Sanders’s snort, Leo continued. “And on that note, I think we should postpone tonight’s little celebration because you two obviously need a lot of time to continue with your canoodling.”

No matter how much I wanted the time with Sanders, I knew he’d feel guilty leaving his best friend alone on his birthday. Not to mention, Sanders needed some downtime, and they’d obviously had the night planned for a while. I wasn’t about to take him away from a celebration he’d been looking forward to. “No, you guys continue on with your plans. I didn’t know it was your birthday, Leo. Happy birthday. You guys definitely need to celebrate, and you’ve obviously been looking forward to a drinkfest.” I turned my gaze to Sanders. “Besides, I’ve already made a reservation for our date tomorrow.”

Sanders glanced up at me, surprised. “You wouldn’t mind?”

I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead, knowing how much he loved those. “I want you to spend time with your family and friends, Sanders. It’s important. We have all the time in the world.”

“So swoony! Sanders, you have the best Daddy.”

Sanders covered his face and shook his head. “Leo, enough.”

My gaze moved to Leo when he asked, “Well, why don’t you join us? Toss a couple back?”

“I mean, I do have something to celebrate I suppose.”

That piqued Sanders’s interest. “What are you celebrating?”

I dug the keys to Quixotic Books out of my pocket and held them up, giving them a little shake. “I have the keys, and the paperwork has been finalized. I’m officially your new neighbor.”

“Congratulations!” Sanders gave me a genuine smile and bounced a little in place as he brought his hands together in excitement, and I swear to god, I’d never seen a more adorable sight. “I’m so happy for you.”

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