Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(68)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(68)
Author: Emily Bex

Cory smiled. "Yeah they’re the ones I thought you might like. I can do a pattern on the back using these studs. Come over here, there are some cool coat buttons, I think you might like those."

Marcello followed him to where they were displayed, right in front of the windows overlooking the street. After he picked out the ones he wanted, Cory took the items to pay for them, and the two of them left the shop and walked in the direction of the parking lot where Cory had left his truck. “You need a ride home?”

Marcello shook his head. “Nah, I’ll teleport. But I’ll walk with you to the truck, less people around to see me leave.”

Marcello nodded and smiled at every young female they passed, and the girls returned his smile. Cory shook his head. "Man, you’re like a chic magnet. That blonde almost fell on her face, as she passed us trying to look at you."

Marcello laughed and threw his arm over Cory's shoulder. "Ah, my young brother, I could teach you some tricks, but word has it you already have a female setting your hormones on fire."

Cory laughed. "Yeah and she’s mine too, and I don’t share, so don’t use your tricks when she’s around, bro."

They kept teasing each other as they approached the truck. Cory hit the remote button on his key fob, unlocking the truck. Opening the door, he put the packages inside as Marcello scanned the parking lot.

"The lot looks pretty empty. I can teleport from here, see you back at Bel Rosso. Thanks bro, looking forward to my new threads."

Marcello slapped Cory on the back, stepped back and instantly, he was gone. Climbing into his truck, Cory fired up the engine, pulled out and headed back to Bel Rosso. He had a lot of work to get done.


Madison grabbed up her new leather bag Cory had made for her and slung it over her shoulder. She had packed up several new pieces of pottery she’d recently completed and was ready to take them downtown to the shop. It had been a few days since Madison had been to Bel Rosso. She’d been entranced by the beauty of the place but surprised too. She would never have imagined Cory came from money. Not that it mattered, and Cory had made it clear it wasn’t his money, that he was still expected to work for what he earned. She had loved meeting his family and they had all seemed to go out of their way to make her feel welcome there, but still, there was something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Both Kate and Cory seemed eager to remove Lorenzo from her presence as quickly as possible, and the butler, she had this feeling when she was around him she couldn't explain. He looked ancient, and she wondered why anyone that old would still need to be working.

Then there was Luca, their security guard. He was extremely polite, but when he had looked at her she felt momentarily immobilized. His eyes locked into hers and she couldn't look away. She felt a shiver run up her spine just remembering it. It was like he could see right through her, read her thoughts. She shook it off as she picked up the box of pottery and headed out the door. "You're just imagining things."

Catching the bus at the corner outside her apartment, she rode with the box on her lap to the downtown mall. It was early evening and the crowds were just starting to gather on the mall for the people going out to dinner. Madison was walking slowly, checking out the shop windows when she saw Cory's truck parked on a side street near the parking lot. Smiling to herself, she headed in the direction of the truck when she saw Cory and his friend from the frat party approaching the truck. She picked up her pace, hoping to get to him before he drove away.

She was watching the exchange between the two men when Cory's friend disappeared before her eyes. Madison stopped in her tracks with her mouth open, and watched as Cory nonchalantly got into the truck and drove away. Madison stepped back, and leaned against the wall of the building, questioning what she’d just seen.

Maybe it was an optical illusion? Maybe he walked away at an angle that didn't allow her to see him? Or maybe she was losing her mind? She slowly lowered herself to the sidewalk, sitting down and laying her head back against the brick wall, clinging to the box of pottery, her eyes closed tight. She felt a hand on her shoulder and was startled. Her eyes flew open as she gasped.

A young man stood over her. “Are you okay? I saw you go down. You look really pale. Would you like some water?"

The stranger offered her his bottled water, and Madison gratefully took it. She poured a small amount onto the hem of her long skirt and held the cool cloth to her face. "Thank you. I think maybe I just got overheated."

He helped her to her feet and she thanked him again as he walked away. She continued on her way to the pottery shop, her mind in chaos. "Cory. Who are you?"




They arrived by private jet in Des Moines, and the campaign bus Braden had purchased for them was waiting on the tarmac. Braden had spent the entire flight with Alec, going over their schedule, and working with the speech-writer to put the final touches on the stump speech. Alec had practiced it several times until they were all pleased with the tone.

Braden was ushering them off the plane and onto the bus, which had been modified to include a small bathroom and a private room with two narrow built-in cots that would accommodate Alec and Rissa if they wished to rest between stops. Braden found the bus on sale from a rock band that used it for touring and did a few modifications to make it as elegant as possible, knowing already it would never be enough to suit Miss Prissy. He had to smile to himself. He’d overheard the campaign staff referring to Rissa as Miss Prissy and thought how appropriate it was. The problem was, she couldn’t be perceived as Miss Prissy by the voters, and that was going to be Braden's problem.

Braden ushered them to the bus. "We'll transfer your luggage from the plane to the bus. Do you need any of the bags inside before we put them all in the storage compartment?"

Alec shook his head and said he was fine. He looked to Rissa. "Anything you need, darling?"

Staring at the bus in disgust, gritting her teeth slightly, she gave him a fake smile. "A limo, maybe?"

Alec shook his head. "The bus is larger, and has been modified to accommodate the staff, so they can work while we’re on the road. Also, there may be times when we have press on the bus for short periods, while we give interviews. It’s important we look like we can identify with the lives of the constituents, Rissa. They know I have money, but it’s not smart to rub their noses in it. Now, come on, be a good girl and get on the bus."

Rissa rolled her eyes and sighed. "Right, the bus."

Alec took her hand and Braden gave them a tour of the tin can. Rissa had to bite her lip to keep from commenting. As Braden showed them the cots, her eyes widened, and she glared at Alec. "Cots?"

Alec sighed. "It’s just a place to rest. You'll be on your feet a lot. If we have several events scheduled on consecutive days, we’ll drive, and it will allow you to get some sleep. You'll survive it, my darling. Just think of the pay-off."

"Of course." Her eyes slid to Braden Childs. If she could have staked the vampire with her eyes, she would have. "Would you please direct me as to where I am to perch while we drive along the Iowa countryside on our way to charm the local voters." Turning to Alec, she inquired, "Where’s Hyde?"

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