Home > Under the Mistletoe

Under the Mistletoe
Author: Rochelle Paige







Getting Tanner and Marie into bed was always an adventure. Drake usually took charge of our son since he tended to be more of a handful than our daughter. Sometimes it felt as though my baby boy was ten going on eighteen with the things he got up to, while our girl was one to follow the rules. I could only hope Marie stayed that way as she grew up, or else she'd drive her daddy up the wall with how protective he was of her.

"You know what, Mommy?" she asked as I tucked the blanket under her chin.

I loved our little chats when I put her to bed. She always had a story of some kind to share. "No, sweetie. What?"

"I changed my mind about what I want from Santa." Marie dropped her little bombshell as she snuggled into her pillow without a care in the world.

On the other hand, I was frantically hoping the new item at the top of her wish list was something we'd already bought for her. "What do you want?"

She let out a dreamy sigh before answering, "A Once Upon a Unicorn."

Of course, our daughter waited until less than two days before Christmas to decide she wanted one of the hottest toys of the season. We were doomed.

"You already gave Santa your list of what you wanted weeks ago, sweetie," I reminded her, trying not to freak out because I hated the idea of my sweet baby girl being disappointed on Christmas morning. "Christmas Eve is tomorrow. Santa might not have enough time to get you something different."

“Don’t be silly, Mommy.” Marie gently patted my cheek as she smiled up at me. “Santa can do anything with his magic.”

“Right,” I drawled, inwardly cringing while I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “But in the off chance that lots of other kids change their mind at the last minute too, go easy on Santa for not being able to make the change to your big present in time. Okay?”

“Uh-huh,” she murmured as she rolled over to snuggle deeper into her pillow.

I rubbed my palm up and down her back until she drifted off to sleep, and then I tiptoed out of her room. After shutting the door as gently as possible, I headed down the hall to the master bedroom. Drake was in the en suite bathroom getting ready for bed, and I paused to stare at his bare muscular back and tight butt covered by his boxer briefs. When he looked up from the sink, and our gazes met in the mirror’s reflection, I moved to the other side of the counter to grab my toothbrush. Spreading paste on the bristles, I muttered, “You’re not going to believe what your daughter told me before she fell asleep.”

Drake turned toward me and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Why are they mine when they’ve done something wrong and yours when they act like little angels?”

“Because I never got into any trouble when I was younger.” I pointed my toothbrush at him, careful not to let any of the paste fall off. “That means if we’re getting payback for childhood antics, they’re all yours.”

“Fair point.” He flashed me a cocky grin that still made butterflies swirl in my belly all these years later. “I guess that means I’m the one heading out shopping tomorrow morning.”

”If only it were that simple,” I sighed with a shake of my head. “Once Upon a Unicorns have been sold out since before Thanksgiving. It would take a Christmas miracle for you to find one tomorrow.”

He got that determined gleam in his dark eyes that I’d seen many times before. “It’s my job to make sure all of Marie’s dreams come true, even the little ones.”

My heart melted at how resolved he was not to let our daughter down. “You’re such a good father to our babies.”

“Damn straight,” he agreed, moving behind me to press his chest against my back and wrap his arms around my body. He nibbled on my neck while I got ready for bed. Only by the time I was done, sleep was the last thing on my mind.

Turning in his hold, I rose on my toes to brush a kiss against his lips. “You’re a great husband, too.”

“Only great?” he teased, dropping his hands to my butt and pressing me against his hard-on. “That sounds like a challenge to me, baby.”

I tilted my head to the side and grinned up at him. “What kind of challenge?”

“The kind where I give you as many orgasms as it takes until you admit I’m the best husband ever.” His grip on my butt tightened, and he lifted me off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and gripped his shoulders while he carried me over to our bed. “Since I’m the only one you’ll ever get, I need to make sure you’re one-hundred percent satisfied.”

I didn’t have any complaints about my husband, but I was more than willing to play along. Especially when he got all possessive and orgasms were at stake. “Do you have any ideas on how you’re going to do that?”

“A few.” He dropped me on the mattress and crawled over my body, his hands dipping in my pajama pants to cup between my legs. “Do you want me to spread you out and lick your sweet pussy until you scream my name into a pillow? Or maybe you’d prefer that I push my cock between your plump lips so you can swallow me down?”

Choosing between those options seemed impossible. “How about both?”

“Or I could pound you into the mattress so hard that you won’t be able to tell where your body ends and mine begins,” he suggested with a swivel of his hips, grinding his hard length against my core.

My panties went from damp to drenched. “Yes, please.”

“You like the sound of that, huh?” He nibbled along my jawline before yanking my shirt over my head and taking my comfy bra with it. “That’s good, baby. I’m dying to be inside you, so we’ll both get what we want.”

I squirmed out of my pajama pants while he shoved his boxers down his legs. When he pressed his naked body against mine, I let out a soft sigh of satisfaction. We’d been extra busy with holiday and kid stuff over the past week and hadn’t gotten as much time together as we normally did. There hadn’t been many opportunities for anything more than a quickie here and there, which we’d quickly learned to take advantage of since we became parents.

Drake wedged his arm between our bodies and circled my clit with his thumb. “Gotta make sure you’re ready for me.”

“Ready doesn't even begin to cover it,” I assured him as I widened my legs to give him better access. A low moan bubbled up my chest when he sank two fingers in me and twisted his wrist to rub against my G-spot. It never took much for my husband to turn me on, but I wasn’t alone in this.

Drake’s dark eyes filled with need and his cheeks flushed as his rock-hard dick pushed against my inner thigh. “You feel needy to me. Have I been neglecting you lately?”

“Never,” I gasped, twining my arms around his neck as he drove me closer to the edge with his fingers.

“Good,” he murmured against my lips before claiming them in a deep kiss. “Because no matter how busy we get, I never want to give you any reason to doubt how much I love you.”

Back when we’d first met, I wouldn’t have guessed what an amazing husband Drake would make. But thank goodness he’d been persistent, and my heart couldn’t resist his charm. Falling for him had been the best thing to ever happen to me. “You always find new ways to show me that I mean everything to you.”

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