Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(62)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(62)
Author: Emily Bex

Lorenzo slid off Cory onto the floor and looked at his feet as he answered softly. "Knock first, and wait for permission. But I got excited."

Kate apologized to Cory and his girlfriend, both of them looking a bit disheveled. "I’m so sorry for the interruption."

She took Lorenzo by the shoulders and turned him to face Cory and his guest. "Now, apologize, and when your father wakes, I’ll tell him of this behavior. Be prepared for him to take away some of your cards."

Lorenzo pouted as he apologized, "Sorry, Cory. Sorry, Miss Madison. I was just excited ’bout the pool."

Cory stood up and kissed Kate's cheek. "It's okay." Squatting down in front of Lorenzo, he gave him a hug. "Still love me?"

Lorenzo threw both arms around Cory's neck, planting another wet kiss on his cheek. "You're my best friend, Cory."

"I love you too, little dude. Can you give Madison a hug too?" Leaning into Lorenzo's ear he whispered, "It really helps when you say you’re sorry."

Lorenzo immediately placed his arms around Madison and kissed her cheek. "You smell good."

Madison laughed and said, "Thanks."

Kate steered him away, apologizing again for the interruption as she led Lorenzo from the room, closing the door behind her. They could hear Kate lecturing Lorenzo as they walked down the stairs, and Lorenzo talking a mile a minute in his defense. Both Cory and Madison collapsed into giggles before Madison turned to him. "Your father is asleep? I thought he was working in the vineyards."

His heart raced and he concocted another story. "Oh, he was on a business trip and got home really late, so he’s probably resting, jet lag and all. He travels a lot. We should probably get moving, it’s getting late and I know you have school tomorrow. Are you about ready to head back?"

Madison seemed a little taken aback by his sudden offer to take her back home. The sun hadn't even set yet, but she did have some art history homework to finish. "Uh yeah, I guess I should be going. This was really nice, Cory. I'm glad I came. I like your family."

Smiling at her, he took her in his arms. "I’m glad. I was worried you wouldn’t like it here, it can be hectic sometimes. I’m sure the next time you’re here, my dad will be around. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet him."

Kissing her softly, he took her hand as she grabbed her bag and they walked down the flight of stairs and encountered Kate. "Mom, we’re leaving now, I’ll be back later." He hoped she got the message loud and clear she needed to keep Aegis at bay.

Kate was about to enter their bedroom when she heard Cory approach. Letting go of the doorknob, she turned and walked toward them, sending a message to Aegis once again to steer clear. "Madison, I’m so happy Cory brought you here. Please feel free to visit us any time. I apologize, but our house is usually in chaos." Kate gave her a warm hug. Looking over her shoulder at Cory, she said, "Be sure you schedule her next visit, so your father can meet her too."

Looking at Madison, she explained. "There was a new foal born in the stables last night, and Shade was up all night assisting our Stable Master with the delivery. He’ll be so sorry he missed you."

Cory rolled his eyes at Kate. This couldn’t be more of a disaster. He quickly tried to cover for his own story he’d told Madison. "Oh, I thought Dad was napping from jet lag from his trip. So, we have another new foal. Great." Cory felt like his heart was going to pound right out of his chest. Madison must think he was a moron.

Madison was pondering the various versions of the story as to why she wasn’t meeting Cory’s father, as he lead her down the second flight of stairs to the main floor where she caught a glimpse of Luca entering the office. Gi was standing at the door and opened it for them both. Madison frowned as she became aware she was listening to "The Addams Family" song in her head. She bit her lip and suppressed a giggle as Cory asked if she was okay. She nodded her head, she liked Cory’s family, but things were definitely a little weird. "Yeah, of course."

As they got to the truck, he grabbed her in his arms and kissed her. "Thanks for coming today. I hope it wasn’t too painfully weird for you."

Madison smiled back at him. "I liked them, no, I really loved them, Cory. Weird is good."




Alec had received notice from Shade both Hyde and the new warrior, Mateo, had been prepped and were ready to begin their assignment. He was surprised at how easily Ashton caved when confronted with the threat of releasing the video footage of him and Rissa together. He’d expected Ashton to put up more of a fight.

He met with the RNC after Ashton’s announcement and they’d been very supportive of his decision to throw his hat in the ring. He’d had the press conference scheduled, and he’d announce to the nation he was officially in the running. Braden was setting up his campaign schedule, and they’d be making the rounds, starting first in Iowa. It was time to pull Rissa into the process and make sure she understood her role and what he expected from her.

Pouring another Midnight, he walked to the bottom of the stairs and called up to her. She’d worked from her home office most of the day, and he wanted to catch her before she went riding. "Rissa, could you join me in the study please?"

Rissa stood with hands on her hips, looking through her walk-in closet. She’d been preparing for the campaign and wanted to be well dressed and have everything organized before leaving. She desperately needed a drink and a cigarette when she heard Alec call. Sighing, she walked down the stairs and into his study. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, darling, just some details we need to go over. Why don't you sit with me in the study?"

Eyeing him, she smiled and strolled over to the comfortable couch, sitting down, curling her legs beside her, and cocking her head to one side. "What kind of details?"

Alec lit up a cigarette as he sat. "I have the press conference scheduled two days from now where I will officially announce my candidacy. It will, of course, be televised and picked up by all the major networks and news organizations. I’ll expect you to be at my side. I’ll need you to dress professionally, nothing sexy. You’ll need to present a fashionable, but highly respectable image to the public. Designer is okay, as long as you keep it on the conservative side. You probably won’t be asked to speak, as it will just be me announcing my intentions, but Braden will counsel you on a few canned responses in case the press does start throwing questions at you."

Biting her lip with excitement, their time had finally come. "Oh Alec, this is so exciting. We’ve finally made it. Almost there! I promise, I won’t let you down, I’ve been thinking about my wardrobe. I’ve chosen some very respectable but elegant outfits. I’ll tone down the jewelry. Braden is so..." Wiggling in her seat, Rissa threw up her hands. "Well, he’s so proper and standoffish with me, like I don’t exist."

Alec took a sip from his glass before answering. "Braden knows what he’s doing. He’s managed several very successful campaigns before, including my own Senate campaigns. So, get used to him. He’ll be calling a lot of the shots. Soon after the press conference, we’ll be making our first campaign stop in Iowa. We'll make rounds to a number of functions where I’ll be giving a canned speech, but we’ll mingle with the people at the State Fair. Braden will advise you on your wardrobe, but you’ll need something appropriate for the occasion. It’s outdoors. A lot of emphasis on agriculture. Nothing fancy. You'll need to look good, but your clothing will need to be more off the rack than designer. You want to look fashionable, but not so rich people can't identify with you. You'll interact with the locals. Kiss babies. Provide photo ops with the locals, that sort of thing."

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