Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(121)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(121)
Author: Emily Bex

"Well, uh, that’s the warrior camp, where my dad trained, and where Lorenzo will come to be trained as well. Many of the warriors you see at Bel Rosso came from this camp. This camp is much bigger than the one at home. This is where Dad sent me when he first pulled me off the streets, before we discovered I was his son. I’m afraid it’s off limits. Marco would have my head if I brought a mortal into the camp." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "I really love having you here with me, Maddie."

“And I love being here. I thought Bel Rosso was a fairy tale, but this place is magical. Come on, let's find Hyde and start exploring, shall we?"

"Yes, the sun is feeling warm now."

Taking her hand, they strolled back into Castello. Cory was wondering if they could pack in everything they wanted to see in the time they’d be here. He wanted this to be the trip of a lifetime for Maddie.




They had been at Castello for several days now, and Lorenzo was constantly on the move as he explored every inch of the massive castle. Shade tried hard to keep Lorenzo occupied and out of Kate’s hair as much as possible. He wanted her to rest before the delivery.

Lorenzo tracked him down, asking if they could go to the camp. Lorenzo was well aware he’d be moving here on a somewhat permanent basis when he turned ten, and he had mixed feelings about the move. On the one hand, he couldn’t wait to follow in his father’s footsteps, to make him proud, but on the other hand, it meant moving away from his family, and living under Marco’s rule. Lorenzo still felt a tinge of intimidation around Marco, who seemed to have little time for playfulness.

Shade lifted Lorenzo up onto his shoulders, as they trudged to the camp. The camp in Florence was more than twice the size of the camp at Bel Rosso. Shade headed into the section of the camp that housed the newest and youngest of their warrior trainees.

Lorenzo sat up, his attention focused the moment he heard the sound of clanging metal and the shouts of victory. Lorenzo knew these sounds well from the time he spent in the camp at Bel Rosso, and it spoke to his heart.

Entering the training field, Shade could feel the boy squirming to get down. "Lorenzo, you are too young to train with these boys. You must watch and learn. Be observant and keep your wits about you. Hone in on the sounds of the arrows, the shuriken’s and swords. You will learn to sense their approach, long before they touch you, if you truly concentrate."

Lorenzo became still, and Shade knew he was doing just as he’d been instructed. "Okay, Daddy, I can do it."

Shade smiled. "That’s my little warrior."

Shade stood for a while with Lorenzo on his shoulders, watching the young recruits who ranged from ages ten to fifteen. He noticed there were no females, and he was displeased. He and Marco had very different views on the skills of female warriors. Shade felt strongly about expanding their ranks to include the female warriors if they were going to be effective in the future. He vowed to have a few words with Marco about his selections.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a loud whistle, one Shade was familiar with. He watched as all the warriors on the field dropped their weapons to the ground, and everything came to a grinding halt. Every warrior turned his head in their direction and instantly dropped to one knee, their heads bowed.

Shade smiled and raised his hand to Marco, who appeared from one of the bunkers. Shade walked slowly across the field, Lorenzo still on his shoulders, as Marco walked to meet him halfway. The warriors remained on one knee. Some of them tilted their heads up slightly to get a glimpse of their master and the young prince.

"About time your old ass got out here to see the new blood." Shade took his outstretched hand.

"Show some respect, brother, or I will never get anything out of this pack of warriors."

Marco made eye contact with Lorenzo, who looked away, wilting under his cold stare. Marco made a sweeping gesture with his arm, encompassing the training field and the many warriors. "Your warriors await you."

Shade slapped him on the back and pulled Lorenzo down from his shoulders, setting him on his feet. "It is time to greet our new warriors, and release them from their stance of respect."

As Lorenzo's feet hit the ground, he was approached slowly and respectfully by a brigade of young boys. The boys were all older than him, and though not as tall as their adult counterparts, they stood strong and tall. Lorenzo had been taught, since birth, that he was a prince, a vampire of royal blood, who must rise to rule the coven. It was his birthright. But until today, he’d never been faced with the reality of his destiny. He’d been held safe and protected in the confines of Bel Rosso, and even though he visited the camp there many times, the warriors at home stopped and played with him, holding mock battles. The boys that approached him now were looking at him expectantly, and with reverence, and Lorenzo felt overwhelmed. He stood close to his father and slid his arm around his father's leg.

Shade pulled Lorenzo from his leg and crouched next to him. "Lorenzo, these are your warriors, you must not be timid. You are expected to lead. They will train to protect us and everyone we love, and they will follow your command, even now. Be strong, little warrior, but show respect."

Shade stood and smiled back at the young recruits. "Welcome to Castello. From what I have seen, you look as though you will all grow to be fine and strong warriors, worthy of the Medici. I am your master and King, this is your Prince. He will lead all of you one day. We are honored to have you with us."

Shade took Lorenzo's hand and led him through the ranks of the young boys who stood proud. He shook a few hands, nodded, and answered questions. They weren’t shy but eager to have the attention of their master. They asked questions about their weapons, and any tips he had for their improvement.

Lorenzo remained silent and Shade could feel his curiosity mixed with intimidation of these older boys. One of the smallest warriors approached. He had dark blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Shade fist bumped the young vampire warrior. "Your name, son?"

The boy lowered his head in respect and raised his eyes, looking directly at Shade. "My name is Alfie, short for Alphonzo."

Shade smiled. "I would like to introduce you to your Prince." Shade nudged Lorenzo forward, encouraging him to take control.

Lorenzo stepped forward at his father's urging. There were no children at Bel Rosso. All of Lorenzo's interactions had been with adult vampires, and his limited exposure to the two mortal women who visited there. The young vampire introduced himself and Lorenzo had been taught how to respond. He was the Prince, he didn’t bow. The others would always bow to him. He must show respect to those who served him but remember he ruled them.

"Alfie, I’m Lorenzo, your Prince. Are you learning about swords? I like swords best. My daddy likes swords best too."

Shade felt everything inside Lorenzo and knew he didn’t see this young boy as a warrior but a playmate. "Alfie, would you do your master a great favor? I would be most honored if you would take your Prince inside the barracks, show him where you live, and give him an idea of what is in store for him once he comes to join you."

Alfie's eyes lit up as he nodded eagerly.

Shade turned to his son. “Lorenzo, go with Alfie. Marco and I will be right outside talking."

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