Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(164)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(164)
Author: Melanie Moreland

“Are you okay?” I asked, turning my head. “Did he hurt you?”

“He-he scared me,” she replied, her voice shaking. “But I’m okay.”

I found her hand in the dark and squeezed it, then focused my attention on the man struggling to get to his feet. “What the hell are you doing, Scott?” I demanded.

He glared up at me, his eyes unfocused and dark. The bastard was high again.

“Talking to my wife. Leave us alone,” he spat at me, his body twitching.

“I will say this one more time. She isn’t your wife anymore. You kicked her out, and you’ve lost the right to call her that.” I shook my head. “Where is your common sense? You have screwed your entire case with this bonehead move. Attacking my client with witnesses?” I laughed, the sound dry and rough. “You can kiss your case goodbye, Scott. I am going to make it my number one priority to see you pay for this stunt.”

He made a strange face, trying to appear tough. “Fuck off, Smithers. I want to talk to Fiona.”

“You talk to her through me. With your attorney present.” I narrowed my eyes. “Walk away, Scott. I’ll call the police if you don’t.”

He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, trying to find his center of gravity. He pursed his lips.

“You fucking her?”

I dropped Fee’s hand and stepped forward. My voice was menacing to my own ears as I spoke.

“Last chance, Scott. Stop disrespecting Fee and walk away. You’re already in enough trouble.”

He snarled and began to step back. I saw his hand curling into a fist, and I was ready, knowing what he was about to do and welcoming the chance. As he lifted his arm, ready to strike, I knocked away his ineffectual punch and hit him with a punch of my own. It caught him fully in the nose, sending him sprawling back to the cement, blood spurting down his face.

He screamed like a little girl, holding his face.

“I’m suing you for assault,” he yelled.

“Go ahead.” I looked at the small crowd that had gathered. “Anyone see me attack him first?”

A woman stepped forward. “I’ll be a witness. I saw him attack this woman and then attack you when you came to her defense. You got here before I could,” she added.

A couple of other people nodded, and I looked down at Scott. “I think you better call Jonas,” I informed him. “Your problems just got worse.”

I slid my hand into my pocket, ignoring the dull ache in my knuckles, and handed the people who had agreed to be witnesses my card. I took their information on my phone, never moving from in front of Fee or taking my eyes off Scott for long. He sat up, his head lowered, holding his sleeve to his nose.

When I was done, I dragged Scott to his feet. He glared at me as I snapped a photo.

“You’re going to regret this, Smithers,” he vowed. “I’m going to end you.”

I laughed at his empty threat. “Get out of my sight, Scott, before I do something I might regret. Like you’re going to regret this in the morning.”

With a final glare, he uttered one last warning. “This isn’t over,” he snarled at Fee.

I stepped in front of him, blocking his view. “It is,” I spat. “You did this, and now you’re going to pay for it.”

He wiped his nose. “She isn’t worth it.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Scott. One day you’ll crawl out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself and realize how worth it she is—but it will be too late. Now, get out of here. It’s the last time I’ll say it.”

He stumbled away, disappearing around the corner.

I turned back to Fee, taking in her shaking form and the shock written across her face.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pulled her close. “It’s okay, Fee. I have you. I’ll take you home now, okay?”

“Don’t-don’t leave me.”

I tucked her closer.

“I promise.”






I led Fee to my car, buckling her in when her shaking hands refused to cooperate. I drove the short distance home and kept her tucked to my side until we reached my condo. I led her to the bathroom and slid my fingers under her chin, forcing her to meet my eyes. She hadn’t said a word to me since I got her in the car, although she had held my hand with a death grip the entire time.

“I need to check you over, okay?”

She looked at her arms. “He tore my dress,” she whispered, touching the frayed fabric at her shoulder. “I just bought it.”

“I’ll replace it.”

She let out a long, shuddering breath. “He came out of nowhere. I was almost home, and suddenly he was there, yelling at me.”

“Why were you walking, Fee? I told you to take a cab home.”

“Joanne and I shared a cab. She was headed to Union for the train, and I had the cab drop me at the corner. It was only a couple of blocks to walk. I had no idea…” Her voice trailed off. “He appeared out of nowhere and starting screaming.”

I tamped down my anger and slid the zipper down from the base of her neck. She didn’t move as I tugged her dress off her shoulders, hissing in anger at the marks on her arms. Bruises were already forming from the grip he’d had on her.

I turned her to face the mirror, showing her the marks. “Fee—he fucking assaulted you. Again. This needs to go on the record. He should be charged. I’m calling the police.”

She dropped her eyes, worrying her lip. I turned her back to me and took some pictures of the marks. “Let me do what I need to do.”

“Halton, please.” She swallowed. “What if he sues you for punching him? It would be bad for you.”

I stared at her in disbelief. She was more worried about me than herself. About my reputation. Typical Fee. Sweet, wonderful Fee.

“I can take care of myself. Stand up to him, Fee. Don’t let him get away with treating you like this anymore.”

For a moment, fear held her still. Then she straightened her shoulders. “You’re right.”

“Good girl.” I brushed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll handle this.” I leaned over and pushed the plug down in the tub and turned on the taps. “You’re going to have a bath and try to relax. I’m going to make some calls.”

“You’ll be close?” she asked, her voice anxious.

“I’ll be right outside the door.”




I called Rene and told him what had occurred. Then I called Aiden, asking for advice. He gave me the name of a cop he was friends with to contact and suggested I have someone around to protect Fee and myself.

“If he’s strung out on drugs and acting erratically, you might want to consider protection. You never know what he might do next if he feels cornered.”

“You have someone in mind?”

“Yep. I’ll send them over tomorrow.”

I agreed and thanked him, grateful for the friendship I had with the BAM boys and their connections.

Then I texted Jonas, informing him of what occurred. His response was swift and filled with apologies and pleas not to include the police. He promised to keep Scott away from Fee and assured me he would push the divorce through as fast as possible. I texted him back the picture of Fee’s bruises and the one of Scott I had taken. With the dried blood around his nose and the wild, dark glare at the camera, it showed exactly what it should—an out-of-control, drugged-up, desperate man.

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