Home > Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me(25)

Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me(25)
Author: Luna David

When Sanders didn’t answer, I turned my gaze his way, letting out a quiet chuckle when I saw he was asleep against the window, his breath fogging up the glass. Looked like I was going to have the first guest in my new home. I was glad I had made the guest bed. I drove home to the sound of Sanders’s soft snores.

Sanders didn’t wake when I turned off the car, or when I shut my door, or when I opened his. His eyes barely fluttered open when I unlatched his seatbelt. “Hmm?”

“Hey there, sleepyhead. Let’s get you out of the car, okay?”


I basically had to lift him down and make sure he was steady on his feet before letting him go. I stepped forward, but when he didn’t come with me, I went back and wrapped my arm around his waist to lead him into the house.

“Where’re we?”

Still so very drunk.

“We’re at my house. You fell asleep on the way home, and I don’t know where you live, so I had to bring you here.”

“’Mkay, thas nice,” he said, my arm wrapped around him as he stumble-walked into the kitchen with me.

Chuckling, I helped him up the stairs and toward my bedroom, chatting to him as we went to keep him awake enough to walk. “Let’s get you something to wear from my room, all right?”


“Here, sit down on the bed. I’m gonna get you a sleep shirt and some sweats that tie because otherwise they’ll fall off.”


Finally sitting, Sanders turned his gaze up to me and gave me a soft, drunk smile. He seemed to be okay at the moment, so I left him to head to my closet. I spent too long trying to find some pajamas that probably had no chance in hell of fitting him, but they would have to do.

Sanders had other plans, however, because when I walked back into my bedroom, the boy had stripped himself down to his tighty-whities and had curled up in the spot I’d vacated earlier when the alarm company had pulled me out of a deep sleep.

Shaking my head, I groaned quietly and pulled the covers over Sanders’s nearly naked body. I undressed down to my boxer briefs and crawled under the covers on the other side, far enough away so I wouldn’t take advantage of the sweet, drunk boy passed out in my bed.

I was just nodding off when I heard a sleepy snuffle and felt the bed move. Lying as still as I could, I waited for him to settle down again. And he did settle down, but he did so by draping his body over mine like an octopus, head on my chest, his soft hair tickling my chin. I lay there not moving, not making a sound and barely breathing, until I heard one of his little snores.

I tried. I really, really fucking tried, but I couldn’t keep my arms from wrapping around him and holding him close to me. I had absolutely no willpower around this boy. Goddamn, he was such a beautiful little temptation.









When I opened my eyes, I realized I was definitely not in my own bedroom. The main hint was the hairy chest I was lying on, and if I were being honest with myself—drooling on.

I scrambled up and, with growing horror, realized the person I was lying on was Briggs. He was sprawled out on the bed in nothing but his underwear. I looked down at my own body and discovered I was naked except for my underwear too.

Oh. My. God. What happened last night? Did we have sex?

That was when it all came flooding back. The alcohol. The proposal from Sam. The stupid hole to Narnia, and the alarm it triggered. Briggs’s arms around me when the police came.

I remembered how I got here too. Briggs had tried to drive me home, but I’d fallen asleep, so he took me to his house. He even offered to let me wear his pajamas and sleep in his guest room. But I took my clothes off in his room, and vaguely remembered wrapping my arms around him.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Just when I finally had a Daddy who wanted me, I had to act like a complete idiot and hammer a fucking hole in the wall of his business. What if he changed his mind about me?

Briggs’s eyes fluttered open. “You’re not stupid, sweetheart.”

Oh god. Had I said all that stuff out loud?

“Yes, baby. You ramble when you’re nervous.” Briggs sat up and widened his knees, gesturing for me to sit between them. His new position pulled the front part of his boxers tight, creating a little peekaboo hole for anyone who might want to see what was inside his underwear. I knew I shouldn’t look, but it was either look down or stare at his muscular chest that had a wet spot on his left pec I was probably responsible for.

“I didn’t mean… I was just… Well, I…”

He hooked a hand around my body and lifted me onto his lap like I weighed nothing. I couldn’t help but let out a surprised “Oh.”

It was hard not to be overwhelmed by him in his almost-naked state. With clothes on, he almost looked like a normal guy—a very attractive guy with a salt-and-pepper beard who had admittedly made me drop my tray the first time I laid eyes on him, but still. Without his clothes, the huge tattoo that covered his right shoulder and upper arm was exposed, and so were all his many, many muscles. He was almost ridiculously manly. Like Mr. Clean or the Jolly Green Giant. One did not simply sit in the lap of the Jolly Green Giant. There had to be time for mental adjustments of reality.

“We need to talk,” Briggs said as he leaned over and opened his nightstand, pulling out a tin of mints.

“About what? I can pay for the wall. And the security call. And—”

He chuckled. “I take that back. I need to talk. You need to listen.” He pulled a mint from the tin and slipped it between my lips. “Let’s get one thing straight. Last night didn’t change the way I feel about you. I want you, baby. You’re beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking.”

I wasn’t sure if he was saying that to make me feel better or if he meant it, but his words still made my stomach do a happy little flip.

He put a mint in his own mouth. “We’ll need to hire a contractor to fix your hole to Narnia at some point—”

“I am so, so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am.”

He pressed his thumb to my lips. “Shhhh. It’s my turn. I will take care of the wall, but not this morning. This morning I have a beautiful boy in my bed. Look at you, baby.” He lowered his hand to my chest and ran his fingers down my torso until he reached the sensitive skin of my abdomen. My stomach contracted under the thrill of his touch. “So fucking perfect.”

The unfortunate thing about white briefs was that they didn’t hide much in the way of erections. I had already been sporting a bit of morning wood earlier, but my cock was far too interested in the direction of Briggs’s touch. Especially when he covered the front of my underwear with his large, warm hand.

I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing, but my body was on fire. Briggs was touching me, and I didn’t want him to stop.


“That’s right, baby. I’m your Daddy. And I’m going to take care of you.”

I got so caught up in his words and his hand, I forgot I had a mint in my mouth and I accidentally swallowed it. Then I let out this very unalluring choking noise and coughed all over Briggs.

He smiled and lifted his hand from my underwear to wipe the spittle I left on his right cheek away.

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