Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(120)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(120)
Author: Emily Bex

Kate enjoyed being pampered. She knew their time alone together was a rare gift anymore. His responsibilities to the camp and training the new warriors, managing the Dead House, and overseeing the expanding coven and his business concerns consumed his waking hours. He always carved out time to spend with Lorenzo every night, and soon, he’d have two children to help raise.

During her pregnancy, she fed from him with more frequency, and he still made love to her, but with restraint. He must control his beast and not feed from her and she missed the intimacy. Her eyes were heavy as she fought the need to sleep. She’d slept only a short time next to him on the flight before Lorenzo had demanded her attention.

She stroked his face and his strong jawline, and nibbled at his lips before sliding her tongue down his jaw and neck. She could feel the pulse of the blood that ran through his veins and her body responded to her need to feed both her and the child she carried.

Closing her eyes, her hand sought the back of his head as her fangs emerged and she sunk her teeth into his neck. The first taste of his blood across her tongue was electric. The power of his blood, of feeding from him, never lessened with time. Its impact on her was immediate as she moaned and felt the familiar explosion of heat between her legs. She felt his hands slide around her, pulling her closer, as he rolled onto his back and she straddled him. They’d make love, and then he’d hold her while she slept, and the embers in the fireplace faded.




Cory and Madison woke early, still a little jet lagged and adjusting to the time zone changes. Cezare had arranged to have their breakfast served to them in their room, and Cory laughed as Madison checked out every single dish, astounded that someone had made this much food for two people. Cory heard the light tap on the door and answered it, finding Hyde on the other side.

"Sorry to interrupt, Cory, but will you need me today? I haven’t received an itinerary of your schedule since we just arrived."

Cory looked back at Madison. "Maddie, did you want to go somewhere today?"

Madison was sitting at the table set up for them by the window, sipping at the strong coffee. "Well, I'd like to see more of the castle, if it's okay, and then I'd love to drive back into Florence."

Hyde chuckled. He was going to enjoy being Madison and Cory's protector while here. Being surrounded by their youth and joyful enthusiasm would be a big change from Rissa and her constant pouting and manipulative behavior. "I’m going down to the camp, catch up with some of the warriors. Let me know whenever you’re ready. Don’t leave these grounds without me."

Cory nodded. "No problem, Hyde."

As he closed the door, he walked over to Maddie and kissed her cheek, nuzzling into her neck. "As soon as you’re done eating, get dressed, and we can explore Castello. I probably haven’t seen it all myself.”

"Sure. That coffee was strong enough to keep me going all day. Let me get dressed really quick. Can I just wear jeans? I mean, is it formal in the house?"

Cory shrugged with a grin. "Nah, you can wear whatever you like. Wear comfortable shoes. Do you need Rosa to help you?"

Madison shook out her long hair as she stood and shed her robe. "Uh, no. She already unpacked all my stuff. I think I can dress myself."

She rummaged through the dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans, and a long sleeve ivory tunic top. She found her running shoes in the wardrobe and pulled on socks and shoes. "You think I might need a jacket? It's cool inside this house, but it is probably warm in the sun."

"Bring it along. I’ll carry it for you if you don’t need it."

When she was ready, he took her hand and, together, they made their way through the winding halls of Castello. He laughed every time she gasped and had to stop to check out some bust or painting. She knew so much about the pieces and explained the history of the art or the artist as they went. Cory felt like he was completely inept. He didn’t know anything about art.

They meandered everywhere inside the massive castle, and finally took a stroll down the Hall of Ancestors. Madison inspected everything up close, with wonder and excitement. He stopped in front of the painting of Shade as a young boy with his parents.

"This is my dad when he was about ten. He’d just started in the warrior camp. I think Lorenzo looks a lot like him."

Madison stared up at the massive portrait painted in oils. "Oh my god, Lorenzo is going to look so much like him!" Madison examined the portrait and saw it was signed by Michelangelo. "Seriously? This is crazy!"

"I know, right? I don’t know anything about art, but I know enough to know this is unique and valuable. Michelangelo lived with the Medici's when he was a boy. This painting was a gift to Christofano, my grandfather. Dad looks a lot like him. You can really see the resemblance from one generation to the next. I’ve heard that my grandfather didn’t like half-breeds. I doubt he would have approved of me being accepted into the family. Dad says it was just a different time. Still, it makes me wonder if he was alive today, would he throw me out. You know, Maddie, we can go to Michelangelo's tomb in Florence. Hyde grew up here too, he knows where everything is."

"I’d forgotten that. I know from art history class the Medici's were patrons of Michelangelo and many other Renaissance artists, but I’d forgotten he’d lived with them when he was a child. And I'd love to see his tomb. It’s in the Basilica of Santa Croce, I think. And the Ufizzi. And the Galleria, to see the statue of David. So much to see! Can we go now?"

Cory laughed. "We have a lot of time to go see everything. We don’t need to see it all in one day. Plus, you have to shop for a gown. But let’s take a stroll outside. I want to show you the gardens. I think you’ll really like it."

He led her through more halls and they passed the house staff, who nodded and greeted them. Once outside, Cory took her hand and led her through the meticulously maintained gardens of Castello. They ended up in the rose garden, which was still in full bloom.

Madison followed him through the formal low-hedge maze, and then into a large rose garden rich with blooms, even though it was late in the season. "Wow. They must have really mild winter's here. This garden is really lush. I’ve never seen so many roses."

Cory stopped and put his arms around her waist. "There’s a story behind all the roses. My grandparents were killed here, right here in this spot, during the bonfires. My dad had completed training in the camp, and was off exploring the world, learning how to integrate into the mortal culture. They were dragged from the castle in the daylight, and burned at the stake, although the sun would have killed them both anyway. My dad could not save them. And when he finally got back here, all that was left was a pile of ash. He found my grandmothers ring in the ashes, a ring he’d given to her. He retrieved it, and eventually, gave it to Kate. There was one rose bush that survived the fire and my dad had them take cuttings from that surviving rose and plant all the roses you see now.”

Cory picked a rose from a climbing vine and handed it to Madison. She inhaled deeply of the lush, fragrant bloom. "That’s such a sad story. But I love how your father found a way to honor their memory. Hmm, smells heavenly. No wonder Kate wears this scent all the time. And what's over there?" Madison pointed in the direction of the camp.

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