Home > Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(199)

Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(199)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

Mrs. Mac smiles at me. “Would you like a bowl?”

“Yes, please, dinner was great.” I stand up to carry my now empty plate to the kitchen.

Liam appears at my side. “I got it,” as he grabs my plate and walks to the kitchen. Mr. Mac stands to follow him.

The remainder of the day is uneventful. We all sit down to play a game of Back Alley Thirteen, Liam, Aiden, and Mr. Mac play their guitars and we all sing. We laugh and joke until it’s time to leave. Aiden and Hailey keep giving me questioning looks. I smile at them to let them know I’m good. Liam continues to dote on me, grabbing me drinks, holding my chair for me, and such. All of my senses are on high alert. When we leave, he holds the door for me again and helps me into the back seat of his Pathfinder. The drive back is quiet, since we’re all full and worn out. When we arrive at the dorm, Liam hops out and opens my door for me. I smile and say, “Thank you”. I give Aiden a hug, then link arms with Hailey as we head to our room.

We’re barely through the doors of the building before Hailey pounces on me for information.

“What the fuck was that?” she says with a huge smile on her face.

I look at her as if she is crazy. “What was what?” I can tell she isn’t buying my poor attempt to evade her questions.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Allison Hagan. What is that chemistry between you and my brother? Holy shit, sparks were flying all damn day.”

“You’re crazy, there were no sparks. Liam was just being...nice, that’s all,” I say, my voice cracking. Yeah, that was real convincing.

“I call bullshit. What you’re forgetting is he’s my brother, and I know him all too well. Never in my life have I seen him be attentive to any girl, unless he was trying to hook up. He ran from the table to chase after you and see if you were okay. Then he was in the bathroom with you for a while.” She smirks.

I throw myself down on my bed and cover my head with my pillow. I contemplate how much I should tell her. Liam is her brother after all, but she’s my roommate, and I need someone to talk to about all of this. Aiden would never understand. I take a deep breath, remove the pillow, and say, “We kissed,” and quickly cover my face back up.

“I knew it!”

Before I know what’s happening, Hailey’s on my bed, pulling the pillow away. “You kissed him?” she questions.

Unable to speak and feeling the heat engulf my cheeks, I nod my head yes and look up at the ceiling.

“This is awesome. Wouldn’t it be great if you guys ended up getting married? We would be sisters for real.”

“Seriously, you’re not mad, or think this is weird?”

“Well, when things start to heat up with you two spare me the graphic details, but no, I’m cool with it. Liam is a great guy, he just has his priorities all out of whack. I would love to see him get serious and what better person than my new roomie-BFF?”

“I’m sorry to disappoint, but it doesn’t mean anything. Liam has made it clear he would never consider a relationship, and I don’t want to waste my time on a fling, so it’s never gonna happen with us.”

Hailey laughs. “Oh, it’s so gonna happen, just like I told you earlier. I’m going to enjoy watching this play out. The show so far has been AH-MAZING,” she sings as she hops back to her bed.



The first week of classes goes smoothly. Hailey and I’d already mapped out where we needed to go, so we could ensure we’d be on time. That’s yet another thing she and I have in common, neither one of us like to be late. Thursday night we’re hanging out in our room trying to figure out how to celebrate our first week. Neither one of us has classes on Friday, so we’ll have a three-day weekend for this semester. Hell yeah. I haven’t seen Liam at all this week. Of course, I’ve gone out of my way to avoid him and Aiden. I gave Aiden the excuse I was busy with diving into my classes. He bought it, thankfully.

My cell phone starts singing LMFAO “Sexy and I Know It.” Aiden’s ringtone. He programmed it himself. He’s quite proud of his selection and often calls when we’re together just to remind me.

“Hey, Ace,” I chirp.

“Hey, you. What are you and Hales up to tonight?” he asks.

“Well, we were actually just discussing that. How about you?” I want to say how about you and Liam, but I don’t want to be obvious. It’s been a week since I’ve seen him.

“Nothing really. Liam and I are just sitting around, thinking about going out for pizza, and wanted to see if you and Hales wanted to come with?”

I pull the phone away from my ear. “Hey, Hales, Aiden said he and Liam are going out for pizza and they want to know if we want to come with.”

“Yes. How much time do we have?” she responds as she jumps off her bed and starts rummaging through her closet.

I laugh at her antics. “Yeah, we’re in. Where do you want to meet?” I listen to Aiden tell me he and Liam will pick us up in twenty minutes. I quickly say goodbye, so I can get ready.

“They’ll be here in twenty minutes to pick us up,” I tell Hailey as I laugh at her throwing clothes around our room.

“Get your ass in gear, missy. We only have twenty minutes, make that nineteen. What are you going to wear?”

I shrug my shoulders. I’m a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of girl. I want Liam to want me, but I want him to want the real me. I refuse to pretend to be someone I’m not in order to earn his affections. “What’s wrong with what I have on?” I question her.

Hailey rolls her eyes at me. “Nothing, I just think you should change it up a little is all. My brother is chomping at the bit for you, and we just want to give him the little push he needs.”

“What do you mean he’s chomping at the bit for me?” I question her, hands on my hips.

She sighs. “He’s called and texted me more this week than he has in our entire lives. He wanted to make sure you were okay after Sunday.”

“Wow. Okay, well, I guess that’s a good thing. I told him I wanted more, Hales. Do you think he’ll ever be able to give me that? Give anyone that?” I ask her, sadness in my voice.

Hailey nods her head yes. “I do, he’s really into you. Liam’s just working through his emotions right now. He’s never wanted anyone like this before, or cared how they were doing. This is all new to him. Give him time to adjust to the thought of being in a relationship.” She brings a pair of distressed capri jeans and a spaghetti strap tank over to me. “Put these on with some flip-flops. They’ll show off your curves, but it’s still really casual, so it won’t look like you’re trying too hard.”

I don’t respond, instead I make quick work of changing my clothes, then let Hailey touch up my makeup and hair, which I’d straightened today. We barely finish when we hear a knock at the door.

“Come in!” we both yell at the same time as we giggle.



Chapter 12





I pester the shit out of Aiden until he finally breaks down and calls Allison and invites her and Hailey out for pizza with us. Luckily, they agree, and soon Aiden and I are on our way up to their dorm room to pick them up. Aiden knocks on the door and a chorus of, “Come in,” and a lot of giggling rings through the door.

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