Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(111)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(111)
Author: Emily Bex

He lifted her in his arms and carried her back to the house, the lights glowing in the windows. Kate lay against his chest, safe in his arms. As he walked back toward the house, Kate looked skyward at the clear, black night and the star-filled sky, and watched as a single star shot across the horizon.




Braden had called in his staffers to help manage this debacle. Alec's public persona was larger than life, so there was no way to sweep Rissa's death under the proverbial rug. Braden quickly crafted the story they’d tell, sending Santos back upstairs to unmake the couple’s bed, and make it look like Rissa had been sleeping there. They’d called the EMT’s, who then called in the police before they removed the body.

Braden had cut out all the lights in the downstairs chamber, closed and locked the door, and hoped like hell the police didn't ask too many questions. The police had questioned Alec and Santos, as well as him. They’d all repeated the same story. Everyone was aware of how much the Senator and his wife had been traveling, and they were both exhausted from the campaign. Rissa hadn’t been feeling well over the last week, and they’d come home to take a break. Alec had said he was in his study with Braden, trying to catch up on the mail, and planning the next stage of the campaign.

Rissa had gone to bed early. Alec said she might have taken something to help her sleep, and that could have made her unsteady. They heard the fall, but when Alec got to her, it was already too late. The police made the report, did a quick walk-through, and found no disturbance in the house. They’d taken photos of the scene before allowing the EMT's to remove the body.

Braden had their own doctor waiting at the coroner’s office to officially pronounce her dead, and to perform the autopsy, at the Senator's request. Everything had gone according to plan, and the morning newspapers all carried the headline of Rissa's death. In fact, every paper and every TV news program opened with an update on Rissa’s life. They showed news footage of Rissa on the campaign, at her wedding, attending fundraising events and spoke of her status as event planner for the socially elite. And now, they outlined the plans for her funeral and how many would attend.

The newscasters reported that Senator Canton had decided to hold the service in the National Cathedral, where, only a short four years ago, she’d married the handsome Senator.

Braden had remained at their Georgetown home for several days following her death, answering the phone calls from press and concerned friends and clients and trying to control the message. He also wanted to keep Alec as low-key and out of the limelight as possible. He tossed the latest stack of papers aside. "Well, Rissa, looks like you got your wish. You wanted to be the center of attention."

Today was the big day of the funeral, and there would be as many, if not more, in attendance for this service as there were for the wedding. Most of the attendees would be mortal. Hell, the mortals were the only reason they had to hold this service. No vampire was ever buried in a coffin.

Braden entered the study to find Alec already dressed in a black suit, pacing, and drinking Midnight. "Everything is under control. I've coordinated with Shade, and we'll have some security from his warriors, but I don't think we have anything to worry about. This event will be mostly comprised of mortals. Alto is bringing the car around, and we'll drive to the funeral home, where we’ll follow the hearse to the cathedral. Are you ready? Is there anything else you need me to do?"

Alec stood with his back to him, as he looked out the window, sipping at the Midnight. He was barely aware of Braden's presence. The images of Rissa lying beneath Max continued to play across his brain. Why did she do it? She knew the consequences of betrayal. He missed her, the smell of her perfume, her never-ending attempts to manipulate him into bed, her scheming, even her tantrums and door slamming. His house felt empty now, and he’d meant what he’d said to her. He loved her, in his own way. He’d need to feed soon, but he didn't have time to think about that. Braden's words finally broke through, as Alec finally turned to him. "What? Oh, uh, no, I don't need anything."

Braden looked at him and was pleased. He looked broken and distracted. He wouldn’t need to perform during this service. No one would see him shed a tear, but the stoic Senator looked like he’d lost a battle and that would do. Braden motioned to him. "Come on, Alec, the car is here. Let's go."

Braden accompanied Alec to the car and slipped into the passenger seat as Alec sat in the back. They drove to the funeral home where the hearse was waiting, with Rissa's casket inside, covered in white lilies. The funeral director came to the car to offer his condolences and provide instructions to Alto, who nodded in silence. The two cars pulled out and drove slowly through the streets of D.C. to the cathedral.

The massive stone church was already filled to capacity as all of Alec's fellow congressmen and women, and their spouses, along with all of Rissa's elite clientele filled the seats. The press was everywhere, and Alec was met with a wall of flashing lights as he emerged from the car.

Shade, Kate, and Cory had arrived at the Cathedral and taken their seats, along with Hyde and Mateo. Shade had warriors stationed strategically throughout the crowd, although he didn’t expect any trouble. Reaching over, he took Kate’s hand and held it in his lap. He looked toward Hyde. He knew Hyde had developed a relationship of sorts with Rissa. He leaned over and whispered, "You okay, warrior?"

Hyde turned to look at his master and shrugged. “Fine, I’m fine, believe me. My last experience with Rissa didn’t leave us on the best of terms."

Shade smirked. "Sounds typical."

His eyes scanned every corner of the massive cathedral as he sat quietly. He couldn’t say he felt any remorse over her death, and his presence here was more a show of respect for Alec. Taking in the crowd, he didn’t notice any other masters present. Alec’s choice to live in the mortal world had alienated him in the vampire community, and they showed their displeasure through their absence.

Kate looked up at the height of the cathedral ceiling before glancing around at the many stained-glass windows, constructed in the traditional style. Her eyes sought out the window that held the moon rock and designed in a very modernistic style. It was her favorite. They all stood as the pall bearers carried the solid mahogany casket, covered with the spray of white lilies, down the center aisle, as a choir sang, accompanied by the massive pipe organ. Kate scanned the faces of the crowd. They all looked appropriately somber, but she didn’t see any tears.

Cory fidgeted as he stood next to her. He really didn't want to come, but his father said it was their duty to be here. Kate was glad, at least, that they had left Lorenzo with Shannon and Luca. He’d never have remained still or quiet through this whole service.

Alec walked behind the casket as it was carried to the front of the cathedral, and then took the seat left vacant for him on the front row. He glanced across the aisle to see President Ashton glowering at him. Alec stared back until the President looked away. The service was elaborate but not overly long, and when it was over, the pall bearers, once again, hoisted the casket up and carried it back down the aisle, as Alec followed. He stood as they loaded the casket back into the hearse, then got back in the car, as Alto held the door for him. Braden slipped back into the passenger seat.

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