Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(86)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(86)
Author: Emily Bex

Alec sighed, wishing he had a glass of Midnight. "Rissa, calm down, please. You look lovely in that outfit. Just because it didn't cost an arm and a leg doesn't mean you don't wear it well. Braden is just asking you appear friendlier. Smile more. Look like you're happy to be there. You're an accomplished actress. I've watched you manipulate people for years. This is no different. So just pretend you're enjoying yourself. Can you do that, please?"

The campaign staff squirmed in their seats uncomfortably. They all sensed the rising tension between these two with each new stop on the campaign trail. Mateo elbowed Hyde who was biting back a smile.

Rissa looked straight ahead, not making eye contact with Alec. "Why don’t you just sigh a bit louder, I don’t think everyone heard you. Pretending seems so simple for you. And it’s not as if anyone is paying any attention to me, this is all about Senator Alec Canton. Please correct me if I’m wrong."

She heard the snicker coming from behind her and turned her head quickly to see Hyde and Mateo, not sure which of them was laughing at her behind her back, but she sneered and hissed. “Shut up!”

Alec knew better than to provoke her when she was in one of her moods, and lately, the mood never ended. Hyde looked surprised when she turned on him and told him to shut up. He hadn't spoken a word, and now, Mateo was trying hard to hold back his laughter. Hyde gave her a look that said, ‘calm down.’

Braden decided to cut the briefing short before tempers rose. "Okay, people, let's get on the bus. I know it's hot outside, so I scheduled this outdoor event first before it gets unbearable out there. It's a county fair, showcasing their agricultural heritage. Let's get busy!"

The crowd filed from the room, leaving Alec and Rissa alone for a moment. Hyde and Mateo stepped just outside the door, giving them some privacy.

Alec turned to her. "Rissa, of course, it’s about me. I’m the one they’ll be voting for. But we're a package deal. You’ll be their First Lady. You have to make them want to see more of you."

Rissa huffed. "Make them? You know, Alec, all I see are hordes of women trying to get close to you. I’ve given up my business, I’m trying my best and still, every single day, you’re at me to do something else to make this work better. Now, I’m being dragged into the heat, to see what? Farm animals? How do I become engaging while treading through cow shit? Right now, I want to engage my hand across someone's face. This has become one big boring affair. I want to go home, I want to fuck you, feed, and relax. But here I am, Alec, I’m here for you."

Marching to the door, she took a deep breath, getting her composure before exiting.

Alec watched her storm out of the room and saw Hyde drop in behind her. Mateo had heard more intimate conversations between these two to last him a lifetime. He couldn’t imagine Kate ever speaking to Shade in that tone. These two seemed to go at each other on a regular basis. He leaned against the doorjamb and looked at Alec. "Anything I can do for you, boss?"

Alec just shook his head. "Track down some Midnight. Make sure we have plenty of it on the bus."

Mateo nodded. "Will do. You have your hands full with that one. Not being nosey, but we can't be in these close quarters and not hear everything that’s going on."

Alec checked his cellphone for messages as he answered. "Yeah, well, it's not like I didn't know what I was getting into. Rissa is predictable if nothing else. Come on. Let's get this over with."

Leaving the room, Mateo followed as they climbed onto the crowded bus. Braden intercepted him immediately.

"Alec, this gentleman is from the local newspaper. He’s asked to follow along today, get a feel for what happens on a campaign."

Alec immediately shifted gears, shaking the reporter’s hand, and welcoming him on board. "Rissa, did you meet the reporter."

Rissa was about to take her seat when she heard Alec asking her if she’d met the reporter. There’s a reporter on this damn circus bus? Great, just great. "Oh, no Alec, I didn’t." She plastered her fake smile from ear to ear.

Alec introduced her and was keeping his fingers crossed. Rissa hadn’t done well at hiding her dislike of this process in public, and she never held back her opinions when she was on the bus, away from the press and the public. Rissa shook his hand as Alec welcomed him. "We’re happy to have you with us. I'll warn you, it's a pretty hectic schedule."

The reporter smiled back at him before Braden steered him away to an open seat.

Alec whispered to Rissa under his breath, "Please try to rein it in today."

Rissa heard the threat in Alec's tone as she answered bitterly, "Oh, don’t worry, I’ll rein in it. I’m sure Braden has a pair of overalls and boots for me to wear. Go impress whomever, Alec. I’m just going to sit here, smile and give the fucking performance of my life."

He’d had about enough of her attitude today, and the day was just beginning. He couldn’t afford to let the reporter see anything between them other than a loving couple, though. He squeezed her arm tight enough to show his displeasure as he guided her into a seat. "Sit down, darling. I feel safer when you're seated when the bus is in motion."

He felt her jerk her arm away, as she took a seat and gave him a look that could melt steel. Alec drifted away from her and whispered to Hyde. "Stay on her today."

He moved in the direction of the reporter, and engaged him in a conversation, answering the predictable questions Alec knew he’d see printed in tomorrow’s paper. The bus pulled into the fairgrounds, already crowded with the locals. There were a lot of kids around and Alec sighed inwardly. He knew this wouldn’t be a good day.

Braden jumped into his role, ushering everyone off the bus and into the crowd. Alec excused himself from the reporter and went to Rissa's side, extending his arm for her to hold as they exited the bus together.

"There are a lot of kids here, Rissa. Please try to pretend you aren’t annoyed."

Taking his arm, she gritted her teeth as she answered, "Just look, brats everywhere. How enchanting. Feels like I am at Bel Rosso."

Mateo overheard her dig and spoke to Hyde under his breath, "She should be so lucky to live at Bel Rosso. Seriously, dude, what is wrong with this bitch?"

Hyde shrugged. "She's having a bad day."

Mateo chuffed. "Really? Let me know when she's having a good day, will you? I feel for you, brother."

Hyde shook his head. "She's not like this all the time. I mean, don't get me wrong, she’s a diva with an attitude, and she's used to getting her way. But she has a soft side."

Mateo laughed. "You've been brainwashed, dude. There’s nothing soft about that bitch."

Braden rushed up behind them, breaking up their conversation. "Enough, you two, I need you to follow them in the crowd, but not too close. They need to look accessible."

Alec led her through the throng of people, as everyone pulled out their cell phones and started taking candid shots. The women were clamoring for a selfie with Alec, and he obliged, leaning in to each of them as they took the picture. Rissa was left hanging on his arm, as if she didn’t exist.

Rissa tried her best to ignore it, her smile a cover for her disgust. She felt surrounded and wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she took several deep breaths as she clutched Alec's arm. How she loathed all the attention he was getting. She was usually the one directing the show, smiling for the press, and having everyone clamor for her attention. The tables had been turned and she didn’t like it.

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