Home > Lord of Chaos (The Dragon Demigods Book 7)(32)

Lord of Chaos (The Dragon Demigods Book 7)(32)
Author: Charlene Hartnady

“If anyone upsets my wife, I’ll beat them myself to within an inch of their life. You’ll wish you were dead when I’m done with you.”

“Sorry,” Gaire mumbles, and even bows his head.

I swallow thickly and put my hands between my thighs and squeeze.

Someone steps forward and takes our drinks order. I notice that Death isn’t here.

“I believe there’s a backlog of souls. You’re not going to make your quota this week if you’re not careful,” Hades throws the words at Gaire.

“Once I have my dog back, things will get back to normal.”

“By dog, I hope you don’t mean Nia.” Rage’s eyes are narrowed.

“We discussed this. Nia is mine. Just because she whored herself to you doesn’t change that fact. It’s only going to make her punishment all the more severe. Your death won’t be quite as quick anymore, either. I’m going to have to make you eat your—”

“Must we really talk of death right now?” Twelve interjects. “Our food is nearly ready,” she says, putting a hand to her chest.

“I ordered omelets for the two of you. I figured you might be hungry,” Trident says. He’s smiling, but there are tension lines around his eyes and mouth.

My stomach is clenched into a tight knot. I don’t think I’ll be able to eat much of anything. I wish we could leave. I steal a glance at Gaire. Then again, once we leave, I’ll be fair game again. The hunt will be on.

There’s a part of me that wants to get the next confrontation over with, and another part that wants to delay the inevitable as much as possible.

“You need to get back to business,” Hades says, taking a sip of coffee. “My best Hunter hasn’t brought me a single soul in two days. Death is also so far behind. It’s—”

“Now, now, angel,” Twelve says. “Please can we— Oh!” Her brows lift, and she smiles, putting a hand on her belly. “Feel this,” she says. “She’s kicking.”

Hades grins. It’s a strange sight to behold because he looks truly happy. He puts his hand on Twelve’s belly.

“A little to the left…there…yes, there…” Twelve sounds animated now.

“I felt him kick!” Hades booms. “I felt it.”

Twelve laughs, and the two of them embrace.

“I’m not sure if you had plans to breed her,” Gaire says. He’s looking at Rage. There’s a smirk on his face. I know that look well. It’s a look he gets when he’s being cruel.

Rage takes a sip of his juice. He keeps his gaze straight ahead.

“Hounds have litters,” Gaire chuckles. “Did you know that? Did you tell him, Hound?”

“Is that so, Nia?” Twelve looks interested.

I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I give a small nod. I have to reply.

“You were what…?” Gaire is frowning. He’s pretending to be searching for a memory. “I think there were six in your litter? I know I met a whole houseful of your brothers.”

I ignore Gaire. I concentrate on my coffee cup, which I turn around in circles using the handle.

“Wow!” Twelve sounds amazed. “You have five brothers?”

I shake my head. “There are ten of us.”

“Ten?” Twelve practically shouts.

I’m thankful that the staff arrives at that moment carrying plates. They begin to put them down in front of everyone. The food looks and smells delicious. I still feel like I have a big rock sitting in my stomach, but at the same time, I find that I am hungry. I’m going to force myself to eat some of this food as I fear I will need my strength.

“You will have to tell me more about your siblings and about these litters,” Twelve says as the last staff member is leaving.

I swallow hard and smile. It feels forced. Then again, it is forced. “My mam had two litters. I have four older brothers.”

“Four and then six.” Twelve covers her mouth with her hand for a moment. “I thought carrying one was hard work. I can’t even imagine… Then she had to give birth to so many.” She’s shaking her head.

“Our young are born very small. We grow very quickly in the first few months.”

“I thought that hellhounds were in short supply,” Twelve says, “How can that be if litters are so huge?”

Everyone else is eating but listening in at the same time.

I put my napkin on my lap. “Um…” I pick up my knife and fork, “far more males are born than females, and not all females are fertile.” I shrug. “In fact, very few are able to have young.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re one of the fertile ones.” Gaire winks at me when I glare at him.

Rage growls so low it’s almost inaudible. It’s menacing and vicious, all the same. Maybe more so because of it.

“I’m sure you’ll push out plenty of pups. We’ll sell them online to the highest bidder. I’m betting the bitches will fetch a pretty penny,” he sneers at me. “You might even have a belly full as we speak.” His gaze drifts to Rage, “I’m sure hellhound-dragon demigod mixes will bring in some good money too.” I know he means it. It causes goosebumps to lift on my arms.

Rage stands so quickly his chair tilts back and very nearly falls. “Shut your mouth!” he snarls. “I suggest you keep very quiet, or we will need to take this outside.” His muscles are bulging. His eyes are dark and narrowed. Every part of him is tense.

Gaire wipes his mouth with his napkin and then stands as well. He is calm and composed. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Sit!” Twelve says.

“You heard my wife,” Hades says when neither man budges. “Sit and finish your food. Then you can all get the hell out of my house before I lose my temper!”

“Please don’t, sweetheart. We already had to replace the rug once this week. Bloodstains are impossible to get out. Brain spatters are even worse.”

My stomach clenches tight. My hands turn sweaty in an instant.

Gaire is the first to back down. Probably because he has seen first-hand what Hades is capable of. He clears his throat and then takes back his seat. Thank god Rage does the same. We eat in silence for several minutes. I don’t taste anything as I go through the motions of putting food in my mouth, then chewing and swallowing.

I scent ozone, and Death appears. I feel my tight muscles loosen just a little. I’m even able to give him a half-smile when he looks my way.

“Just in time for breakfast.” I might be wrong, but Twelve looks relieved too.

“Thanks for the offer, but I already ate,” Death says. “Morning, all.” He doesn’t look shocked or put out that Gaire is at the table enjoying a hearty breakfast like it’s an ordinary morning.

“At least have some coffee,” Twelve presses him.

“I’ll take an orange juice. Is it freshly squeezed?”

“Of course,” Twelve says, beaming.

Death takes a seat next to Rage and me. “Are the three of you nearly ready to head out?”

“I thought we were taking it outside after breakfast,” Gaire says to Rage.

“No! Not happening,” Death says. “It was a nice try, though.” He turns to Rage. “Gaire will have the advantage here in the Underworld. He’s stronger. This is not the realm to have it out with him.”

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