Home > Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(219)

Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(219)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“Please,” she whispers. “Please, don’t, I want you. Please, make love to me. I’m fine, it just hurt for a minute.”

I lean down and kiss her, hoping to relay the emotions coursing through me. This moment has changed me. Allison is mine and I’m hers, I’ll never feel this with anyone else. I begin to move slowly at first, increasing my efforts as she begins to moan my name. I can feel my release rapidly approaching, so I balance my weight on one hand while my other finds her center and begins to stroke her folds while I increase my rhythm.



We both shout at the same time. I gently rest my full weight on her, not that there’s currently another option. I’m not ready to be disconnected from her, and my orgasm has taken everything out of me. As I lie here breathing, like I just ran a marathon, I lift my head slightly to look at my girl. She’s smiling, satisfied and sated. “I love you,” I whisper against her lips.

“Oh, Liam.” She hugs me tight against her with her arms around my neck. “That was the most amazing moment of my life. I can’t explain it.” She hugs me tighter.

I rise up and gently remove myself from her. I hop off the bed and go to the bathroom. I come back with a wet cloth. “Open for me, baby,” I say as I caress her leg. I gently wipe away her arousal and mine, then throw the cloth back through the bathroom door. I climb up on the bed and take her in my arms. “This,” I say, motioning with my free hand between us, “is the most exhilarating experience of my life. Everything with you is brighter, happier, more fulfilling.” I kiss her temple. “I love you so much,” I say, squeezing her tight.

“I love you too,” she says with a yawn.

I kiss the top of her head and reach over and turn off the bedside lamp. I reach down and pull the covers up over us. I fall asleep with the love of my life in my arms, and I can’t remember ever feeling more content.



Chapter 27





The morning sun is just starting to peek through the blinds. I’m lying on Liam’s chest with his arms holding me tight against him. I gently tilt my head, careful not to wake him up. I watch him sleeping. He’s so handsome. My mind drifts to last night and the things we shared. I never in a million years ever dreamed I could be this happy. Hailey and Aiden are still in awe of how much he’s changed, but to me he has always been my Liam. Always protecting me and telling me how special and beautiful he thinks I am.

“Why are you staring at me, beautiful?” Liam asks in his oh so sexy morning voice.

“Just taking in the view,” I cheerily reply.

“What’s got you so happy this morning?” he asks as he tickles my side.

I laugh out loud while squirming away. “I’m just really happy,” I gasp between laughs.

Liam tightens his hold on me. “You aren’t going anywhere,” he says as he flips over on top of me, resting his weight on his arms by my head. He’s looking at me with a huge grin on his face, the one he reserves for me.

“What’s got you so happy this morning?” I throw his words right back at him, still laughing from his onslaught of tickling.

“That’s the most beautiful sound, I love hearing you laugh.” He gives me a chaste kiss. “As for my happiness, let’s see; I made love for the first time to the most beautifully sexy woman I’ve ever met, I held her in my arms all night, and I wake up to her still in my arms and the sound of her delightful laughter. That, my beautiful girl, is the short list of why I’m so happy this morning.” He then kisses me with so much passion I’m ready to go another round. I lift my hips to his, letting him know what I want. Liam pulls away from our kiss breathing heavily. “Baby, it’s too soon. I know you’re sore, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m fine, I can deal with it. I want you,” I beg him.

Liam shakes his head. “We can’t, baby, I don’t want to hurt you.” He kisses my forehead. “Let’s get in the shower and grab some breakfast before we head home.”

I grumble my agreement and let him pull me off the bed. He’s right I am sore, but the pleasure of being with him is so worth any amount of pain.

The next several weeks are a whirlwind of happiness. I introduced Liam to Gran as my boyfriend. To say that she’s happy for us is an understatement. Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself to make sure that I’m not dreaming. Our relationship has evolved and I love him more every day. As soon as we both stopped fighting it, everything just fell into place. Liam and I spend as much time together as possible. I spend more time at his condo than the dorm rooms. Hailey is there as well. The four of us just kind of fit together as one big unit.

School is out for Thanksgiving break, so Liam and I spend a lot of time together. Thursday, Liam, Aiden, and I are having Thanksgiving dinner with Gran and Aiden’s parents. I also invited Hailey to join us, since their parents are waiting until the next day to do their Thanksgiving dinner. So, here we are on Wednesday night driving to Gran’s. Liam’s going to stay at Aiden’s while Hailey stays with me and Gran. Gran didn’t say this needed to be the arrangement, but out of respect for her, we’ve decided this is the best way, even though we hate to sleep without each other.

As soon as Liam pulls into Gran’s driveway, I’m out the door and running to see Gran. It’s been three long weeks since I’ve seen her, and I miss her so much. I hear Aiden laughing behind me as they unload our bags for the night. I barrel through the door. “Gran, we’re here!” I yell for her.

“I’m in the den, Allie girl,” she calls back.

I reach the den and drop to my knees in front of her chair and engulf her in a hug, careful not to hurt her. Gran is the constant in my life, and I miss her. I pull away and kiss her on the cheek just as Aiden, Liam, and Hailey enter the room. Aiden walks over to Gran and hugs her. I hold my hand out to Liam while motioning for Hailey to come over as well.

Liam and Hailey say hello to Gran. They both give her a gentle hug and I can feel my chest expand with love for all three of my best friends.

“Thank you all for spending the holiday with me. I’m so glad my Allie girl has met such nice friends,” Gran says as she turns to face Aiden. “And you, it’s been way too long. I think I’m going to need another hug,” she tells him with a smile.

Aiden quickly obliges her as the rest of us take a seat. We sit and talk to Gran for a few hours until it’s obvious she’s completely worn out.

“Guys, I’ll be right back. I’m just going to help Gran get settled,” I tell them. I help Gran ease out of her chair and lead her down the hall to get ready for bed.

“You love him,” she says matter of fact.

“Yeah, I really do. He and Aiden have been best friends since Aiden’s first year of college. He’s such a great guy, Gran.” I blush from my onslaught of gushing over Liam.

“He loves you too, you know,” she states. “He’s the color on your canvas.”

I feel tears prick my eyes at her referral to what she has told me since I was a little girl. Life is a giant canvas, Allie, and you should throw as much paint on it as you can. I nod my head to agree with her. “Yeah, I really think he does, and I think he is. He tells me every day how beautiful he thinks I am and how much I mean to him,” I tell her as I finish helping her into bed and kissing her cheek goodnight.

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