Home > Twice Upon A Time(42)

Twice Upon A Time(42)
Author: Erica Lee

I looked down at my feet and kicked at some non-existent object on the ground. “You were never my friend, Kacey.”

“I… I wasn’t?”

I looked back up at her and had to smile. Her suddenly timid demeanor was ridiculously cute. I shook my head. “No. From the moment I bumped into you at the beginning of freshman year, I knew you would be more to me. Then when you came back into my life, I wanted to act like I could see you differently, but I think we both know that’s a lie. So, I want you to think long and hard about this question because it’s going to determine my next move. Was this a date?”

The smile on Kacey’s face grew wider than I had ever seen it before when realization hit her. She took a step forward and rested her hands lightly on my hips. “Yes. This was definitely a date.”

Not needing anymore prompting, I leaned in and kissed her. As soon as I felt her lips on mine, I couldn’t imagine why I ever went without them. I wrapped my arms around her neck to pull her closer to me. Kacey took this opportunity to open her mouth to mine, and I thought I might collapse as our tongues reunited for the first time in way too long.

I forced myself to pull away. As much as I wanted to kiss her, there was something else I wanted to do even more. “Would you like to go on an official date with me?”

Kacey’s smile somehow grew even bigger. “There’s nothing I want more than that.”

“Perfect. Just let me know what day works for you and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Kacey’s smile dropped slightly. “I’ll have to figure it out. It’s tough with Bailey. I know we’ve been here a few months, but she’s still adjusting and I don’t want to leave her with just anyone.”

“I’ll do it.”

I jumped in the air as a dark figure emerged from the shadows. “Shit, Bo. What the hell are you doing here?”

Bo’s boisterous laugh echoed throughout the neighborhood. “I followed you. I wanted to know what happened.”

Kacey cackled beside me. “Privacy is a thing. You know that, right?”

Bo slipped his hands in his pockets and took a few steps closer to us. “Yes, but can you really be mad at me when I’m about to offer to watch Bailey next Friday? Valentine’s Day to be exact.”

“Don’t you think you should talk that over with my sister first?” I asked. “You guys did technically have your first date tonight. She might expect a Valentine’s Day date.”

Bo shrugged slightly. “Already talked to her about it. We agreed that if you guys finally embraced your feelings, we would offer to watch Bailey on Valentine’s Day.”

“And when exactly did you talk about this?”

“When I walked her to the door tonight.” Bo stated it as if it were the most normal thing in the world that my best friend and sister were meddling in my love life.

I looked toward Kacey. “What do you say? Do you trust those two fools to watch Bailey?”

“Oddly enough, I think I trust them more than most people.” She focused her attention on Bo. “If you’re sure that’s okay, I’m going to take you up on that offer.”

“It’s a date,” Bo said excitedly while clapping his hands together. We both stared at him until he finally got the hint. “Right. I’ll go now. You ladies enjoy the rest of your night.”

I watched him until he became a shadow and disappeared into the night, then turned back to Kacey. I put my arms around her neck, pulling her tight so our bodies were as close as possible, reveling in the way it felt. I wasn’t scared like I expected to be when I finally gave in. It was the complete opposite. I felt safe. I felt like I was right where I belonged and that nothing could hurt me.

Kacey laughed a hearty laugh, and I realized we had both just been staring at each other, caught up in our own thoughts. “What’s going inside that head of yours?” she asked with a slight tilt of her own.

I placed a quick kiss on her lips, then rubbed my nose against hers. “Just thinking about how ridiculously happy I am right now. What about you?”

“Honestly? I’m thinking about how much I want to invite you inside, but I don’t trust myself to behave.”

I leaned back just enough for her to see the smirk on my face. “Who said you have to?”

Kacey groaned playfully and threw her head back. “I said so.” Her face became more serious as she ran a finger along my cheek and I instinctively leaned into her hand. “Seriously, I don’t want to rush things. I want to do this right and show you just how serious I am.”

“You always were the chivalrous one.”

“And you always deserved it.”

I ducked my head so Kacey couldn’t see just how much her words were affecting me. “I better go. I’m not so chivalrous. If you keep talking to me like this, I might have my way with you right here in the driveway.”

Kacey placed one kiss on my forehead, then pushed me away. “Goodnight, Kari.”

“Goodnight, Kacey.”

When I got into my house, I leaned against the door and squealed. Even our goodnight felt like it was laced with promises. Promises I couldn’t wait to see through.



Chapter 13



On Valentine’s Day, I heard a knock at my door at precisely 6:30, which was the exact time Kacey said she would pick me up. Even though the date was my idea, she insisted on planning it. When I opened the door, I couldn’t control the wide smile that spread across my face. Kacey was holding a single red rose and a big bottle of my favorite wine.

“You remembered,” I said breathlessly.

Kacey stepped closer and moved the rose to the hand that was holding the wine. She ran the hand that was now free through my hair, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. “I couldn’t forget anything about you, Kari.”

I pulled her into me and crashed my lips into hers, enjoying the familiar tingle it sent throughout my body. When I pulled back, I laughed at her wide eyes and red cheeks. “Sorry. I’ve been holding back kisses from the moment I first saw you. The way I see it, I owe you a bunch.”

Kacey smirked and leaned into me again, stopping when her lips were just barely grazing mine. “And how many is a bunch exactly?”

I closed one eye as if I was considering her question. “I’d say approximately five-hundred seventy-two.”

Kacey placed one kiss on my lips, then pulled back slightly. “That’s a lot.” Leaning in, she kissed me quickly three more times.

After the third kiss, I wrapped my arms around her neck and nuzzled into her. “You know, we don’t have to go out. I could repay my debt.”

Kacey shook her head slowly. “Absolutely not. I have a full night planned for us.” She looked down at her watch. “Starting with dinner reservations that we’re going to miss if we don’t go now.”

Less than ten minutes later, we pulled up to the town’s newest restaurant, The Bulldog Bistro. The parking lot was packed which wasn’t surprising since a new restaurant was like a gold mine to a small town with not much else to do.

“How did you get a reservation here?” I asked as Kacey struggled to find a parking spot. “I heard they were booked like a month out.”

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