Home > Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(48)

Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(48)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“What do you want to do today?” I ask between bites.

“I’m up for anything.”

I watch as she gently sways back and forth, patting his little bottom. His eyes finally fall shut and stay that way. “You are the baby whisperer.”

“Nah, just love kids.”

I quietly crumple up my wrapper, drain the last of my milk, and stand. “I’ll go lay him down.”

“I can do it.”

I nod, knowing the less we transfer him back and forth the more likely he is to stay asleep. “His Pack ‘n Play is in the living room; we can put him there.”

She follows me there and gently lays him down. It doesn’t seem to faze him. “Now what?” she asks me, just as I’m covering a yawn. “Never mind.” She grabs my hand and leads me to the couch. “Lie down and get a few more hours of sleep.”

“No.” I refuse to miss a single second of my time with her today.

“Ridge, you’re exhausted.”

I pull her into my chest with the hand she’s holding. “I want to spend the day with you,” I say, my voice low.

“I’ll be here.”

“Not good enough. I’m not missing this time with you to sleep. I can do that later.”

“No, you can’t. You have a newborn, Ridge. You have to rest when he does. Don’t be stubborn.”

I yawn again before I can even answer her. I know she’s right, but I’m fighting it anyway.

“What if I lie with you?” she offers.

That changes the game. I don’t reply, just lie down on the couch and pat the spot in front of me. She shakes her head, wearing a small smile, and takes her spot. I pull the blanket we used last night off the back of the couch and drape it over us. My hand rests on her hip and she uses my arm as a pillow.

My girl, she’s a smart one. This is the best idea she’s had yet.

“You’re making me sleepy,” she says, stifling a yawn.

“You feel good.” I slide my hand around to rest on her stomach. The T-shirt under her hoodie has ridden up, so my hand touches soft, warm skin.

“You’re warm.” She relaxes further into my hold. “Sweet dreams,” she says, and that’s the last thing I remember before sleep takes me.



I hear the soft sounds of Knox’s babble, and I know I need to get up. It’s not until I hear her sweet voice that my eyes pop open.

“Shh. We don’t want to wake Daddy. Remember the plan? We need to let him sleep as long as we can.” Knox babbles some more at her. “I know, tell me about it,” she whispers. “You got your belly full and now you’re ready to play, huh?

She’s so damn gorgeous. Her hair is messy with not a stitch of makeup, and the sight of her in this moment will star in my every fantasy from here on out. “Hey,” I say, my voice still thick with sleep.

“Hey, hope we didn’t wake you?”

“Nah, how long has he been up?”

“About an hour or so. He had his bottle and a new diaper, so he’s ready to go.” The way she smiles down at my son lights a fire inside me that she accepts both of us.

“What time is it?” I sit up, rubbing my hands over my face.

“Twelve thirty.”

“Shit. I’m sorry, you should have woken me up.”

“I had just woken up, needing to use the bathroom, when this little guy started to stir. He and I talked about it, and we decided to let you sleep.”

I stand and walk over to the loveseat and sit down beside them. “Is that how it is, little man? You ditch old Dad for a beautiful woman?” I ask my son, reaching out and letting him latch on to my finger.

“We made a deal. We’d let you sleep and then when you woke up, we’d pout until you took us to the park to go for a walk.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yep.” She puffs out her bottom lip in her best pouting face. It does nothing but make me want to kiss those full, soft lips of hers.

“Pouting isn’t necessary. I will take you two anywhere you want to go.” I lean in and kiss the top of her head. “Do you mind watching him so I can get dressed and brush my teeth? I need to kiss you.”

She leans down to talk to Knox. “We got this, huh, little dude?” He smiles at her.

“Be right back.” I dash up the stairs and rush through brushing my teeth. I throw on some basketball shorts and a T-shirt and call it good. My next stop is Knox’s room. I grab him an outfit for today, some diapers, extra clothes, wipes, a blanket and an extra receiving blanket just in case. I shove it all in his diaper bag and carry it downstairs.

“I just need to make him some bottles for the road and I’m all set.”

“Can we help?” she asks, standing to follow me into the kitchen.

“Actually, yes, you can.” I stalk toward her. Two long strides has me standing in front of her, and I cup her face with both hands and bring her lips to mine. “It’s been too long since I’ve done that.” I release her, both of us wearing a grin, and finish making bottles.

“Let me load up the stroller and then we can go.”

“Is this what you want him to wear? Does he get to sport his PJ’s today?” She winks at me.

“Woman, you have me all flustered. No, there’s an outfit for him in the diaper bag. A few of them, actually. We’ve had some accidents, so I want to make sure I’m prepared.”

She sifts through the bag on the counter. I watch as she grabs a diaper, wipes, and a new outfit. “I got this one. You finish up whatever you need to do.”

Twenty minutes later, we’re loaded up and on our way to the park.



“Let me get the stroller.” I hop out of the truck and grab it out of the backseat. Now to just figure out how to open the damn thing. I’m still struggling when Kendall joins me at the rear of the truck.

“Problems?” She laughs.

“How do you open this thing? Is it even safe?”

Again, she laughs. “It’s safe, Ridge. Can I try?”

I step back and let her try. Apparently, you have to be smarter than the stroller, because she grabs the handle and next thing I know, it’s unfolded and ready to go.

“What the hell? How did you do that?”

“The handle has a button underneath. I pushed it.”

“Har, har, smartass. I pushed it too.”

She shrugs and grins. “I guess I just have the magic touch.”

I smack her ass, wearing a grin of my own, before quickly moving out of the way so she doesn’t have the chance to retaliate. Opening the back door, Knox snaps his eyes open at the sound. “Hey, bud, you ready for your walk?” He closes his eyes again, and I grab his car seat and carry him to where Kendall is standing with the stroller. “Great, now how does this part work?”

“I think it just snaps in.” She holds tight to the stroller while I settle the car seat, and sure enough it snaps right into place.

“Well, that was easy enough. I just hope we can get him out of it.”

She chuckles. “I’ll grab the diaper bag.”

“Okay, baby, diaper bag, keys, cell phone.” I look at Kendall. “Am I forgetting anything?”

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