Home > Wrapped in Chains(39)

Wrapped in Chains(39)
Author: Nicola Jane

“Really?” I say sceptically. “You don’t think that was just coincidence?”

“Don’t you see? I can still be a father. I can love this baby just like my own and you can get on with your life.”

“But Ryan, I want my baby. It was a shock at first, but I always wanted him.”

“Him!” he snaps. “It’s her. And in just a few weeks’ time, we’ll find out because it doesn’t matter what you say, I know this is a sign.”

He stands angrily. I take a breath and nod. “Just hear me out,” I say. He lowers into his seat. “You said before that once you have the baby, I’ll be joining Sara.” He nods. “Sara died, Ryan. You’re going to kill me?” He doesn’t reply and I try to contain my panic. “Wouldn’t it make more sense to raise this baby together?”

“I was willing to do that and you threw it back in my face,” he snaps.

“I know, but I wasn’t thinking straight. I didn’t know about Sara. Now I know, I see that what you offered was so amazing and kind. I’d love to raise my child with you. You’ll be the perfect father.”

I can see he’s thinking over my words. “I couldn’t trust you not to take her back to that stupid gang of yours.”

I shake my head. “I wouldn’t. You’ve lost enough.”

“Maybe it could work,” he mutters. “I only ever wanted to have a family.”

“Exactly. A baby needs both parents. Also, maybe we should talk about letting her grow inside of me for as long as possible, because we both know that taking her before she’s ready might kill her.”

He stands again. “August twenty-eighth, Leia. That’s going to be Matilda’s birthday.”

“But I’ll be six months. That’s still four months too early.”

“I’m a doctor. I know how to care for her.” He snatches up the glass of wine and drinks it down.




“It’s flirting whatever way you look at it,” says Blade. I smirk at his dilemma. “Oh shit, here she comes again.”

I smile at Gia. I don’t get his problem. She’s gorgeous. “Blade,” she smiles. “Can you drive me home?”

“Don’t you have a guy for that sort of thing?” I ask.

“Yeah, but he doesn’t ride a bike.”

“I can’t. I’m waiting around here in case we get a lead on Leia,” says Blade. “Blu might be free.”

She scowls at the mention of Blu. “I’d rather walk.”

I wait for her to walk away before I turn to Blade. “Tell me again why you’re not hitting her up, man, because she is fine.”

“I respect Vinn way too much, man. I can’t do that to him.” His expression morphs into one of instant regret. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that.”

I shake my head and laugh it off. “Forget it.”

“Riggs said anything about what happens when we get Leia back?” asks Blade.

“Yeah. He wants my patch.”

“Fuck,” mutters Blade. “I’m sorry, man. I don’t get his problem. Leia’s an adult and if I had a sister, I’d want to know she was taken care of. I’d choose one of my brothers over an outsider any day.”

“Thanks,” I mutter. “Maybe you can take it to a vote?” I joke.

Blade pushes off the bar. “That’s it!” he says. “We’ll take it to a vote. He can’t take your patch if the brothers decide against it.”

“I was joking, Blade. If you take this to the table, you’re putting your own neck on the block. Riggs’ll hate you for it.”

“I’m doing this,” he says firmly. “I know the other brothers feel the same as me. You deserved the ass kicking, but not losing your patch.”

Vinn enters the bar holding up his phone. “I have a location. Let’s go.”



We’re all squashed in the back of two vans—Kings in one, Vinn’s men in the other. I shift uncomfortably. My ribs scream in protest as we’re thrown against each other. “You think this might be overkill?” asks Lake. “All these men for one nerdy little fucker?”

“You saying the president’s sister ain’t worth it?” I ask.

He holds his hands up. “Sorry I spoke,” he mutters. What Blade said is playing on my mind and it’s putting me in a pissy mood. If the rest of the brothers choose to vote me out, it’ll sting way more than just Riggs wanting me gone.

The van stops and seconds later the back doors are flung open. We get out onto a dark country lane. Trees line the road and there’s an eerie silence.

“I can see the headlines now.” Blade looks around. “Biker gang slaughtered on quiet country lane by the mafia,” he says quietly.

I roll my eyes. “Don’t be dramatic. We can take those Italian fuckers any day.”

Vinn approaches with Leia’s dog, Diesel, at his side. “The house is a short walk that way,” he says, pointing north.

“How do ya know he’s there?” asks Blade.

“Because I’m the fuckin’ mafia!” snaps Vinn. Riggs hits Blade upside the head and marches in front with us following.

It’s only ten in the evening, but the house is cloaked in darkness. I’m losing hope that she’ll be here.

We stop at the gates and Riggs turns to us. “Cree, Vinn, Lake, Brick, Blade, and I will go in first. We’ll sweep the house. The rest of you stay out front and wait for my command. If anyone runs out, put a bullet in them. Vinn’s guys will cover the back of the house.”

“I’m the enforcer, I’m coming in!” I snap.

“Not a chance,” says Riggs coldly. “Wait outside or I’ll stick a bullet in you myself.”

“Then do it!” I snarl. “Leia will want me. I’m coming in.”

Riggs pulls his gun and everyone takes a step back. He pushes it against my forehead and I stare into his cold eyes. “Do it!” I hiss.

Vinn pushes us apart. “Get in the fuckin’ house or I’ll kill you both!” he growls.




I regret giving Ryan the wine. I lay stiffly beside him in his bedroom. He’s chained me to him and his soft snores taunt me. Thankfully, he didn’t lay a finger on me, but that's not to say he’s not going to if he wakes up. The baby kicks and I gently rub my stomach. “It’s okay,” I whisper. “I’ll think of something.”

I shift slightly to try and get comfortable, but Ryan rolls onto his side and throws his arm around my waist. I shudder. How did I ever let this man touch me before?

I hear a creak from outside the bedroom and lift my head from the pillow. There’s another creak and I hold my breath. What if we’re being burgled and this twisted scenario takes a turn for the worst? I nudge Ryan and he mumbles words into my back, but his snores carry on. I can’t even run away with this stupid chain on.

Everything goes quiet again and I settle back down. I close my eyes and then a piercing scream scares the crap outta me. Me and Ryan both sit up. “Mum?” he yells, diving out of bed. The chain between us pulls tight. “Fuck,” he mutters and begins fumbling around for the key. The bedroom door opens with a bang and the light turns on, blinding us both for a second. I hear the click of a gun and automatically close my eyes and cover my head with a pillow.

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