Home > Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(196)

Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(196)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

Aiden chuckles. “From the blush on Ash’s face, I can only assume it involves the male species or sex. Maybe both.”

“Aiden!” I shout as I reach up and smack him on the arm.

Aiden and Hailey are both roaring with laughter while Liam stares at the road in front of him. I can see his jaw twitch in the mirror. Great, now he’s pissed off at me.

The rest of the drive is uneventful. I pretty much keep quiet, as does Liam. Aiden and Hailey continue their conversations about music and school. Liam and I answer questions, but both of us stay pretty quiet the remainder of the trip.

When we arrive, both of their parents are waiting for us on the porch. Liam, Aiden, and Hailey are all quick to get out of the car. I reach for my handle as the door flies open. Liam’s standing there, holding his hand out to me, offering me assistance. I take his hand as he helps me down. I smile up at him. “Thank you.”

Liam simply nods his head. Before I know what is happening, Hailey grabs me by the arm and starts pulling me to the porch. “Mom, Dad, this is my roommate, Allison. Allison, this is my mom and dad, Lisa and Rodney MacCoy.”

I’m expecting a hand shake, but Hailey’s mom pulls me into a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you. Welcome, and, please, call me Mom or Lisa,” she says as she releases me.

Their dad is just as friendly, he also gives me a quick hug. “Dad will work just fine for me as well.” He smiles at me.

“It’s nice to meet both of you. Thank you for having me.”

“You’re welcome here anytime. Now, I hope you all are hungry. I made homemade lasagna, salad, and garlic bread. For dessert I made dirt cake,” Lisa tells us.

“Did I hear dirt cake?” Aiden asks as he walks up on the porch. He goes straight for Mrs. MacCoy and hugs her. “You spoil me, woman.”

Mrs. MacCoy just laughs as she hugs Liam. “I just like to keep my family fed, and if it happens to be their favorite foods, so be it,” she says, smiling at the four of us.

Liam and Aiden shake hands and man hug with Mr. MacCoy as Hailey shuffles us into the house. Their home reminds me a lot of the Emersons’. Family pictures line the walls, throws thrown over the back of the couch. It feels lived in, happy. It’s been years since Gran’s house felt happy. The living room now houses Gran’s hospital bed, as it’s too hard for her to get up the stairs to any of the bedrooms. The kitchen counters are lined with bottle after bottle of her prescription medications. I feel an ache in my chest thinking about Gran. I just spoke to her this morning, and she says she’s doing fine, but I know her health is failing, and I feel like the worst granddaughter in the world being off at school while she’s home alone.

“Earth to Allison,” Hailey says as she waves her hands back and forth in front of my face.

“Oh, sorry,” I say as she pulls me out of my thoughts. “I was just thinking about Gran. I feel bad not being with her each day,” I explain.

Aiden walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. “I talked to Mom before we left, and she said Gran is fine and she’ll check on her again later today. Gran wants you to enjoy life, Ash. Please, try not to worry.” He kisses me on the forehead, and I hug him tighter.



Chapter 10





I have to get out of here. To see Aiden kiss her good morning, even though it’s just a peck on the cheek, irritates me. My annoyance is back full force. It’s bad enough I have to see her wearing his jersey, but to see him touch her, it’s killing me. She feels it too, she told me that much, but she wants more. I’ve never done more. I’ve never had a girlfriend, I never wanted one. I have football. The draft is coming up in less than a year. My dream, since I was old enough to hold a football, has been to play in the NFL. I can’t lose focus on that now. However, my mind and my heart, yes, my heart, did not get the fucking memo. I’ve never had a girl hold my interest for longer than a few hours, how could I possibly give Allison more?

When I get back to the apartment, after my run, the girls are gone. I feel both relief and sadness. Thinking about how long it’ll be before I see her again, I get an idea in my head. I’ll surprise Hailey and pick her up for lunch at our parents’. Hopefully, Allison will be in their dorm room when I get there. It’ll be a quick glimpse, but at this point I’ll take what I can get. Checking the time, I rush through my shower, then I meet Aiden in the living room. “Hey, man, ready to go?”

He nods as he gets off the couch. “Little earlier than we usually leave?” He raises his eyebrows, questioning me.

I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, I need to stop and pick up Hales, no sense in both of us driving there when we’re only minutes away from each other.” I try to sound as nonchalant as possible. Inside I’m screaming for him to hurry the fuck up. I need to see Allison.

He just stares at me. “Come on, man, what’s really going on?” he questions me.

“Nothing, it just makes more sense for me to pick her up, that’s all,” I reply as I continue tying my shoes.

“Did you know that Allison is coming today?”

I whip my head around to look at him. “She is?” I feel my heart rate pick up at just the thought of being able to be in the same car with her for any length of time. “Are you sure?”

He nods. “I’m positive.” Letting out a deep sigh he continues, “Please, tell me you aren’t going after her.”

I hesitate before answering, “She wants more.”

“She deserves more.”

“You think I don’t fucking know that? Don’t you think I would give her the world if I could?” I sneer at him.

Aiden stares at me as if he is trying to decipher what I just said. “She’s really gotten to you, hasn’t she?”

“Yes…no…hell, I don’t even know anymore.” I place my elbows on my knees and lean over with my hands covering my face. “What I do know is since I met her I can’t stop thinking about her. When I’m near her, I feel this intense attraction that I’ve never felt. I want to protect her. Hell, this morning I wanted to rip your fucking head off for kissing her on the cheek.”

“I really want to see where this goes, man. I need to work out these feelings.” I stand up and pace the floor. “I know she’s like a sister to you, and you’ve told me multiple times there’s nothing going on, but speak now, man, if there’s more. I plan on seeing where this attraction goes. And before you go ape shit, if you want her, I’ll back off, but that’s the only damn thing that will keep me from trying to work out these feelings I have for her.” The words are out of my mouth before I know what I’m saying. I realize I mean every word. Aiden’s words flash through my mind “She deserves better, she deserves respect and love.”

“Liam, you and Allison both mean a lot to me. Do.Not.Hurt.Her. I’ll support you as long as you agree she’s not a fuck buddy. She’s special and needs to be treated that way. Think about Hailey and how you would feel about her being treated like a quick fuck.”

I nod my head, understanding what he’s telling me. Allison really is like a sister to him, and he wants to protect her. Problem is so do I, and I’m not sure just how to deal with all of these emotions running rampant through me. Can I deal with giving her more? Can I deal with the close relationship they share? If I’m going to give her more, she’s going to be mine.

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