Home > Stumbling Into the Holidays(6)

Stumbling Into the Holidays(6)
Author: Molly O'Hare

Ben stood there in awe as Waffles let Jimmy maneuver his ears so they would fit perfectly in the holes. However, the moment Waffles’ eyes caught Ben’s, he saw the annoyance. “Don’t look at me that way. I told him you don’t like to be dressed up anymore.”

Waffles sent Ben a glare before he barked. Then to prove Ben wrong he turned back to Jimmy jumping into his lap to lick his face. “Seems like he likes it just fine to me, Dad.”

That bastard. Ben stared at the betraying dog. Wait until Holly hears about this. Actually, never mind. I’ll never hear the end of it. This will have to be our little secret.

A deep laugh came from John as he watched the two playing on the floor. “Seems like Waffles only listens to one person in this house.”

Waffles looked at John huffing before going back to Jimmy.

“And it sure as hell ain’t you.” Ben shook his head with a chuckle.


Ben decided to ignore John as his eyes scanned around the room at all the decorations scattered everywhere. It was like the North Pole had thrown up. He quickly glanced down at his watch. They still had a lot more to do before Holly got home. He thought back, he couldn’t remember if today was a half-day for her or a whole day. He really needed to get a move on if he planned on having everything done in time. “You two start putting up the tree. I’m gonna grab the last few boxes from the attic.”

“Okay!” Jimmy sprinted to the box with the tree in it, dropping his end of the garland on the floor. “Come on, Uncle John. Let’s put up the tree!” The excitement from Jimmy was almost more than Ben could take. “This is going to be the best Christmas ever. I can already feel it.”

Ben’s heart flipped. I’ll do everything I can to make sure of that, kiddo.

“Yeah, yeah.” John dropped a stuffed Santa on the floor which Waffles gladly ran over to and started chewing on. “The sooner we get this done. The sooner we get to eat.”

“You just ate a whole bag of chips.”

“And you think that’s gonna last me?”

Jimmy studied him for a moment, as he cocked his head to the side. “No.”


Ben chuckled as he watched the two of them. At least it was entertaining. As Ben looked around the room again, he saw just how much they still needed to do.

He knew Holly really wanted to make this Christmas special for everyone, he got it. He wanted to as well. This was their first Christmas as a family, and he wanted it to be perfect for all of them just as much as she did.

He wanted these memories to last a lifetime.

A ridiculously wide smile spread across Ben’s face. Although, Thanksgiving was a memory they’d never forget. From where Ben stood, he could see the tail end of the scorch marks on the wall. “You two get the tree started. I’ll be right back with the rest of the stuff.”

“Sure thing, boss.” John patted his stomach. “But first, it’s time for a snack. Come on, Jimmy, if we’ve gotta keep working we need food.”

“You just ate.” Jimmy ignored him as he fussed with the box that had the tree in it.

“Not enough.”

Ben rolled his eyes as he made his way down the hall. Leave it to John to always make things difficult.

As Ben walked past the last door, he did a quick peek into the nursery to see Peanut still fast asleep in her crib with Ripley and Twitch curled up on the floor next to it.

That kid can sleep through anything, he chuckled to himself. He didn’t know where she got it from, but he was thankful for it. Especially, when John was in the house.

As quietly as he could, Ben shut the door so that it was only a quarter of the way open. He then headed to the hatch for the attic a little farther down the hall.

The moment he got the ladder down, though, he saw Twitch had migrated out of the nursery to see what he was up to. As his little head twitched the cat looked around before his eyes went back to Ben.

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

Twitch’s attention darted toward the kitchen as the distinct sound of a bag opening rang through the hall.

“You’re Uncle John’s here.” Ben chuckled. “If you hurry you might get a scrap of food before he eats it all. Waffles is already in there.”

Twitch looked at him for one more second before he took off running toward the kitchen causing Ben to let out a laugh.

Never a dull moment.

Once Ben got into the attic, he crawled over to the last two boxes of decorations. As he walked carefully across the beams, he made a mental note to eventually put in a floor up there, so he wouldn’t have to worry about stepping on the wrong part.

Lord knows the disaster that would happen if Holly ever got a wild hair across her ass and decided to go into the attic.

There would be no question about it.

That would be a disaster.

As Ben grabbed the two boxes, stacking one on top of the other he took a step back toward the hatch only for his heart to stop.

At that exact moment, he heard the distinct sound of their front door slamming open, and one angry Holly yelling, “What the hell is going on here?” echo through the house.

Unfortunately for Ben, the jolt somehow made him lose his footing as he slipped.

Before he knew it, Ben was falling through the ceiling.



Chapter Four



Holly thanked the Universe today was only a half-day at the library. Especially after Mildred showed up. She wanted nothing more than to go home and relax. Holly wasn’t really angry anymore; she was just stressed.

She really did want everything to be perfect. She knew she needed to take a step back and breathe. But it was hard.

A mischievous smile spread across her face as she walked up the steps of her home. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t excited to show all the traitors what outfit they’d be wearing for their Christmas card.

Her smile grew wider as she thought about it.

Holly even paid for expedited shipping so everything would arrive on Monday.

And no one was gonna argue with her about it. Everyone was going to dress up and be happy or they’d have her to deal with.

Her eyes narrowed.

That went for Waffles too. Ripley didn’t mind wearing clothes but every time Holly tried to dress Waffles, he’d lose his mind.

Clearly, the jerk now thought clothes were beneath him.

Not this year, though.

That asshole was gonna wear his elf costume whether he liked it or not!

As Holly opened the door her eyes nearly popped out of her skull as the wind was almost knocked out of her. It was like a bomb had gone off in her living room.

A Christmas bomb. One that left nothing but destruction and sparkles in its wake.

There were ornaments all over the floor. One of which was being batted around by Twitch. Waffles was chewing on the Santa plush doll Holly had bought for Ben last year. There were boxes knocked on their sides with lights, garland, and decorations spilling out. You name it, it was happening.

Then to top it off, their Christmas tree was in pieces scattered all over the room. “What the hell is going on in here?”

Before Holly could take another step into the living room though, a loud crash rang throughout the room.

Then there was Ben.

Holy crap on a freaking cracker!

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