Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(154)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(154)
Author: Emily Bex

He teleported out, and a short period later, was standing in the foyer of his Georgetown home. Santos rushed to greet him.

“Master, I wasn’t expecting you. I didn’t hear your car. Do you have luggage? I can get your luggage.”

“No luggage, Santos. Bring me a Midnight, please.”

The butler rushed off as Alec walked through the familiar halls of his home and into the family room where he turned on his TV. Every news channel was covering his announcement to leave the campaign, and the pundits were all speculating as to his reason. And just as he expected, the press was waiting for his arrival at Reagan National Airport, even though airport officials had told them they had no flight plan for a private flight out of Columbus, nor had they been notified to anticipate Mr. Canton’s arrival.

Santos returned with the Midnight, and Alec was enjoying a long draw from the glass when his cell phone rang. He checked the ID, and saw it is was an international exchange. He scrunched up his brow, wondering who’d be calling him. He hadn’t lived in Europe in the last 150 years. He sighed, not wanting anymore drama in his day, as he answered the call. “Alec here.”

Malachi was gritting his teeth on the other side of the ocean, where, even here, bad news traveled fast. “Master Canton. This is Malachi. Council has demanded your presence before an official tribune. We expect you here tomorrow.”

The line went dead, and Malachi disconnected as soon as his message was delivered. He didn’t call for a discussion. The Council was long overdue in reigning in the antics of this vampire.

Alec downed the last of the Midnight. “Pack my bags, Santos. Looks like I’m going to Florence.”




Not much had changed since the last time he’d visited Council. The massive stone building was located in a compound just outside of Florence, where the Council members all resided. He was allowed to enter by the guards, who were all warriors trained by the Medici, wearing ceremonial leathers bearing the Council crest. He recognized a few faces of the warriors but didn’t remember their names. The warriors, who were chosen to serve here, served for life, just as the Council members did. The security was tight, and as far as Alec could remember, there had never been a breach of Council security.

Alec was offered a seat in the waiting area outside the chambers, but he remained standing, pacing nervously. It had been centuries since he’d been summoned to Council. He had no doubt this was over the presidency. The Council had never been happy with his decision to pursue such a high-profile position in the mortal world. In fact, there had been little he’d done that had ever pleased Council, so at least he was consistent.

The massive doors into chambers were opened, as two heavily armed warriors stepped forward, and motioned him to come in. One of the warriors announced him. “Master Alec Canton.”

Alec heard his own name echo off the high walls. He approached the long table, with a single chair that faced the dais of the seven Council members, all wearing their signature hooded robe. The robes were each a different color, and the color designated their area of control. The hoods obscured their faces, casting the upper portion of their faces in shadow. Alec had forgotten who was responsible for what but remembered Malachi generally took the lead in these Council sessions.

He sat down in the empty chair and waited for the inevitable. He took note that the two warriors who escorted him in had taken up position behind him. Onyx, in his black robe, stood up behind the dais.

“Master Canton, we regret that we must call this session of Council to address the situation you have placed us in.”

Alec looked back at him with indifference. He’d never been one for rules. “I don’t understand how what I’ve done affects you in any way. You didn’t want me running for President, and I’ve withdrawn. What’s the problem?”

Onyx pushed back his hood, exposing his face, as his eyes bored into Alec. “My role here is security. Not just the security of the Council but security for our species. The fact that you have gone through your life with total disregard for your fellow vampires, and how your actions have put them at risk, speaks volumes. It is not our business how you handle your mate. Your decision to end her life is your choice, she is your property. But when you have chosen to live such a high-profile life among the mortals, her death becomes something the mortals could question. Fortunately for you, the situation was well handled, and we were not exposed. And now, you end your campaign, but don’t think we are not aware of the situation with the mortal. Again, you show a total disregard for the safety of us all. You are not some rogue who runs the streets, you are a master, and with that comes great responsibility.”

Alec shrugged. “The thing with the girl was handled. No big deal.”

Onyx raised his voice. “It was handled, but not by you! You do nothing but create situations we must work to cover up. First it was your mate, Larissa, and now this! You have no regard for the danger you put us all in! So, now you have resigned yourself to the fact the Presidency is out of reach for you. What now? Your face is known internationally. The mortals believe you to be one of them, and yet, you will not age. Do you even think of these things? Where can you go that you will not be recognized? You disgrace us all! Your coven is gone. You were so self-absorbed, living in the mortal world, and in the meantime they have all dispersed, moved on to other covens. If I could remove your title of master, I would, but that is your birthright. However, it is the decision of the Council that you are to be exiled. Your territory, what is left of it will be re-assigned, and you are henceforth ordered to live underground. Remove yourself from the mortals completely for a full century.”

Alec was on his feet, when he heard the two warriors step closer. He looked over his shoulder to see they had weapons drawn. He looked back at the dais and shouted, “You can’t do that!”

Onyx pulled the hood back over his head. “We can, and we have.” Turning to Florian, in his blue robe, Onyx asked him to read from their bylaws.

Florian stood and flipped open the ancient text, as he read the passage aloud. “Any master, who, by his actions, risks the safety and security of the species, shall, at the discretion of Council, have all of his territories revoked, and must forfeit his coven. Said master may be required to live in exile for whatever time period is determined necessary by Council to restore security.”

Alec could feel his face burning he was so angry. “You can’t take my territory! Where am I supposed to go?”

Jasperion, in his orange robe, flipped open the ledger containing all maps of all territories and land deeds. “You have already given your territory of California to Master Medici. Given his close association with you, and his management of both California and Virginia, it is the decision of Council that your territory of Connecticut, as well as the District of Columbia, otherwise known as Washington, D.C., will both be transferred over to the Medici. Perhaps, in a hundred years, he may be willing to transfer it back to you. That will be his choice.”

Alec slammed his hand down on the table. “Fuck! You’re taking everything. What am I supposed to do?”

Malachi spoke softly, “You still have significant financial resources at your disposal. You are a very rich master. Where and how you survive the next hundred years is up to you to figure out. But make no mistake, Master Canton. If you do not abide by the decision of this Council, and you continue to place our species at risk of exposure, we will not hesitate to exterminate you, so plan carefully.”

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