Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(71)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(71)
Author: Emily Bex

Alec poured a glass of Midnight and walked out to the pool. He knew they wouldn’t be home often with all the demands of the campaign, and once he was in the White House, there was no way they could move the dungeon playroom. He swallowed down the drink before he stepped back inside the house and called out to her. "Rissa!"


Rissa was glad to be home, sleeping in her own bed, enjoying the quiet of their house. Her associate had taken over the reins of her business and she’d had little time to check on things while they were on the campaign trail. But so far, her associate had done an excellent job.

She dumped out her luggage and sent her clothes to the cleaners, as she rummaged through her closet, deciding on what she should pack for the next round of the clown tour. She heard Alec call to her and she scrunched up her face. What in the hell could he possibly want now? She loved being with him, but they had little time alone. There was always some speech to prepare, or someone from the campaign approaching him with details of the next stop on the tour. If she didn’t have Hyde, she would have quit this circus days ago.

Throwing the two designer dresses onto the bed, she took a deep breath, plastered the smile back on her face and headed downstairs. She found Alec standing in the open doors leading out to the pool. She wished he’d take the time to swim with her, but she knew better. "Alec, what could you possibly need me for? Seriously, I have no time to be lectured on what I did or didn’t do on the circus bus charades."

Alec smirked at her. "Just wanted to make sure you were getting packed for the next round. We'll fly to New Hampshire early tomorrow morning. Alto said wheels up at six, so we'll need to leave the house by 5:00 a.m. at the latest. I've already let Shade know and his warriors will be here around 4:30. You've been doing a good job on the stage, darling, and you are expert at handling the press, I just need you to be a little more engaging when you’re meeting with the people. They need to feel like you care about them."

She stared back at him. “Yes, my wicked vampire, I’ll do all you ask.” Opening the gold cigarette box, she pulled out a cigarette and lit it, then walked to the bar and poured herself a Midnight. Spinning in her bare feet, she leaned her back against the bar. "I was packing. I had fourteen new dresses and suits delivered. I can’t be seen wearing the same outfit in any photos. I need to be prepared for that. I’m doing the best I can, Alec. You asked me to mingle with the peasants and pretend I give a shit when I don’t.”

Alec let the comment slide. "And one more thing. Braden says he thinks you should tone down the wardrobe. There will be fundraising events where I meet with rich donors where that attire will be appropriate. But when we’re in these small town hall meetings, mingling with the mainstream voters, he thinks it’s best if your clothing looks a little less, well, unattainable to the average consumer. He thinks you should dress more off the rack."

Sighing heavily, she looked up at the ceiling, taking a long drag on the cigarette. "You know, Alec, Braden has no idea about fashion and what the papers will do to me if I look like I walked out of some department store. I have designers already sending me sketches. The clothes are free. They just want me to wear them so their names are in the press. I refuse to look like some middle class cow when we have money. Besides, I don’t see you toning down your wardrobe.”

Alec sighed and lit up a cigarette. This was just the beginning of a very long campaign and he wondered how much energy he wanted to expend on this issue. "My suits are hand tailored. But if you notice, when I'm in the masses, I wear a button down shirt and a pair of khakis. When we make the rounds of the various outdoor events, you see me in jeans and a polo shirt. I dress appropriate for the occasion, Rissa, and I expect you to do the same. Once we’re in the White House, I don't give a flying fuck if you wear a new designer gown every day. But while we're on the campaign trail, you’ll do as I ask. I don't want to argue this point. It’s not a request, understand?"

She slammed the glass down on the bar, her temper rising. "You don’t want to argue the point? All we ever do is argue lately. Is all this truly worth it to you, Alec? Is getting there worth us?"

Alec turned his back on her and took a slow drag on the cigarette before exhaling, taking time to get his temper under control. He turned to face her, speaking with control through gritted teeth. "Us? Are you saying to me your wardrobe is more important to you than our success? You’ve known from the beginning what I wanted, Rissa. I never hid my ambition or my goals. You knew what you were signing up for. Do you want me to release you? Is that what you want? If not, you’d do well to remember I’m your master."

With those two words her heart stopped beating. All her anger left her, replaced by fear. Release her? Alec had never spoken those words to her and suddenly, she felt her skin chill and her throat tighten as she lowered her head. "You’d release me? No, Alec, please, that’s not what I meant at all." Her body trembled slightly, and she shook her head. "No." With more bravery than she felt, she raised her eyes to him. "I’m your mate, I’d never asked to be released. Please, Alec, tell me you wouldn’t consider it."

He sat in the large leather chair and took her hand, pulling her into his lap. "You try my patience like no other. I swear to god, Rissa, you seem intent on making my life more difficult."

He kissed the top of her head. "I was drawn to your stubbornness. I guess I never anticipated just how much you’d use it against me. Can we please, just for once, have you agree to follow my instructions? We’re only just beginning this campaign. We have a long road ahead, and we’re both tired already. It will be tedious. I know that. And I know I'm asking a lot. But I don't want to go through this with you every few days."

Rissa lay against him, glad to have his touch. She didn’t want to fight with him, but at least try to have something left of her dignity after this campaign. "I know you don’t, Alec. I’m trying so hard, I truly am, I promise I’ll do better."

Leaning into him, she kissed his neck softly, her lips brushing the pulsing vein that called to her constantly. "So, tell me, is our playroom completed? I think we both could use it."

He laid his head back against the chair, exposing his neck to her, signaling she could feed. "It isn't completed yet. Alto says all the shipments arrived, and he has them in storage while the basement in under construction. Soon, my darling."

There was no other thought in her head except his call to her to feed. Without another second wasted, her fangs punched through as she sank her teeth deep into his neck, absorbing his power as she swallowed. Every fiber of her body responded to him, as his blood eased her hunger but stirred her sexual desire. She drank her fill before slowly disengaging from him, licking her lips.

He swatted her bottom as she finished feeding. "Now go. Finish your packing. I have a call scheduled with Braden. I'll be up soon."

Closing her eyes, she knew he’d prefer something else besides the pleasures of her body. She stood and walked to the door. "Yes, master."




Cory drove the truck back to Madison's apartment after The Black Keys concert. It had been a perfect evening and Madison looked amazing tonight. Cory was proud to have her as his date. As he pulled up to her apartment and parked, he switched off the engine and walked around to open the door for her. "I had a great time, Maddie. I love the Keys."

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