Home > Protective Instinct (The Unlovabulls #1)(61)

Protective Instinct (The Unlovabulls #1)(61)
Author: Tricia Lynne

   I’d expected this question. He’d already asked me to rat on Brody. I lied with psychopathic precision and cold calculation in my voice; it did not waver. Nor did my eyes stray from Dick’s.

   “No, and frankly I’m offended you asked. You know damn well I’m not my mother.” Sorry, Mom.

   Dropping the fingers propped on his chin, he raised an eyebrow. “This is a handsome investment, Lily. You can’t possibly think I’d do this without quid pro quo.”

   I had expected that, too. I was fully expecting to leave this room with my tail tucked between my legs. I would posture, negotiate, beg, borrow, and lie my ass off at world-class level in the hope of keeping a sliver of my integrity intact. But the truth was, he had the upper hand and we both knew it.

   In my head, I’d already agreed to the Head Trainer’s position.

   But, a girl’s gotta try. “Of course. You’d never do it simply because it’s the right thing to do. Tell me what you want, and I’ll tell you what I’ll give.” I sank into the chair across the desk and crossed my legs, tapped my fingers against the tufted leather that was an exact match to the color of a football.

   Dick put his elbows on the desk. “You will leave your dog training position and come to work for me as my head trainer. You’ll be given a fitting salary, and you can remain the figurehead of the Bulldogs animal shelter because it’s good publicity for my stepdaughter to have a pet project of that magnitude.”

   So far, it was what I’d expected and I’d get to work with the dogs at the shelter.

   “However, you will find someone else qualified to attend to day-to-day operations and oversee construction.” That gave me pause. “You’ll also have to choose another trainer to work with the dogs. Any time you spend at the shelter will be outside of your hours here, and unpaid.

   “In addition, in your function as head trainer, you’ll work closely with me, Trey, and select medical staff to provide the players with outcomes that will best benefit the Bulldogs organization.”

   Whoa. There it was. He’d try to manipulate me into gaslighting players and coaches like he and Trey had done to Brody to benefit the organization’s bottom line and championship hopes. And why was I not surprised my ex-fiancé was under Dick’s thumb? Adam Chase III was nothing if not slippery as fuck.

   “Last but not least, the Bulldogs will not break ground on this shelter until you’ve reached your third anniversary in your position and I’m satisfied with your performance.”

   Nope. “Let me tell you what I’m willing to give.” Leaning forward, I planted my elbows on the corner of his desk, mocking him. “I will leave my position at the training center and come to work for the Bulldogs, but I will oversee all phases of the shelter’s development. When it’s ready to accept dogs, I’ll hand day-to-day operations over to someone of my choosing who reports directly to me. I want two days a week, paid—three during the off-season—to work with the dogs at the shelter myself. I will not report to Trey. Figure something else out there. Oh, the Bulldogs will break ground on the shelter as soon as I identify a suitable space to build or renovate, and I want it close enough to this campus that the players and staff can give freely of their time. And I want it all in writing, Dick.”

   He laughed. Literally fucking laughed. In my face. “It’s good that you have that backbone, Lily. You’re going to need it. It helps that you’re not a half-bad liar as well.”

   “What’s that supposed to mean?”

   He ignored the question. “And player outcomes?”

   I shrugged, but kept my eyes locked on his. “It is what it is. The dogs are what matter.” The answer was short, noncommittal, and easy to twist. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to gaslight the players for Dick. I suspected he thought he could force the issue later.

   Eh, let him try. Poor Dick. He’d brought a bulldog to a Cane Corso fight.

   His lips split into a slimy grin. “Your father always knew when to roll over, too.”


   “Here’s my best offer, Liliana. You can oversee the shelter planning and construction You can even pick your replacement and they can report to you. You get one day a week at the shelter—two in the off-season—unpaid. I will break ground on the shelter in one year and I will put most everything in writing. You will work with Trey, and whether you think you can hold out or not, you will ‘rat’ for me, Liliana.”

   He made the damn air quotes with his fingers. What a douche. “Six months and you break ground. The shelter should be up and running nine months from then. And if I have to work with Trey, you have to tap some of your resources to help me locate the mill.”

   “It’s a deal. I’ll get it drawn up and take it to the board.” He stuck out his hand and I clasped his palm, but for the first time in my life, I wondered: if this was a win, why did I feel so utterly hopeless? Lost, empty, completely beaten down, and badly in need of a scalding hot shower with a side of Clorox bleach.

   For the dogs, Lily. For CC and Mack and Laila, and all those dogs in the woods that didn’t make it out like Mack did. For all of the underdogs, the unwanted, the throwaways who are out of sight, out of mind. For the mamas that never run on the grass with their babies, and the males that are met with the end of a cattle prod instead of a loving hand.

   You did it for the unlovables, Lily.

   I did it for the unlovables. Because it was what was best for the dogs.

   I made it into the elevator and watched the door shut before I let my tears fall.



Chapter Thirty-One

   The Ashes of Brody Shaw




   “You’re cleared to play. Your shoulder is fine.” Dr. Chase snapped off his gloves and turned to throw them away.

   Should have been exactly what I wanted to hear. The first game of the season was tomorrow. Not only did it mean I’d get to play, but they couldn’t put me on injured reserve. “Was there ever really anything wrong with it?”

   Darius tried to hide his grin. I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Devon in the last several days. Honestly, as the most senior trainer on staff and Devon’s boss, if Darius thought the other man was a problem, it was probably for the best.

   Chase spun on me, though instead of the distaste I’d expected to see, he wore a shitty smirk that made me want to cram my fist down his throat. Pulling off his glasses, he wiped them with soft cloth. “Oh. I nearly forgot. Mr. Head wants to see you in his office as soon as we finish your exam. Take your playbook.”

   My stomach plummeted, my head going a little light. I’d just been cleared for trade.

   “Why, you weaselly little motherfucker.” I hopped off the table, made a grab for his button-down. “I ought to beat your crooked little raggedy ass for the hell of it with all the shit you’ve done to the guys on this team.”

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