Home > Wrapped in Chains(42)

Wrapped in Chains(42)
Author: Nicola Jane

Gia flounces off the stage and I smile. She was born to be in the limelight and tonight proves it. She organised this charity event to raise money for food banks across London, and so far, it’s been a hit with the screaming ladies surrounding me.

The lights dim and a low beat fills the room. “Oh, I love this tune,” says Anna excitedly. “It reminds me of Channing Tatum every time.”

A spotlight illuminates a man in the centre of the stage with his back to the crowd. “Holy fuckery,” groans Anna.

“Oh my god,” I wail. “Is that my brother?”

Riggs sways his hips to the beat and the crowd goes wild. Something about half naked men dancing sends women into a frenzy of animalistic screams. “Oh wow,” hums Eva in approval. “Look at that ass.”

Anna nudges her and they laugh. “I’ll kill him,” she says playfully.

“I can’t even watch,” I mutter, covering my eyes with embarrassment.

“Oh, you’d better cos I think that's your man's ass swaying next to him,” says Eva and my eyes dart back to the stage where Chains has joined Riggs. I cover my face but peek through my fingers. I have to admit, he looks good up there even though he’s swaying awkwardly and out of beat to the music. I bite my lower lip to stop me breaking out in hysterics. He must have been forced into it because he’d never dance on his own free will.




“You didn’t say Leia would be here,” I hiss in Riggs’ direction.

“Relax, you dance like someone shoved a pole up your ass,” he hisses back.

A voice somewhere off backstage is whispering for us to undress. “This is the longest song ever,” I growl. We turn to face the screaming women and I begin unfastening my bow tie.

“Get it off!” screams Anna and the women break out into fits of giggles. Riggs laughs and slowly unfastens his belt. The crowd goes wild.

“I feel like you’re way too comfortable up here,” I mutter. “You’ve done this before.”

“Anna likes a show every now and then,” he smirks, adding a wink.

We push our trousers down to our ankles and screams erupt even louder. Next comes our shirts. “Tell me this is as far as we go,” I plead.

“After three, we’re gonna turn around, drop our boxers, and run off stage,” says Riggs.

“What?” I hiss.

“One,” he counts.

“No, I can’t get—”

“Two,” he smirks.

“Stop counting! I—”


We turn and do exactly what he said. I hear Leia’s laugh ringing out and it brings a smile to my own lips.

Backstage, Gia hands us both a towel and I wrap mine around my waist and follow Riggs to the dressing room. “I guess you really do want to marry Leia,” he mutters. I nod and he eyes me for a few seconds. “Okay,” he says. “You have my blessing.”

“Serious?” I ask, hardly believing that he’s agreeing.

“You got up there and stripped in front of a scary ass crowd, despite being black and blue with bruises. I know dancing isn’t your thing. That alone shows me how much you want this,” he says with a laugh. “It was never about you and Leia being together,” he adds, his face more serious. “You went behind my back, brother. Don’t do that shit again.”

I nod and he holds his hand out for me to shake. I grip it firmly and he pulls me in and slaps me on the back. I wince as pain rips through my ribs and he pulls back, smirking.

Anna and Leia stop dead in the doorway as Riggs and I pull apart. “You boys having a little naked bonding time?” Anna grins.

“We’ve reached a truce,” says Riggs, wrapping Anna up in his arms and kissing her lightly on the head.

“That was hilarious,” says Leia. “I almost peed my pants.”

“Glad we amused you,” says Riggs dryly.



Chapter Twenty-One




Chains comes around to my door and opens it. He takes my hand and I step out of the car and look around. “Why are we here?” I ask. We’ve stopped at a roadside in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and fields in the dark.

“Come,” he says, taking my hand and leading me through some trees.

“You said this was like a date. I wore a dress,” I moan, plucking the flared red material of the skirt.

Chains stops and I almost crash into his back. “We’re here,” he says, sounding proud. I glance around his body and gasp. We’ve come to a clearing in the woods and there’s a table and two chairs set up in the centre. Fairy lights are wrapped around nearby trees, making the area glow warmly, and a fake candle flickers on the table beside a bunch of wild flowers.

“You did this?” I ask as he leads me towards the table.

“I had a little help,” he says with a smile. “Most of this was down to Raven,” he adds sheepishly. I hate to admit that since we decided to make a go of things, Raven’s name has come up once or twice in heated discussions. She’s beautiful and Chains cares for her a great deal. I admit that I get jealous over the time they spend together, but for now at least, it looks like Raven is staying put. Chains wants her around, Vinn is helping her get a job, and everyone at the club seems to like her. I can’t deny she’s a nice girl and she’s fitting in well.

He pulls out my chair and I lower carefully. Being seven months pregnant makes the simplest of tasks harder. He takes the chair opposite and lifts a lid on a cooling box beside the table. He produces sandwiches and I laugh because just lately all I’ve wanted to eat is chicken salad sandwiches. “My favourite,” I say.

We eat and then Chains lays out a large blanket. “Lay with me,” he says.

I lay in his arms and we look up at the stars. It’s peaceful and relaxing. “Marry me,” he mutters.

I push myself to sit and look back at him. “What did you just say?”

“I love you. Marry me.” He also sits and pulls out a small ring box. I stare at it wide-eyed as he lifts the lid. Inside is a white gold ring with a square diamond. “I know it hasn’t been an easy ride, but when is love ever easy? I don’t expect you to just forgive everything and forget, but there’s no one else I’d want to grow old with. You’re my world and I really want to make you my wife.”

My emotions get the better of me and I feel tears running down my cheeks as I shakily stroke my finger over the beautiful diamond. “Yes,” I whisper.

He breaks out into a huge grin. “Yes?” he repeats. I nod and laugh when he pulls me into his arms and crushes me against his chest. “You have no idea how happy you’ve made me,” he says into my hair.

“You won’t be saying that when you come down off this high and realise you’re chained to me forever,” I say with a smile.

“There’s nowhere I’d rather be than wrapped around you forever,” he says.

“I like the sound of that,” I say. “Wrapped in Chains,” I add with a wink and he smothers me in kisses.

The End



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