Home > She A Cautionary Tale(8)

She A Cautionary Tale(8)
Author: Carla Howatt

"It's already ten. How long are you going to be?"

"I don't know- a few hours," he said in an irritated voice.

"This doesn't make any sense," she protested, her voice rising. "Why do you have to go out now?"

"I just do,"

"Please, don't go!" she pleaded.

"Don't be like this," he scowled, "I told you I'll only be a few hours!"

"But why don't you stay, and we can stay up for a few hours," she asked, in what she hoped was an enticing voice, as she sidled up next to him, using her hand to caress the front of his jeans.

"Stop it, that isn't going to help!" he said, annoyed. "I'll see you tomorrow."

The door slammed as he walked out of the house, leaving her standing there, her face reddening with humiliation. Was there no limit to how low she was willing to sink? What was it going to take for her to cut the tie that bound her to him? He treated her horribly, disregarded her feelings, and she didn't even want to think about what he was doing when he was out with his nameless friend. She was still willing to beg and plead with him to stay, ready to throw herself at him in the hopes he would choose her.

She sat on the bench at their front door, tears streaming down her face as she once again felt the pain of being rejected by the man who was supposed to love and cherish her.



Chapter Nine




T wo more online cards, and a phone call later, Tuesday had finally arrived. Olivia couldn't believe how attentive Luke was being; it was certainly not anything she was used to experiencing from men. She was a bit nervous meeting him again, as she was starting to second guess herself and her reaction to their coffee date. Maybe she had been mistaken, and he wasn't as great as she thought? She had begun analyzing his emails and cards, looking for the show that gave away some oddity, some major flaw. So far, nothing.

She certainly hadn't noticed any less attraction on her part when she climbed into his car to go for lunch. The mischievous glimmer in his eyes was still there, his heavenly scent, and strong hands clutching the gearshift were just as she remembered.

Over lunch, he peppered her with questions about her family, her friends, and her life. He talked about his family who he didn't have a chance to see nearly as often as he would like, and his mother who was living on the West coast.

"So, what do you do in your spare time?" she asked.

"Oh, this and that," he answered vaguely. "To be honest, because I'm coming out of a long-term relationship and I just got all that settled, I haven't had an opportunity to do much of anything but work."

Olivia saw what appeared to be a life of dedication and work, with little time for play.

"What about sports?" she probed, hoping to get a clearer picture of his life.

"Nah, not much into them at all," He said, shrugging, "I like to go hiking once in a while, but that's about it."

"Wow! A man who doesn't like sports and isn't glued to Sports Night," Olivia teased. "You are a rare breed!"

They laughed together as the waitress cleared their plates.

"You have an amazing laugh," Luke said, gazing at her appreciatively. "It makes me smile on the inside."

"Gee, thanks," she said, feeling a flush rise in her cheeks.

"Has no one ever told you that?" he asked.

"I don't recall. I don't think so," Olivia said, shifting uncomfortably in her chair.

"Then they're crazy," he said. "Now, let's get you back to work."

Gathering their things, he helped her on with her coat. With his hand on the small of her back, he guided her out of the restaurant. She couldn't help but notice the admiring glances of the waitresses as they watched him leave. She didn't blame them. His square jaw, deep blue eyes, and commanding presence screamed masculinity. She felt a thrill of pleasure as she enjoyed the knowledge that he had chosen to be there with her.

On the drive back to work, she realized she was nervous again. Was he going to kiss her goodbye? This was the second time they had met, and they had talked twice on the phone and exchanged copious emails and cards. It wouldn't be surprising. Did she want him to? Of course, I want him to! Then why was she so nervous? You're not fifteen for Heaven's sake! she chided herself, Get a grip! She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn't realized he had gone quiet until they were almost back at her office. Then she started to worry about why he was so quiet.

Pulling up into a parking spot at her office, he put the car into park and turned around in his seat to face her.

"Look, I want to tell you something, but I feel kind of awkward about it," he said.

Oh great, she thought, he needs money. I should have known.

"I want to kiss you, but I don't want to do it in front of your office," he said, bluntly. "but I don't want you to go back to work thinking I don't want to."

"Oh." She said, unsure what else to say.

"So, if you don't mind, I would love to be able to give you a hug and save our first kiss for a more appropriate location," he said.

"That sounds fair," she said with a smile.

He reached out and wrapped his arms around her, engulfing her. She took a deep breath and breathed in his masculine scent. God, he smells and feels so damn good, she thought.

He released her and Olivia wasn't sure, but she thought it was reluctantly.

"We'll set up a night for dinner?"

"Sounds good," she answered, as she opened the car door and stepped out.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. She typed at her desk, she answered her phone and chatted with her colleagues, but for the life of her, she couldn't have said what it was all about. A steady hum of excitement coursed through her body as she replayed their lunch date minute by minute. She couldn't wait until their next date! Dinner next time. They were stepping up on the unspoken hierarchy of dating. From coffee to lunch and now dinner. She smiled as she recalled one of her online dates who asked her, after their second dinner date, if they could now go on to just hanging out at home watching TV because he was ready to be done with all the formalities. Dare she hope that Luke didn't see all of this as just necessary formality to get through? Maybe, just maybe, he also saw it as a journey to enjoy and experience together.

At the end of the day, she was getting ready to turn off her computer when she decided to do a quick check on the online dating site. The dot was lit up next to her inbox, indicating she had a new message. She opened it up and found a card with an adorable puppy on the cover that had a sign propped up on him reading "I like you."

Giving a furtive look around her office and seeing no one, Olivia placed both her hands over her face, stamped her feet rapidly and giggled. She was like a woman who had been roaming the dry parched sands of the desert for years and had just received her first sip of water. She could sure get used to this kind of attention!



Chapter Ten




L aughing at a co-worker's joke, she took another sip from her glass of wine. Going out tonight had been a good idea. Getting out of the house, and away from all the negative self-talk, was something she should do more often. She was so caught up in her marital unhappiness that she sometimes forgot there was a big world out there.

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