Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(224)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(224)
Author: Melanie Moreland

After the smattering of applause, he smiled. “With Jordan’s permission, I’m going to point the spotlight on to someone else for a moment. Our gracious hostess, Sandy.”

I startled and began to protest, but Jordan caught my eye and shook his head.

“Most of you know my story. Many of you don’t. I won’t bore you with it, except to say my childhood wasn’t good. I made some mistakes as a teenager and ended up in jail.”

There were some murmurs in the crowd, and he lifted his shoulder. “I was an idiot and made bad choices.”

He turned in my direction. “After I got out, I needed a job. I saw an ad for the IT department and showed up unannounced at the BAM offices, resume in hand.” He paused. “The first person I spoke to was Sandy.”

“Hey, I was there!” Aiden protested.

Reid grinned. “Yes, you were. But it was Sandy who convinced you to give me an interview.”

Aiden laughed. “Truth.”

“Anyway, Sandy, for some reason, saw something in me. When I started working there, she took me under her wing and cared for me. She became my friend, coworker, and so much more.” His voice caught. “She became the mother I never had. In fact, I would go so far as to say, if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be here today.”

I felt the tears gather in my eyes. Jordan slipped his hand over mine and squeezed.

“Sandy is all about tough love. She tells it like it is, but her honesty is always laced with kindness. She is caring, warm, and I truly adore her. I am grateful—we at BAM are all grateful—to have her in our lives. She is the glue that holds us together.”

He paused, clearing his throat. “She has been with me for every step of my journey, and as she and Jordan begin this next step in theirs, I wanted to tell her I’m ready to return the favor.” He met my watery gaze. “I support you in anything you do, one hundred percent.”

“Unless it’s not working at all,” Aiden shouted out.

I laughed at his announcement.

Reid nodded sagely. “Unless it’s that. You get her part of the time, but not all yet, Jordan.”

“Got it!” Jordan retorted.

“Sandy gave me some good advice once. She told me to grab life. Live it. I’m thrilled to see her taking her own advice and running with it.” He studied me for a brief moment.

“I think Sandy is special to each person here tonight. Adoptive mom to many, Nan to—” he waved his hand “—hundreds, friend, co-worker, and of course, beloved wife of the star of the show, Jordan.”

Jordan did a catcall. “Sandy is always the star.”

“Which is why, my friend, we are here today. I know you think it’s for you, but really, we’re all here for Sandy.”

“I knew it,” Jordan responded, winking at me.

Amid the laughter, I wiped my eyes.

“So, before we get to dancing and celebrating Jordan again, I would like to raise my glass and propose a toast.” He lifted his glass, waiting until everyone joined him.

“To Sandy, our hostess. Our mother, and our friend. Thank you for everything. As usual, you have outdone yourself.”

I could barely swallow my sip.

Reid huffed out a sigh. “I will let you get on with your evening. Thank you.”

Applause rang out, and I stood. When Reid approached, I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight.

“That was not part of the program,” I chided gently.

“You’re allowed one mistake. You deserve a little spotlight.”

I cupped his cheek. “I love you, my boy.”

Despite the glimmer of tears in his eyes, he smiled. “I know. I’m your favorite.”

I winked and he chuckled, enveloping me in his arms once again. “I love you, Sandy.”

A large bang brought me out of my musings, and I glanced up at the sky as the trail of brilliance erupted. Feeling the emotion of earlier hit me again, I wiped away a tear. I met Bentley’s gaze, and he smiled knowingly at me. He had been as surprised as me at Reid’s impromptu toast, but he was pleased.

“Our boy has grown up, Sandy,” he murmured as we danced.

As usual, away from the office, his demeanor was warm and relaxed. He was charming and witty, at ease with himself. He loved spending time with his Emmy and their children. They were his entire world. Emmy stood in front of him, and his arms held her close. She was so small, she fit under his chin, and he had to lean down to rest his chin on her head. I loved watching them together.

Beside him stood Aiden, his right-hand and best friend. Tall and broad, he towered over everyone. He had Cami tucked to his side, the protector of his family. The protector for all of those he loved. He now lived life to the fullest, shying away from nothing. Especially his feelings. He was open and passionate.

Maddox laughed, the fireworks reflecting on the lenses of his glasses. Dee smiled up at him and he lowered his face to hers to kiss her, showing his love for her freely. He had come so far from the man who refused to admit love could even be a possibility for him.

Richard VanRyan was next to him—Maddox’s closest confidant and friend to all at BAM. He was such an integral part of our lives, I couldn’t imagine an event without him. Loyal and steadfast, he belonged to our group. His wife, Katy, was nestled in his embrace, the rock in his world. They were an amazing couple.

Reid stood close to me, as he always did at any event. His words still echoed in my head, making me smile. Becca sat in a chair, not wanting to miss the fireworks but too tired to stand. He was behind her, his hands on her shoulders, keeping her close. The boy who had made my heart ache for his loneliness had grown into a caring, wonderful husband. He smiled when I caught his eye, silently asking if I was okay. He had been a little worried I would be upset over his toast, but there was no way I could be anything but deeply touched. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and I was proud to be one of those that he loved.

Van stood to the side, Mila on his shoulders, carefully held in place with one of his large hands. Sammy and Liv were tucked beside him. Reed stood in front of him, Van’s other hand resting on his shoulder. Reed would get excited and point something out to Van, who would smile and ruffle his hair or squeeze his shoulder. Van was the gentle giant who loved hard, especially when it came to his family.

Halton was a late addition to our blended family but loved. Aloof and cool when I had first met him, he had changed and found himself, thanks to Fee and the love she brought out in him. He wasn’t with us on the beach, but I knew he was on the deck at his house, sitting with Fee, and no doubt surrounded by his children. The loner, no longer alone, and complete only when with his family.

How far they had all come.

All my boys were settled, happy. They were the tapestry of my life, woven in bright, beautiful colors that lit my world. Because of them, I had a life I loved. Because of their dream, I’d had something to live for after I lost Max. Because of BAM, I found Jordan and discovered a new life. Not better, but different—just the way Jordan had said. They were all my family—loved through the heart or brought into my life through marriage, they were mine. All of them.

As if sensing my growing emotion, Jordan tucked me tight to his side, pressing a kiss to my head.

“This has been one of the best days ever, my darling. Thank you.”

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