Home > Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(47)

Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(47)
Author: Kaylee Ryan


“Weeks ago, before I had even worked it out in my head that this is what I wanted. I knew I didn’t want anyone else to have you, it just took me time to realize I could be a dad and whatever it is you need, too.”

Butterflies—millions, trillions of butterflies take flight in my belly. Grabbing his shirt, I pull him to me and kiss him.

Someone clears their throat behind me.

Ridge pulls away and rests his forehead on my shoulder. “I need to get the monitor.”

“This one?” Reagan holds it up as she enters the kitchen. “Your girl turned it off, but since you’re back down here with us I thought it was safe to turn it back on.” She smirks.

He takes it from her and sets in on the counter beside me. “My girl didn’t have to do that,” he says, leaning in to me, facing them. He crosses his arms over his chest.

“You told him?” Mark asks.

“Yeah, I mean, I couldn’t lie about it.”

“Dude, you fuck up and I’m stepping in.” He punches Ridge in the arm.

“Not a fucking chance in Hell,” Ridge fires back.

Everyone laughs, and that sets the tone of the rest of the night. We laugh, talk, eat and then when the fights are finally over, Ridge walks me to Reagan’s car.

“So tomorrow, you’re not going to stand us up, are you?” he asks.

“No, what time?”

“Now. Just stay with me. We can stop by your place tomorrow for you to change and get ready.”

“Not tonight, but you name the time and I’ll be here.”


“Seven, okay. Dinner, then?”

“In the morning, sweet girl. I want all day with you.”

“Are you being serious?”

“This is you we’re talking about, so hell yes, I’m being serious. How about as soon as you wake up you get ready and come to me. I want the day with you.”

“Okay,” I concede.

“Text me when you get home, so I know you’re safe.”

“Ridge, I’ll be fine. Go inside and go to sleep. Knox will be up soon.”

“Not until I know you made it home.” He looks through the window of the car to Dawn. “Make her call or text when you get home, so I don’t worry.”

“Gotcha.” Dawn grins like the cat that ate the canary. She’s loving this.

He leans down and kisses me on the lips; it’s quick, but the meaning is still there. “Be safe. I’ll see you in a few hours,” he whispers.

I nod and climb into the back of Reagan’s car.

“He’s got it baaaddd,” Reagan sings once we’re on the road.

“He’s not the only one,” Dawn adds.

Thankfully, they change the subject to their plans for the next day while I get lost in thoughts about mine. We’re spending the day together. I’m trying hard to tamp down my excitement. It took everything I had not to take him up on his offer and just stay the night. I’m sure his seven a.m. request will be fulfilled; I can’t see myself getting much sleep.

The drive from Reagan’s house to ours is filled with Dawn’s excited chatter about her day tomorrow with Mark. I’m happy for her. She’s not having the best of luck with guys, and he seems like one of the good ones.

As soon as I walk through the door, I text Ridge. He needs to get to bed.


Me: Just walked through the door.

Ridge: Make sure you lock it. See you soon.

Me: Already done. Night.

Ridge: Sweet dreams.



Chapter 31



Maybe two hours. That’s the amount of sleep I got last night. It took me a while to finally close my eyes and when I did, it was the early morning hours. Two hours later, my little man decided it was time to eat. I’m not going to complain, because he slept for eight hours. That’s a record, and amazing, and I can only hope he continues to do so. He was up at five and after he got his belly full, he was ready to play—well, as much as a one-month-old can. He was talking up a storm, making all kinds of cute baby babble sounds. I admit I’m that dad, the one who records multiple videos of their kid. And I’ve taken hundreds of pictures. I need to invest in a good camera, not just my cell phone. Maybe that’s something we can do today.

I’m lying on the floor with Knox when my phone alerts me to a new message. Stretching, I reach up and snag it from the coffee table.


Kendall: I’m here.


Giddy. Those two fucking words make me giddy like a teenage boy. It’s seven o’clock on the dot and she’s here. “We have company, buddy. Kendall’s going to spend the day with us, and Daddy is really excited about that.”


Me: Be right there.


I gather Knox into my arms and—I will deny this—we run to the front door. Twisting the lock, I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart. Pulling the door open, she’s standing there in simple gym shorts and a hoodie, her hair is piled on top of her head and she’s a fucking beautiful sight for my tired eyes.

“Missed you, sweet girl,” I say, clamping my free hand around her waist and pulling her to me. I kiss her temple.

“I missed you guys too.” She grabs Knox’s little hand. “Morning, cutie. You feeling better today?”

He smiles at her because—like father like son—he’s enamored with her.

“Have you had breakfast?” I ask her.

“Actually . . .” She holds up a bag of takeout. “I swung through the drive-thru and picked us up a variety of breakfast sandwiches. I’m exhausted,” she admits.

“Me too. It took me a while to fall asleep and then this guy decided he was ready to jam this morning, so we’ve been up for a few hours,” I say, covering a yawn.

Reluctantly, I release my hold on her and allow her to step inside. I close the door and flip the lock back, my way of locking out the outside world—today is just our time. Something I’ve been craving with her for weeks. I find her in the kitchen unloading the bags.

“There’s milk and juice, I think, in the fridge. There’s also bottled water and a fresh pot of coffee. It’s what keeps me going these days.”

“Water’s fine with me. What about you?”

“Milk, but I can get it.” I walk toward the fridge.

“Ridge, sit down and let me do this.”

I don’t argue with her because I don’t want to ruin today. I don’t want her to leave when she just got here.

“Eat,” she says as she sets a tall glass of milk in front of me. She does the same, unwrapping a sandwich. “Looks like someone’s losing steam.”

Sure enough, I look down at Knox and his eyes start to fall shut, then pop back open. He’s fighting it, but he’s not fussing. Whatever was bothering him must have subsided. I hate that he can’t tell me what he needs.

She finishes her sandwich and holds her hands out for Knox. “You finish, I’ll take him.”

“You don’t—” I stop myself when she gives me a ‘don’t argue with me’ look. Instead, I transfer him from my arms to hers, steal a quick, chaste kiss, and tear into one of the other sandwich.

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