Home > Lord of Chaos (The Dragon Demigods Book 7)(33)

Lord of Chaos (The Dragon Demigods Book 7)(33)
Author: Charlene Hartnady

Gaire sits back in his chair. His expression is one of amusement. “I thought blood was thicker than water, brother. Was I wrong? I mean, there is a reason that saying came about.”

“I know another saying… Thank you,” Death says to a server who brings him his juice. He takes a sip, putting the glass down. “Where was I? Oh yes, I was giving you another saying I find pertinent in this situation: ‘You can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends.’ I know where I stand in this.”

“I’m sorry to hear it.” Gaire puts a big helping of food into his mouth.

“I take it you’re going to clear the backlog today?” Hades says to Death.

“Honey, enough with the shoptalk already. We’re trying to enjoy breakfast.”

“I have a business to run, sweets.” He eats the last bite of his meal and pushes his plate away.

Rage pushes his empty plate away too. “Compliments to the chef.” He is scowling. “We’re ready when you are,” he says to Death.

I set my fork down. My breakfast is only half-eaten. “That was delicious. I’m afraid that it was far too much for me to finish.” If I eat too much, I’ll throw up when Gaire compels me. He’s going to come after us when we leave here. I doubt we’ll be able to outrun him.

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Twelve beams like there is nothing wrong with this picture. “You will all need to come back soon. I’m having my baby shower in a month or two.”

Trident keeps on eating, as does Gaire, who is taking his time.

“Nia won’t be able to make it,” Gaire says.

“I’m quite sure that Nia can speak for herself,” Twelve says, setting her jaw.

“Don’t interfere, sweets.” Hades pushes his plate away.

“Gaire is being rude.”

“It’s none of our business.” Hades tries to take her hand, but she pulls away from him. His eyes turn murderous.

“It’s time to go,” Death declares. He takes both Rage’s and my hands.

I don’t get in so much as one word of thanks before we are teleporting. It is a feeling I know well. One I am used to. I must remember to send my thanks to Twelve. I’m pretty sure that she and Hades are going to argue about us once we are gone.

We land, and I manage to keep my feet easily. Rage goes down. He clearly isn’t used to this mode of transport. If you’re unaccustomed to it, teleporting can take it out of you. He’s on the floor and dazed. I see him shake his head a couple of times, trying to shake off the dizziness and nausea. It won’t take him long.

I notice that we’re on an open patch of grass behind Rage’s house. “Are you ready?” Death asks me.

I nod once. “Gaire’s behind us,” I state.

“He should be here any second.”

“How did he find us?” I ask. “I thought you said Hades’ house was cloaked. That Gaire wouldn’t be able to find us.”

Rage pulls himself into a sitting position. His brow is furrowed. His eyes are still somewhat hazy.

Death starts to say something, but Gaire appears from nowhere. “I’m not an idiot. That’s how I knew where you were. You disappeared without a trace. There’s only one realm that is cloaked like that. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Are you going to come with me easily and willingly? If you do, I will make his death painless and quick. If you don’t…I will make you watch me slowly kill him. It’s up to you, Nia.”

Rage pulls himself to his feet. “Don’t listen to him,” he growls.

“Oh, you’d better listen. If you know what’s good for you.”

“Why are you doing this? You don’t love me. You never did.”

“A hellhound’s place is at her master’s feet. That’s how it’s been for centuries. We can be very powerful together. We can have a good life.”

“You want to wreak havoc. I want no part of it.”

“I am an instrument of Hades…of the Underworld. I’m not expected to be a choirboy. Yes, we could wreak havoc. Men will want to be us, and women will want to be with us. We can have it all.”

“I’m not like you, Gaire. I’m not cruel and heartless.”

Gaire nods. “Yeah, you always were soft and timid.”

“Leave me alone then. Let me live my own life.”

“No can do, girl. No can do.” He’s smiling. “You are mine. I want you at my side. At my heel…now, Nia. Get your ass here.”

“No,” I say. In the next instant, I feel pain flood me. Every muscle in my body starts to pull tight. I fall to the ground as my muscles contract. I get out a garbled moan as my hands pull into claws.

Death is shouting something. He is tense. He has this look on his face. Gaire chuckles and says something back. All I hear is my heart beating in my ears.

Death’s face contorts. He reminds me of me, only more controlled since he isn’t lying on the floor.

At least I am able to think. I make a strangled noise. That’s also an improvement. If I’m honest, the pain isn’t as bad as it usually would be, which makes it merely excruciating, instead of unbearable.

Death groans and disappears. Shit! He’s been summoned. He’s gone. We’re alone with Gaire. I watch as Rage tackles Gaire. I try to unclench my hands. I try to get my limbs to work. All I manage is a strangled, “No!” it sounds more like ‘Naaaa!’. I’m far better than I was before but still completely useless. Gaire is right, he’s going to kill Rage slowly, and I’m going to have to watch. There is nothing I can do about it. If I want the pain to stop, I have to obey Gaire. What then? I don’t think I will be able to lift a hand against him. Gaire still has too much control over me. I need to fight this compulsion instead. I have to break free from this hold. Rage’s life depends on it.








I wait until the last second. I wait until all of my strength returns. Until my stomach stops rolling and my head stops spinning. I wait…and then I wait a little more, just to be sure.

While I’m waiting, I hear that prick commanding Nia.

I see her refute him, and then I see her go down.

I see Death trying to fight his own summons. I see him teleport away.

All the while, I listen to the things Gaire is saying. I feel my hackles rise and my blood boil. When I’m ready, I tackle Gaire. I knock him onto the ground, and I start kicking his side. I land one, but the second strike hits air, and I land on my ass. I scramble to my feet. I feel something hard ram into my back. I fly forward. That Gaire fucker likes to play dirty. I hate him with everything in me. I find that I hate him even more than I hate myself, which is saying something.

I try to keep my footing, and in so doing, I stagger forward again. Just when I think I might stay upright, I receive a blow to the side of my head. My ear immediately starts to ring as I fall hard.

The sound of laughing seems to surround me as I push myself to my feet. Where is he?

Gaire suddenly appears. He’s looking down at Nia. “Are you sure you won’t concede, Bitch?” he asks her. “Are you sure you want to watch your boyfriend die like this? He’s going to suffer.”

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