Home > Dating the Boss (Blue Harbor #2)(50)

Dating the Boss (Blue Harbor #2)(50)
Author: Jaclyn Osborn

Reed beamed up at me. “I could wait a thousand years for you, big guy.”

God, did I feel the same.

We kissed then, and I reveled in the knowledge that maybe we’d get our happy ending after all.




Robert Crawford’s retirement party was held at the office after hours.

Food had been catered from his favorite seafood restaurant, as well as cookies and cupcakes from Spencer’s bakery. Before dinner, Crawford gave a speech, detailing his time at the company and how much he’d miss everyone. Then he looked at me.

“Daniel Sawyer?” he said, holding up a glass of champagne. “I trust you to take the reins and steer this company in the right direction.”

Reed sat beside me and held up his glass, smiling over at me. We had agreed to hold off for another few days before fully being out about our relationship. But god, I wanted to tug him close right then and kiss him for the whole office to see.

Everyone toasted before eating dinner. Afterward, people approached and congratulated me. Some of them were former clients who’d been invited, and some were present ones. Like a certain blonde with a pixie cut and red heels.

“Mr. Sawyer,” Vivian Parks said, shaking my hand. “Good to see you moving on up in the world.”

“Ms. Parks,” I said, nodding to her. “Long way for you to travel just for a retirement party.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She looked over at the young man she’d brought as her date. He was in line at the champagne table to get them another glass. Then she moved her hawk-eyed gaze back to me. “Crawford and I go way back. Not sure if you know, but my father was one of Rob’s first big clients back in the day when this company was just getting started. I grew up about fifteen minutes from Greenville. It’s one reason I decided to build my resort there.”

A thought occurred to me then.

“There was never a competing agency, was there?” I asked, eyeing her. “It was a test. You were going to pick our company the whole time.”

Vivian smiled. “Oh, I can assure you, Mr. Sawyer. There was definitely competition. Rob and I might know each other, but at the end of the day, I choose what’s best for my business over any friendships. It’s eat or be eaten in this world, and I learned long ago that it’s even more cutthroat if you’re a woman. You have to prove yourself twice as hard. Honestly, I thought I was already set on choosing the other agency, but Rob convinced me to allow you to state your case first.” Her date returned with her drink, and she took it from him, not taking her eyes off me. “I liked what I heard. My decision had nothing to do with Rob. However, it was further proof to him that you have what it takes to lead this department. Well done, Mr. Sawyer.”

She held up her glass, and I clinked mine with hers.

“Thank you, Ms. Parks.”

A giggle drew my attention to the left where Reed was speaking with Jennifer and her boyfriend.

With me being promoted to president, someone had to take the VP spot. Jennifer had been offered the position, so now Reed would be her assistant starting Monday. I had to admit I would miss working with Reed—if I could take him as my assistant, I would’ve in an instant—but it was a more than fair compromise for us to be together.

Later that night, Reed and I celebrated my promotion in the way we loved best, with me on my back and him riding my cock like his life depended on it.

“Fuck, you feel amazing,” he moaned, coming down on me harder, his cock bouncing with his movements. I reached forward and stroked him. “Shit.”

My heart beat in my throat. The sensation of being inside him, plus the joy in my chest from how great it was to love and be loved by him was enough to make my eyes prickle a bit.

“I love you,” I said. No words had ever been more true. I felt them in my core.

“I love you too, big guy.” Reed leaned down to kiss me before sitting back again and rolling his lean hips.

That underlying tension that used to weigh on me when I thought about our future was gone. We were free to love each other and to show the world that love. No more hiding.







March weather in Washington state was still fucking cold, and the highs rarely got above fifty degrees Fahrenheit. That Saturday morning, I loaded my bag into the trunk of my car and pulled my jacket tighter around me, my breath fanning out in front of me in the chilly air.

Warm arms came around my waist.

“You ready to go?” Daniel whispered in my ear, swaying us slowly from side to side as we stood in the driveway.

I rested back against him. “Can we stop on the way and get coffee? I might commit murder if I don’t get some caffeine soon.”

He chuckled and released his hold. “Of course.”

We could’ve gone anywhere for Spring Break—a warm beach somewhere or a cruise to the Bahamas. But there was only one place we wanted to be right now.

The place where it all began.

The four-hour drive wasn’t nearly as bad this time. Indie music played over the car speakers as we drove, the twists and turns from when the road narrowed nowhere near as scary now since there wasn’t snow and ice everywhere.

Daniel held my hand as he focused on the road, softly humming to the song that played. I caught myself smiling at him like a goofball and only looked away when my phone buzzed.

Quinn: God, it’s beautiful here.

He sent a picture of crystal-blue water and white sand beaches. Monty was in the picture, grinning as he pointed to the ocean, shirt off and sunglasses on.

Me: Glad you guys made it safely!

Quinn and Monty had gone to Mykonos, Greece, and had left on a late flight yesterday. I had gone there with Quinn last summer, but Monty had never been and wanted to see it. And my best friend was eager to go again. So was I. The nine-hour time difference made it around 5:00 p.m. where they were. Daniel and I planned to spend a few days in Ivory Falls before leaving for the airport and meeting them there.

Quinn: You and Daniel are still coming on Tuesday, right? The villa we rented is super nice.

Me: We’ll be there!

It was going to be the best Spring Break ever. I was so excited I could barely sit still. Not that I could sit still most other moments either.

“Is that Quinn?” Daniel asked. “Did they make it okay?”

“Yeah, they’re already at the beach.” I put my phone down and retook his hand. “This is kinda weird, right? The last time we traveled this way, we were pretty much strangers. Now look at us.”

The ups and downs, the anxiety surrounding our work, but most importantly, the intense love and connection between us, had all led to that moment. If given the chance to do it all again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

“I never thought I’d feel this way about anyone,” Daniel said, furrowing his brow. Being vulnerable was hard for him, but he was learning how to open up. My big lug. “Romance, for me, always felt like trying to force together two pieces that didn’t even belong in the same puzzle. I could pretend for a while that it was working, but then it’d come apart.” He gently squeezed my hand. “But with you? I don’t have to force anything. It just works. You…” He softly laughed. “Never mind, I’m not saying that.”

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