Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(157)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(157)
Author: Emily Bex

He felt a pang of guilt, knowing he’d taken her away from all she’d known and loved, and turned her into one of them. Would she have made the same choice to be with him if she knew the truth? He shook his head, clearing away those thoughts. He’d decided, long ago, that some secrets were better left buried, because sometimes, love did not conquer all.

Look at Alec and Rissa. Alec had ruled even longer than he had and had risen to great heights in power and wealth, but now was nothing but a shell of a master, with nothing to his name. How easily it could all be stripped away.

Looking down across the valley, he could make out the outlines of the 4,500 acres they now called Bel Rosso. He remembered the first time he’d brought Kate to see the place, the house in need of renovation, and empty except for a mattress he’d thrown on the floor. They had built that piece of land into something magical, something enchanting and peaceful, which called to his soul. This was his home now, in a way Castello had never been.

She had doubled his annual income with her sunflowers and lavender and created a beautiful landscape of color and fragrance. He realized how much she’d grounded him, even as he grew his base of power. He now held title to Virginia, California, District of Columbia, and Connecticut, in addition to the territories in Italy, France, and Greece. His padre could never have fathomed such a large responsibility. With Lorenzo, he knew the dynasty was secure for another generation. He could already see the warrior his son would become.

He didn’t know everything his future held, but he knew bel was his light in the darkness. He’d never be alone with any of his struggles. She gave him courage and strength, and she’d always stand at his side. He couldn’t grasp Rissa’s betrayal of her mate or the depth of Alec’s grief over losing her, even if it was at his own hand. He wouldn’t be able to bear the loss of Kate.

But while Alec’s life was unraveling, theirs was expanding every day. He had three children to raise, and there was still one more to come. This would be no small undertaking. Lorenzo must be prepared to follow in his footsteps, to lead the coven, and secure its future. Sophia’s and Natalia’s roles had not been revealed to them, but they were royal blood, and they too would carry great responsibility for the Medici coven, and ensuring the bloodline. His half-breed son, Cory, presented unique challenges, as no vampire had ever integrated a half-breed into the coven before. But Cory had found Madison, and she too was now under his protection, and living under his roof.

He took a long, final drag on the cigarette before stomping it out under his boot as he chuckled to himself. It would be a long time before he and Kate ever got to enjoy the quiet of living in that house as just the two of them again.

Sighing deeply, he reviewed his life, what had been, what was, and what had yet to come. The cobwebs cleared from his head, and he could see the eastern horizon as the sky began to unperceptively lighten, and he knew he didn’t have much time. Walking back to the bike, he put on his helmet and fired up the Harley. He took one last look, scanning the rolling foothills over all that was his, this was his Virginia. In the valley was his home and all he held dear to his heart. He’d found the answers he was looking for in bel, she was his destiny, and he’d never questioned that. Her role in his life was vital to the continuation of the Medici legacy. He only hoped she wouldn’t, one day, feel the price she’d paid was too much.



Lorenzo’s Rising – Sample of Book 5



Standing at the window, Lorenzo looked out over the grounds of Castello. The sun was setting, and his father would wake soon. He was ten now, and they’d come to Florence for him to begin officially training as a warrior in the camp, under Marco’s direction. He felt both excited and nervous to begin this journey. On one hand, he couldn’t wait to join the other young boys, and to train in earnest. Of course, he’d practically grown up in the camp in Bel Rosso, but he’d never been allowed to engage in mock combat with the adult warriors. He did have his private lessons with Skelk to master his fire-throwing skills, and his father’s help with mastering the sword. Now he was ten, coming to Castello meant leaving the comfort of his family. His parents and his sisters, Sophia and Natalia, would all return home to Bel Rosso after he was settled in. At least he’d have Zeus here. His father had promised to have his pony shipped back to Florence for him, although, Lorenzo would soon outgrow him.

He’d visited Castello many times since his birth, and his father had made it clear he had strong obligations to the coven. Lorenzo would be allowed to live inside Castello, as opposed to living in the barracks. Other than that one concession, his father had told him to expect no favors from Marco. He’d be treated the same as the other boys in the camp, and expected to excel. Lorenzo’s wet-feeder, Nita, would reside at Castello. He wouldn’t require the services of the adult female feeders until his puberty, which, unlike mortal children, he wouldn’t reach until around eighteen to twenty years of age. He’d no longer have his beloved nanny, Theresa. She’d return to Virginia with the rest of his family. Instead, Carlos had been assigned as his private butler.

Yesterday, he’d met Uberto, who would become his new tutor here in Italy. Enzo too would remain at Bel Rosso, teaching his sisters. Lorenzo felt like he was being ripped from everything, and everyone, he’d known in his highly guarded life. He was aware, now, of how different he was. He’d been taught the differences between the mortal and immortal world, although he’d found that lesson hard to grasp. He’d been made aware of how, and why, it was necessary to protect himself from mortals, while growing up in a household with two mortals. His half-brother, Cory had plans to marry a mortal girl. He understood Cory would never have been able to mate with an immortal. He accepted but didn’t understand why his species rejected the half-breed. He couldn’t imagine his life without Cory. And Madison presented no danger to him. Cory’s mortal mother would come to visit from time to time, and she was always welcomed into their home with loving arms.

There was, of course, his Uncle Luca and Aunt Shannon. His auntie had been turned now and was mated to Luca. For most of his life, he understood Shannon had been mortal. Of course, he knew his own mother was once mortal, even though Lorenzo never knew her as such. One thing was for sure, there were no mortals at Castello, and currently no female warriors either. His Uncle Marco was strictly old school, and this camp was run much differently than the camp in Virginia.

As he watched the sky turn pink with the setting sun, he heard a strange sound, like the clip-clop of horse’s hooves echoing down the long hallways of the castle. He turned to see his sister, Sophia, pushing open the massive door to his bedroom. Lorenzo rolled his eyes at the sight of her. Not only was his six-year-old sister wearing their mother’s heels, but she had somehow managed to get inside the vault where the royal jewels were stored. Sophia had the coronation crown for the queen, sitting lopsided on her small head, slipping down over one eye, and had on the large twenty carat diamond necklace, which was hanging almost to her waist.

“Sophia! Mom has told you to stay out of the vault.”

“Be quiet, Lorenzo, I can wear a crown whenever I want. I’m a princess too!”

Lorenzo had learned already that arguing with Sophia was a waste of time. “Okay, but don’t look at me when you get in trouble.”

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