Home > Protective Instinct (The Unlovabulls #1)(33)

Protective Instinct (The Unlovabulls #1)(33)
Author: Tricia Lynne

   When my alarm went off the following morning, the first thing I noticed was a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin. Next to me on the bed, Mack continued to saw logs while Jet jumped down to stretch. Before I reached for the lamp my head started to pound.


   Kicking my legs over the edge, I found my feet next to a trash can.

   Damnit. Why did he have to be so thoughtful?

   What happened between us crashed over my brain and oh, how I wished I didn’t remember. At least I hadn’t slept with him. I’d wanted to. Like, really, really wanted to. I wanted to grind up on his pole like a stripper. His enormous pole. I could still remember the feel of that thing against my stomach. “Jesus H, Lily.” I slapped a hand over my eyes.

   Downing the water and aspirin, I made use of the bathroom before stumbling into the kitchen for more water. It for damn sure wasn’t in this state last night.

   Brody didn’t just put my drunk, loose-lipped ass to bed. He’d cleaned up my kitchen, too. Even my dog’s food bowls were washed and sitting on the counter. The smell of coffee hit my nose. Brody had left a clean mug sitting in front of a freshly brewed pot with a note propped against it.

   Morning, darlin’,

   Figured you might want some of this first thing. I wanted to stay last night in case you needed anything, so I slept on your couch. I fed the dogs breakfast and took them out. Promised I’d meet Hayes for an early run before it gets hot, but I’ll be home after that. Call me later, okay? Lord knows I’ve been where you are this morning, and I don’t envy you one bit, but we’ve got things to talk about, Lil.

   Thinking about you,


   One of my throw blankets had been folded neatly and placed next to a throw pillow on the couch.

   Seriously? Is this dude even for real?

   Despite the hangover, I felt more hopeful than I had in a long time.

   Perhaps I’d sold him short. Maybe Brody Shaw was the real deal...

   Or is he too good to be true?



Chapter Sixteen

   She’d charge hell with a bucket of ice water.




   I sat parked half under a streetlight with the engine in my truck turned off, watching the rental from two houses away. The free-to-a-good-home ad had resulted in several inquiries. Most people were just good folks who wanted to give a dog a home. Between Lily, Melissa, and Kate, they’d been able to weed them out to focus on the more worrisome contacts. Of course, they’d always give them a gentle nudge in the direction of a local rescue before making their excuses.

   Three inquiries had been particularly suspicious. The first two, one was possibly looking for a bait dog. He took one look at Everett’s old Boxer, Maddie, and left. The second gave Melissa and Kate the creeps. They said he scrutinized poor Maddie like he was a serial killer in training. Everett, Hayes, and I decided that we wanted at least one of us on hand in the house after that. Not that the women weren’t fully capable of handling themselves, and anyone else. Just as backup.

   That split me and Hayes up for tonight. He was hanging back at the house while the next inquirer visited. I was waiting to follow them in my truck when they left. Hopefully they’d lead us to the mill. If not, we’d at least get a license plate or an address when they left.

   Without Maddie, of course.

   We never had any intention of giving Maddie to anyone.

   Lily whipped open the passenger door, startling me. “I’ve got a feeling about this one, Shaw.” She climbed into the cab and shut the door. “They were elusive on the phone and... I don’t know, and asked a lot of questions about if Maddie had been bred. Which, yeah, Everett bred her twice after her grand championship title. They’ll be able to tell if they check her undercarriage.”

   Seriously? Lily was all business, like we hadn’t made out like teenagers then she ignored the note I left her. She hadn’t even texted me since then. I was feeling a little used, and when I didn’t give up the goods, she wrote me off. I didn’t think that was it, of course. One, I didn’t let anybody use me, and two, my gut told me she was embarrassed that she got that drunk and tried to ride me like she was breaking a young horse.

   We’d save that for later. One issue at a time. “What do you think you’re doing?”

   “Coming with you.”

   I brushed a hand over my face. “Yeah, you sure that’s a good idea?”

   She sent me a what the hell look. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

   Truth was, I didn’t want her with me if this person managed to figure out they were being followed. If they did lead me to the mill...well, by her own admittance she’d lost her cool and got her ass arrested. “I, uh...we can’t approach these people, Lily. No matter how much you want to. We can’t burst in guns blazing and start popping open cages.”

   She crossed her arms, glared straight ahead. “I’m going. They can’t use me in there because there’s a chance I might be recognized. Y’all aren’t cutting me out of this. It’s my plan, my mill to take down. I’m not going to sit in the back bedroom with my thumb up my butt.”

   “Your mill to take down? I thought this was a team effort. You need to depend on everyone else to do their part.”

   She huffed out a shitty laugh. “Yeah, sure. Because I’ve had so much luck with that.”

   “We’re here, Lily. All these people. Helping. See, that’s the thing about having a team. You don’t have to do it all yourself.”

   Looking down at her lap, she nodded. “I’m not great...at that. Depending on people, I mean. I’m trying, though.” Her voice was nearly a whisper as she flicked her eyes to mine and the streetlight reflected back at me. It damn near took my breath away. The soft scent of night-blooming jasmine and warm vanilla tickled my nose and was making my jeans too tight. That fragrance of hers haunted my dreams. Would it be stronger in the crease of her thigh? Darker?

   Blowing out a quick breath, I tipped her chin up. “I get it, darlin’. I have a hard time trusting people, too. I feel like everyone wants something from me. But, please let me help. Let me do my part. I’m here to back you up, Lil. You can count on me. I’m not trying to cut you out, I’d just feel better if you weren’t with me if something goes wrong, is all.”

   Shit. The more I knew this woman, the more I wanted her to let me in—the more I wanted to let her behind my curtain, too. “I would never tell you that you can’t, Lily. You’re a grown woman who can do as she pleases, but I’d feel better if you stayed here.” Not capable of stopping myself, I cupped her jaw, stroked my thumb over her cheekbone.

   There was nothing I wanted more than to kiss her.

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