Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(64)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(64)
Author: Emily Bex

"Before I answer, I have a question. Tell me, please, Hyde is going with us, it will help my attitude tremendously."

Alec was relieved he could give her something. "Yes, Hyde will be there every step of the way, as will a new warrior who’ll be assigned to me. His name is Mateo. Alto will be along as well. We’ll spend a lot of time on that campaign bus, traveling from town to town, and Alto will be my driver."

"Bus?" Closing her eyes, taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her anger. Opening her eyes, she walked slowly toward the door of the study.

Sighing heavily, she answered him. "Yes, Larissa Benneteau Canton, wife of Senator Alec Canton, will wear her conservative, off the rack clothes, disgustingly comfortable shoes, kiss slobbering babies, shake millions of filthy hands, live on a rickety ass bus while she smiles like a good little mortal wife while her handsome husband wins them over with his charm."

Getting to the door, she could almost feel him smirking. She turned with her arms crossed over her chest and her hip jutting out. "In case you’ve forgotten, Senator Canton, you have yet to fulfill your end of the bargain concerning Ashton."

He smiled to himself as he listened to her describe life on the campaign bus as he poured another Midnight. "Oh, I haven’t forgotten. Shade is having his people at Castello crate everything and ship it here. Of course, we won't be here often, but we’ll be coming back to D.C. in between campaign trips. I’ve arranged to have the basement finished and soundproofed while we’re on the first leg of the campaign. Santos will bring someone in from one of the underground clubs to set everything up, and it will all be waiting for you when we get back home. So, you see, my darling, you do have something to look forward to."

The smile began at the corners of her mouth and lit up her entire face. She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him with unleashed abandon. "Thank you, Daddy, baby girl can bear anything if she comes home to that." Still grinning, she released him and strutted out of the room, a swivel in her hips. "There better be horses at these damn state fairs."

He laughed. "Oh, I'm sure you'll see horses, my darling, probably not up to your standards, but plenty of horses."

Rissa stopped at the stairs and smiled. "Good night, my wicked vampire. I love you, Alec, I’ll always love you."




Shade left the house and took the long walk to the warrior camp. It was beginning to feel like summer, and the days were getting longer. The sun had set, but it was still light outside, allowing him to walk freely outdoors. He liked the color of the sky at sunset. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the lavender carried in the air.

Stepping inside the massive gate, he knew the warriors wouldn’t be out yet. Their field activities didn’t get hopping until about 10 p.m. He could hear the squeal of delight from his son as he worked with Skelk to practice his skill of throwing fire. It was a rare gift, but nothing as rare as animalism. Shade had met a few fire throwers but had never had one in the Medici camps before. Shade was grateful for Skelk and his offer to help. He was doing a great job with Lorenzo.

He stood back along the high wall, so he could watch Lorenzo’s progress. It didn’t take the child much effort to produce the fire, and he was learning control. This was a huge step for him. What pleased Shade even more was Lorenzo was no longer afraid of his gift.

Shade stepped forward and it didn’t take long for Lorenzo to notice him. The child flashed him a smile as his feet went into motion, heading straight for him at full speed. Shade crouched down to accept him as Lorenzo hurled himself into his arms, already chattering away. "Daddy, did you see me? I can hold the fire in my hand. Skelk is teaching me. Did you see me, Daddy?"

Ruffling his hand through that mop of raven curls, Shade's smile was genuine. "I did see it. You are pretty amazing, little warrior. Do you like working with Skelk?"

Nodding his head, his curls bobbing with the motion, he replied, "Skelk is my third best friend. First is Cory, then Luca. Don't tell him he's third, okay, Daddy? It might hurt his feelings. Mommy says I have to be careful with my words to not hurt people's feelings."

Shade hugged him tight to his chest, rubbing his back. "You know, your Mommy is a pretty smart Mommy if you ask me, and she is correct. But it is always a good thing to have many friends, especially ones like Skelk who can protect and teach you. I have something to ask you, will you listen?"

Lorenzo cupped his tiny hands behind his ears and giggled. "I put my listening ears on."

Shade chuckled. "I think I might need to borrow those sometime. But here is my question. First of all, I am very impressed with your skill of fire throwing. You’re doing a fine job as a warrior. As a reward, how would you like to go camping up on the mountain with me tonight? Just Daddy and his little warrior."

Lorenzo bounced up and down at the chance to have his father all to himself. "Yes, please! Can I stay up really late? Will we sleep in a tent? Can Warrior come?"

Skelk approached them, shaking his head and grinning. A man of little words, his next comment took Shade off guard. "He seems to get some of his traits from his mother, a million questions at once."

"Skelk, there are times that female drove me to distraction with her questions, but Lorenzo, I think he might give her a run for her money.”

They both laughed and Shade slapped Skelk on the back. "Appreciate this more than I have words. It is obvious he is learning control. Take the night off, Skelk, it is the least I can do for you."

Lorenzo scrambled over to Skelk and wrapped both arms around one massive leg of the imposing warrior. "I love you, Skelk. Uncle Luca says you'll help me to be as good a warrior as my daddy."

Skelk ran his hand through the small boy’s hair, feeling awkward and unaccustomed to the display of affection, his face turning red as he responded, "I love you too, little buddy."

Shade observed the interaction between his son and the fierce warrior, who had little contact with anyone before he joined Shade’s coven. He could see the love for his son in the grizzled warrior’s eyes, but he also saw the loneliness. Something Shade had been all too familiar with.

"Grazie, Skelk, you give much more than is asked of you. You have become a vital part of this camp, and my family. You are good for Lorenzo, and I am happy he has someone with your skills at his side always."

Skelk responded with his usual discomfort when shown words of praise. Turning back to Lorenzo, Shade took his hand. "Now, little warrior, we need to let Skelk get back to his own business and we need to head back to the house and gear up for our camping trip. I don’t think your mommy would be pleased if either of us disappeared without her knowledge."

Lorenzo started running toward the house. "Come on, Daddy. We've got a lot to do!"

Aegis bound from the tree line as Lorenzo exited the large gates of the camp and stayed close on the boy’s heels as he ran back toward the main house.

Shade shook his head as he watched his son take off. Fist bumping Skelk, he winked. "I may need to improve my running skills at this rate."

Shade took off after his son. He could easily teleport ahead of him, but that would be no fun. "Last one to the house loses, and I won’t lose!"

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