Home > Dating the Boss (Blue Harbor #2)(28)

Dating the Boss (Blue Harbor #2)(28)
Author: Jaclyn Osborn

“I like your hair,” I said. “It looks nice.”

She beamed. “Oh, it’s nothing fancy. Just a touch-up. But thank you.” Always the one to be bashful with compliments. “Food should be ready in about ten minutes.”

“Need any help?” I asked, following her into the kitchen.

“Nope. All I want you to do is sit your butt down and relax.”

I smiled and sat at the table. Regina and Meg came to sit with me, and my sister put a glass of white moscato in front of me.

“I’m sure you could use that after the past few days you’ve had,” she said before taking a drink of hers.

“It actually wasn’t that bad.” I stared at the wine but didn’t really see it. I was too busy remembering how Reed looked sitting by the fire at night, a blanket hanging off his bare shoulders as I leaned against him.


“What?” I asked, glancing up at her.

Regina smirked and propped her elbow on the table, chin on her hand. “Someone’s lovesick.”

“Excuse me?” I shook my head as my scalp prickled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“What happened while you were snowed in?” That infuriating little smirk remained on her lips. “Did you fall for a guest at the bed-and-breakfast? A handsome fella or maybe a pretty little lady? Was it love at first sight?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” I sipped the wine, mainly to have a distraction from answering her damn questions.

“That wasn’t an answer. I am so right.”

“Gina, stop antagonizing your brother.” Mom turned from the stove with a steaming pot before straining the noodles in the sink.

Thankfully, my nosy sister let the topic drop. For now.

Once the food was ready, we ate. Meg was a veterinarian and talked about her work while Regina nodded along and gave her a lovesick smile. They had met when Regina brought her dog, Pookie, in for an upset stomach. And why she named her vicious, ankle-biter dog Pookie was beyond me. The evil thing only liked my sister.

The light-hearted feeling from seeing my family faded as soon as I returned home. I had a lovely home by the bay filled with everything I could ever want or need.

Yet, it meant very little when I had no one to share it all with.

As I lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling because I was too wired to sleep, I mentally prepared myself for the following morning when I’d be around Reed and have to pretend like I didn’t know him as intimately as I did, like I didn’t know the sound of his moans or how the center of his brow wrinkled when he was about to come.

I was truly fucked.



Chapter Eleven




Giving yourself a pep talk in the bathroom mirror was a totally sane and normal thing to do, right? Because that’s exactly what I was doing that Monday morning before I left for work.

The day before, Daniel had fucked me. Kissed me and made me feel like I was flying. And now, we both had to act like it never happened.

Talk about a crash back to reality.

“You can do this,” I told my reflection. “You’ve fucked men loads of times and went on with your life, not giving them a second thought. Daniel isn’t any different.”

Yeah, even my reflection looked at me like I was an idiot.

I ran my fingers through my bangs to mess them up a bit before adjusting my black waist jacket and the red satin top beneath it that had the top two buttons undone to show a peek of my collarbone. With my skintight skinny jeans and jangly bracelets, I looked more like a fashionable club-goer than an administrative assistant, but with our company being in advertising, they allowed for a more colorful dress code. Meaning as long as my ass wasn’t hanging out of my pants, I could basically wear it.

And maybe I wanted Daniel to look at me. Just a little.

On my way to work, I stopped by the café to grab two large coffees and then headed to the office. My stomach fluttered when seeing Daniel’s car in his parking spot.

“I can do this.” I got out of my car and walked toward the entrance, taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart. “You’ve done it a million times. Hand him his coffee, then get to work.”

“Good morning, Reed,” Jennifer said as I walked down the hall.

“Morning.” Was my voice higher-pitched than normal?

“You look nice,” she commented, moving her finger up and down at me. “I love that shirt.”

“Thanks.” Yep, definitely higher pitch. I quietly coughed before holding up the coffees. “I have to get to Mr. Sawyer’s office.”

“Right. Good luck.”

I halted in step. “What do you mean by good luck?”

“He’s in a mood today,” she responded. “I went in to get his thoughts on a design, and he was a bit snippy. More so than usual.”

“He could be tired,” I said. “I mean, we were stranded for, like, four days.”

“Maybe that’s it. I’m glad you’re both back safe. I was a little worried.”

“Just a little?” I smirked before turning around. “Later, Jen.”

My cool attitude deflated as soon as she was out of sight. The pit of my gut tightened, and it felt like a metal rod had been jammed down my throat and fused with my sternum and rib cage, just a thick heaviness that made me feel like puking. I placed my coffee on my desk and faced Daniel’s office, repeating the I can do this mantra inside my head as I approached.

When I reached his door, I breathed in through my nose and exhaled before lifting a hand and knocking.

“Come in,” a cold voice said from the other side.

I turned the handle and walked into the room. “Good morning, Mr. Sawyer. I have your coffee.”

Daniel sat at his desk, his sleeves pushed up to show his toned forearms. His suit jacket hung on the back of his chair. He didn’t look at me as I placed the cup in front of him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Is there anything else?” he asked, clicking something on his computer. Still not looking my way.

“No, sir.”

“You should get to work, then.”

The damn metal pipe twisted inside me, and my chin quivered a bit. “Y-Yes, sir.” My eyes stung as I turned and headed for the door. Crying was not part of the deal I’d made with myself that morning. There was no room for tears.

“Reed?” Daniel said in a voice that had my heart skipping a beat. There’d been life to it unlike the cold, detached one he’d used so far that morning.

“Yes?” I looked back to see him staring right at me, his blue eyes pained.

“I…” He swallowed hard and glanced at his computer. “I’d like for you to get me the numbers for the Henderson campaign.”

Hope was so fucking cruel. It blossomed only to be cut down like an unwanted weed.

“Oh,” I said, disappointed. More at myself than at him. “Okay. I’ll do that right away.”

As soon as I was out of his office and closed the door behind me, my composure slipped and a tear escaped my eye. I hastily wiped it away and went over to my desk.

Daniel was just like that bird. When he no longer had use for me, he spread his wings and left.

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