Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(125)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(125)
Author: Emily Bex

His eyes were pulled to a darkened corner of the chamber where he saw Christofano, standing with his madre to observe the birth of their next grandchild. Shade placed his hand atop Lorenzo’s curls. "My son, my little warrior, you are brave this night. I’m so proud of you. I do not think you will need your sword, but you are a true Medici, coming prepared. Hold your madre's hand, and together, we will help her, si?"

Shade kissed bel’s neck, gently whispering in her ear, "You see, mi amore, your son is here to protect you.”

Before the words were out, Kate screamed in pain and Theresa moved quickly between her legs to assist. Shade knew it wouldn’t be long.

Kate felt the hot, wet gush between her legs as her water broke, and the contraction seized her in another grip of pain. Theresa's voice soothed her. "I can see the head, my lady. I need you to push now."

Unconsciously, she gripped Shade's thigh with one hand, pushing back hard against his chest. Her son's hand still clutched her other hand, and she squeezed hard out of reflex, and yet, he stood firm beside her, protecting her. She laid her head back on Shade's shoulder, her eyes closed to the pain, as she pushed hard to bring this new baby into the world.

She could hear Theresa's voice. "Just one more, my lady."

She was aware of Shade's lips, close to her ear, whispering soft words, encouraging her to breathe through the pain. Another contraction hit almost immediately and she bore down hard, feeling the baby slip from her body and into Theresa’s capable hands.

Kate took a gasp of air as she relaxed back against Shade's chest. She opened her eyes to see Theresa holding the baby in the air, pink and squirming, her tiny fists fighting, her legs kicking, and a cry that filled the chamber. Kate laughed as tears streamed down her cheeks. Their daughter, their red-haired daughter had entered the world and was eager to let everyone know she was here. “Lorenzo, say hello to your sister, Sophia."

Lorenzo looked up at the baby Theresa held in the air. He wasn’t impressed. "She looks icky."

Theresa laughed as she explained they must clean the baby up first. Lorenzo looked doubtful that anything could make this baby look presentable. "What's that rope for?" He pointed to the umbilical cord that still attached the baby to her mother. Theresa patiently explained.

"That is the umbilical cord. It is how the baby fed from your mother while she was still in the womb. But we will cut that now, and Sophia will be on her own for the first time."

Shade heaved a sigh of relief at the strong wail of his infant daughter, her small body squirming in rebellion. He laid his head atop Kate’s as she rested against his shoulder. He chuckled softly at Lorenzo's reaction, clearly not impressed with his newborn sister.

As Theresa tied the thin hemp cord around the umbilicus, she handed the tiny infant to him. His daughter fit inside his two hands and was much smaller than Lorenzo was as a baby. Her head was covered in a thick mass of red curls. He bit through the umbilical cord, swallowing his infant daughter’s blood, bonding them immediately. He looked at Sophia, who stopped squirming and stared back at him with huge blue eyes that looked too big for her face. She stared at him intently, as if taking his measure and his heart was filled. She was a tiny replica of Kate, with the exception of her blue eyes. She cooed loudly as her tiny fists beat at the air.

Dr. Bonutti approached and quickly inspected the baby and announced she was strong and healthy. He handed the baby to Kate for her first feeding.

Kate took the infant in her arms and whispered. "Sophia, my impatient princess, we’ve waited a long time for you."

The baby stared up at her and blinked. Kate looked at her daughter, her head covered in ringlets of red hair, as red as her own, and eyes as blue as her father's. Her skin was fair, like Kate's. Kate lifted the baby to her shoulder where she rooted against her neck, her small hand grabbing a strand of Kate's hair. With her tiny feet still kicking, the baby sank tiny, sharp fangs into her mother's flesh, and drank for the first time. Kate felt the bond between mother and child, sealed for eternity.

Lorenzo watched wide-eyed. "I remember when I fed from you, Mommy."

Kate smiled at him. "Do you?"

He nodded his head vigorously. "Before Theresa, and Nita. I remember."

Shade supported his mate, letting her relax against him again and observed as mother and daughter bonded. The baby finally unlatched, and Theresa quickly took her and washed her body clean.

Shade moved from the altar and allowed Kate to lie back on the pillows as he adjusted them for her comfort. Kissing her on the lips, his heart was overwhelmed. "Ti amo, mi amore, you have given me a beautiful princess."

He heard Lorenzo gasp and he turned in time to see the boy lift his sword against Ivor as he approached Theresa to take the baby. "Lorenzo, lay down your weapon, little warrior. Ivor is from the Council, and they need to record the birth of your sister. Come.”

Shade held out his hand and Lorenzo lowered the weapon and took his father’s outstretched hand. They walked to the table where the open ledgers lie. Malachi recorded the date and name of the infant in the Council’s records as he spoke out loud, "Princess Sophia of Medici, daughter of King Shade and Queen Katherine of Medici."

Malachi then scored Shade's wrist as Lorenzo intently watched. Ivor placed Sophia's foot in the blood and made the footprint in the ledger beside her name. Shade pulled Lorenzo close and flipped back the pages of the ancient ledger. "Lorenzo, look, here is your footprint on the day of your birth."

As Lorenzo looked up at him and grinned, Shade ruffled his curls. Shade then recorded the birth in the leather-bound Medici family ledger. Malachi stepped forward and initialed to witness the birth, then Shade handed the pen to Lorenzo.

“You have witnessed the birth of your sister. Your initials will be forever recorded in the history of Medici as a witness to her heritage. Will you sign now, as her brother and protector for eternity?"

Lorenzo proudly took the quill pen from his father. Enzo had taught him to write, both in print and cursive. Under the footprint made in blood, Lorenzo wrote on the ancient parchment. ‘I love Sophia. Lorenzo Medici.’

Handing the pen back to his father, he looked up at him. "Is that good, Daddy?"

"That is perfect, my little warrior. She will always remember this."

Ivor returned the infant to Shade’s arms, and the Council offered their congratulations as they gathered their ledger and exited the chamber, followed by Dr. Bonutti. Even in the bowels of the ancient castle, the reverberating sounds of the fireworks could be heard, along with the clanging of the church bells, announcing the arrival of the Medici Princess.

Theresa had attended to Kate, changing her gown, and replacing the soiled linens, and patiently waited for her master’s instruction. "Do you wish me to take Lorenzo and leave you two alone?"

Shade looked to bel. "What do you wish, mi amore? This is your choice."

Lorenzo looked back at his mother imploringly. Kate knew the next few days would be chaos, and there would be almost no time for her to be alone with Shade, but she could see Lorenzo's need to be included in this moment of bonding. She held her hand out to Lorenzo, who scrambled up the stone altar, nestling in close to her, laying his head on his mother's shoulder and staring into the wide-open eyes of his new sister.

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