Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(90)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(90)
Author: Emily Bex

Madison leaned back against the mound of pillows. "What changed that made you feel ready now?"

Shannon curled her long legs underneath her on the sofa. "It was partly me, but also Luca. You’ll see, once you're exposed more, their community is a hierarchy. I struggled with it at first, but what you need to understand is, they don't…struggle with it, I mean. They’re born to a station, and they all accept their place. I'm sure Cory has told you Shade is royalty, one of few remaining royal families. He’s a king, although it doesn't carry much weight in the States, you’ll see it’s very important when he’s in Europe, Italy especially, where he has more of his coven. All the vampires born in his coven have an unwavering loyalty to him as their master. I used to feel weird about that, like it was a slave thing, but it isn't. I can't really explain it very well, but you’ll see it for yourself. They’re like a family, a really large family, and they all rely on each other for their survival. They all have a role to play, and in doing so, they make the coven stronger, and safer. Does that make sense?"

Madison nodded. "Yeah, I can see that part."

Shannon took another sip of her wine before continuing. "Luca is Kate's protector. He was assigned to her when she was still mortal, but he’ll remain with her, and her children, until they’re grown and on their own. His primary responsibility is her safety. I had to come to terms with it, you know. I mean, I wasn't jealous. I just had to get over the feeling I was second place. His job and loyalty to Shade would always come first. But you’ll see, with time, they don't see their relationships with their mates in the same way mortals do. They have an inner beast. You saw it in Shade. The beast emerges when they are angry or threatened. The beast represents the side of them that is vampire. They struggle to control the beast, but the beast also serves them in many ways. The beast senses danger, but it also helps them find their mate. And once they make that selection, it will remain unbroken. Their love and loyalty is for all eternity."

Madison had a flash of memory, Shade with exposed fangs and glowing red eyes, and shivered. "Does Luca have a beast?"

Shannon chuckled. "Oh, yes."

Madison hesitated before asking the next question. "Does Cory?"

Shannon looked at her sympathetically. "Yes, he does. But Cory is a half-breed, so his beast is not as powerful. None of his skills as a vampire are as strong. It’s why he can eat human food, as well as drink blood. It’s why he’s smaller than the others. He’ll never have their strength or be able to teleport as far or as fast. He’s not immortal, and he can't inherit the throne from Shade. Most half-breeds aren’t even recognized in the vampire community. They remain outcasts, rejected by both worlds, living among the homeless. Shade really turned the vampire community on its ear by insisting Cory be recognized as his son. Most half-breeds are used and abused by the vampire counter-culture, until they are bled dry and discarded. They don't usually live very long."

Madison pulled her knees to her chest and put her head down. Cory had hinted at the kind of life he’d led before his father found him, but he’d never go into detail, and Madison had vowed not to ask as it appeared to be a painful subject for him. "I had no idea."

Shannon finished off her glass and poured a refill for the two of them. "Madison, I don't want to paint a rosy picture here. There’s much violence in their world. They aren't called warriors for nothing. And not all of them are good. Shade's coven is good, but there are rogue vampires out there. They are bands of vampires that don't belong to a coven, who have broken away, and live a very hedonistic lifestyle. They kill mortals indiscriminately, feeding from them, draining them dry and leaving them to die. That kind of behavior threatens the exposure of them all, and masters, like Shade, fight against them. All I can tell you is, as a mortal girl, I found myself pulled into their world, into Luca's life, and I wouldn’t change any of it. I know you must have questions, so I just wanted you to know you can talk to me any time."

Madison accepted the refilled glass and took another sip. "I really appreciate that. Kate had said she’d answer any questions I had, but there are things I felt, well, uncomfortable asking. Some of it is just so intimate, you know? And she’s his mom. Well, his step-mom, but still."

Shannon giggled. "No, I get it, Kate is my best friend. We’ve known each other for years. She was my go to person for everything. But I can see where you might not want to ask Kate everything. May I ask a personal question? You can tell me if it's none of my business."

Madison was pretty sure she knew where this conversation was going, but Shannon might be her only place to get answers. "Yeah sure, ask me anything."

Shannon fiddled with the broad leaf of the plant in the window, looking away from Madison as she asked, "So, have you had sex yet?"

Madison could feel her face turning red, as the heat rose up her neck and across her cheeks. Looking down at her hands, she answered softly, "Not yet. At first, I thought he was just being respectful, or maybe wasn't even interested, and then I realized he needed for me to know the truth, and I really appreciate it, you know? He didn’t try to trap me or trick me into anything. But even since I’ve discovered that he’s, wow, it sounds weird to even say it, but finding out what he is, we still seem to be dancing around it. Like neither one of us really knows what to do next."

Shannon knocked off the last of her wine. "He's never been with a mortal girl. You need to understand that. He's never been in love before. He was used for sex in the underground clubs, by both men and women. It was his only means to survive. Lead him there, when you're ready. Show him the way. Show him love is pleasure not pain, that it’s gentleness not brutality. Don't be alarmed if his beast emerges during sex. He may or may not, but regardless, Cory's beast will never harm you."

Madison stood up suddenly, knocking over her half-filled glass. She’d never even thought about the beast in Cory, and now, Shannon was telling her he might show up while they had sex!

Shannon could see her anxiety level rise. "I'm not telling you to scare you, Madison. I'm telling you to prepare you. It’s probably another reason Cory hasn’t tried to have sex with you. The last thing he’d want is to scare you. But the beast will protect what is his, and as far as the beast is concerned, you’re his too."

Madison paced nervously. "But, what do I do?"

Shannon smiled. "You won't need to do anything. The beast will know what to do. The beast will want to feed from you, and although you’ll find it hard to believe now, I promise you, when it happens, you’ll want him to feed. Trust me. It’s very primal, and instinctive. Your body will respond to him."

Madison's hands moved protectively to her throat. She was having a hard time imaging having his fangs in her flesh was something she’d want. The memory of Shade standing in the office, his fangs exposed, and that split second, when they made eye contact. She was frozen in place. Yes, she did feel fear, but if she’s honest with herself, there was something else. It was desire, building in her belly like a smoldering coal, even as the rest of her broke out in a cold sweat. She was wondering if she’d feel that same pull of desire to Cory's beast, when her body shivered uncontrollably. She knew the answer already.

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