Home > Wicked Deceptions(8)

Wicked Deceptions(8)
Author: Amy Cecil

 He turns me around to face him. “We have people who will train you.”

 I think about what he is asking of me and try my hardest to envision myself as a spy. And then I realize something. This is exactly what I have been looking for. If I become a spy for Germany, I will learn things about their efforts in the war, and hopefully someday, I will find a way to use it against them. They will think I am helping them, and I will have to do so for a time, but then I won’t and my vow will satisfied. My naïve little mind did not bother with all of the ramifications, and I find myself quickly agreeing to do it.

 “I’ll do it!” I say to him confidently.

 “Wonderful!” he exclaims. “You won’t be sorry, I promise you.”

 No, love, you will be sorry, I think to myself and then it occurs to me. Taking this position will put my life in danger. Are you sure this is something you want, Yekaterina? I look around my boudoir and realize my life is not worth anything without my family, my heritage, and my self-respect. But I have to ask… “Malcolm, will I be in danger?”

 “Honestly, yes, but I plan to make you so damn good at being a spy, you will be able to handle your missions expertly and without any risk to your well-being.” He pulls me into a hug. “Of that, I promise.”

 I nod. “So what’s next?”

 “Well, first, you will have to give Madame notice. Then we will make preparations for you to come to Germany for your training. You will need to leave Paris for some time.” He turns my chin, causing me to look him directly in the eye. “Katerina, I am not going to sugarcoat this for you. Your training will be gruesome. You will learn how to survive in very dangerous situations.

 How to endure torture and harden your heart. How to fight and have extensive physical training. You will learn to use your body and sex to get information. You’ll learn just about everything you will need to survive, but there will be times when you will be in situations where you will have to rely on your instincts.” He caresses my cheek. “Are you ready for all that?”

 I know this won’t be easy, but what else do I have? I can continue working for Madame LaRue, entertaining man after man and getting further away from a stable life, or I can accept his offer and find some purpose for myself. I have survived all of this for a reason, and I’m sure it is not to spend the rest of my life as a courtesan. I would have to leave my friends, but really, other than Gabriella, Jonathan, and Madame LaRue, I have nothing here. Germany has taken everything from me. This is my chance, and I will not let him scare me away. “I’m ready.”

 “You have made me very happy, dear. You are going to be a great asset to Germany and its efforts in the war.”

 You keep thinking that. I have grown very fond of Malcolm. I am not in love with him, but he has always been kind to me, and I do not want to hurt him. But he is just a pawn in the bigger picture, and like he said, I will need to learn to harden my heart. And that starts now.



Chapter 6



 Berlin, Germany

 January 1916


 One of the first things Malcolm taught me before my training ever began was that nobody, not even my closest friends, could know I am a spy. It makes sense. Even people I trust could end up being a liability if they know what I do, and I cannot let that happen. It is for their safety as well as my own. So I told Gabriella, Jonathan, and Madame that Malcolm and I were in love and I was moving to Germany. They were not happy. They were fearful that I was moving to enemy territory, but I assured them Malcolm would keep me safe.

 I arrived in Berlin two days ago. Malcolm is so excited for me to see where he is from, and he set aside today to show me around Berlin and his home. Berlin is not Paris and lacks the romantic beauty Paris affords. Tomorrow morning, we are to leave the city for what will be my new home for… well, I don’t know how long.

 The countryside is really pretty but is nothing compared to Russia. I never thought I would ever say this, but I miss the snow and the cold. Despite the harsh cold and snow, this time of year in Russia is surreal. The almost knee-deep white blanket of snow all over Saint Petersburg always looked magical, and I used to pretend I lived in a fairytale kingdom. Germany is completely different. Yes, it’s cold, but there is no white blanket. There is nothing that pleases the eyes here, just dark and dirty snow and freezing rain and ice. I swear it is the dreariest place I have ever been.

 “Is it always so dark and dreary here?” I ask Malcolm.

 He smirks. “No, not always. January is one of the darkest and most depressing months of the year. We have an old saying. ‘If you can survive January in Berlin, you can survive anything.’” He shrugs. “Obviously, it’s not fact, but it works for us Germans.” The driver continues on as the conversation lulls.

 We drive for another hour or so until we come upon a remote wooded location, where I assume I will start my training. Located in a clearing in a dense forest, I’m guessing due west of Berlin, is a cluster of low buildings surrounded by the many trees of the forest. Minimal grassy areas separate the buildings, and the entire compound is encased in not one but two wire fences. Everything is very plain and stark. Not that I am surprised, but it is clear I will receive no luxuries during my stay here.

 “We have arrived,” he says proudly as the driver parks the car.

 I look around at the dismal place that is about to become my home. “How long will I be here?”

 “You will receive your first chance at graduation after you have been through training for one year, then you will either stay until you pass or, frankly, until you die.”

 “Oh.” Mental note to self: Graduate after the first year.

 We step inside, and I am greeted by a tall man with red hair. He is not the most attractive man I have ever seen, but he has a cute boyish face that seems kind.

 Reaching his hand out, he says, “Welcome, fräulein, I am Heir Gerhardt Wagner, and I will be your only link to the outside world, as well as your trainer, handler, and partner in every mission going forward.”

 “Guten tag,” I reply in my most perfect German.

 “Good, I see you speak our language well.” He smiles, and he genuinely looks pleased.

 “Thank you, I also speak Russian, French, and English, but I am sure”—I give Malcolm a sideways glance—“Malcolm already told you that.”

 He turns toward Malcolm and shakes his hand. “Welcome, my old friend.” He glances back at me, then turns and walks away from us. “Follow me,” he says in a brisk manner that could be offensive to some. He takes us to an office a little way down the hall. When he enters, he steps behind a large desk and gestures to the two chairs in front. “Sit.”

 We do as he says.

 “I’d like to go over what you can expect during your time here.” He’s not wasting any time.

 “Oh, okay.”

 “Your training will be broken down into four blocks. The first two blocks will consist of mainly classroom training. You’ll sit through lectures on Germany’s history, its politics, and its economics. You will learn about other governments and how they affect Germany. You will have written assignments and timed tests.” He leans back in his chair and continues. “Blocks three and four will consist of more hands-on training, and I am here to warn you, they can be quite gruesome.”

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