Home > Let It Be (Butler, Vermont #6)(27)

Let It Be (Butler, Vermont #6)(27)
Author: Marie Force

“If you rile her up, you own her,” Dani said from her perch on the sofa, where she was folding a load of laundry.

He was forever telling her to just stop, take a break and breathe, everything would get done. She was constantly doing something unless he managed to distract her, which he was very good at doing.

Sitting next to her on the sofa, he put Savvy down to toddle about and play with her toys for a few more minutes before bedtime and leaned in to kiss his love.

“Thought you weren’t coming home tonight.”

“I wasn’t going to, but I needed a Dani-and-Savvy fix.”

“We’re always happy to see you. You know that.”

“Did you have a nice dinner with your folks?”

“We did. It’s so great having them here.”

“Maybe by next year we’ll have a place big enough for them to stay with us.”

“Maybe.” She took a closer look at him. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Except one thing.”

“What’s that?”

While she continued to fold clothes, he told her the story his dad had shared earlier. By the time he was finished, she’d stopped folding and was staring at him. “What’s he going to do?”

“He’s going to Philly tomorrow to see him, and we’re all going with him.”

“Good,” she said, nodding. “You guys should go. He’ll need you there with him.”

“That was Hunter’s thought, and everyone agreed.”

“You agree, don’t you?”

“I do. Of course I do, but I hate that I have to go without you and my little girl.”

“We’ll be fine. Go support your dad and hurry home to us. We’ll be waiting for you.”

“I’m counting on that, baby.”


* * *


After a late-afternoon shift at the tree farm that had brought in only a few last-minute stragglers, Landon arrived home to a dark house and tried to remember what Amanda and Stella had planned for the afternoon. He was greeted by Matilda, the yellow Lab puppy Dude had given Stella when she moved in with them, and let the puppy out in the yard, keeping an eye on her as she did her business and then came bounding back in for dinner.

She bounced with happiness at the sight of her full bowl and dove in, making a huge mess, like she did every time she ate. Thankfully, she also cleaned up after herself.

He went to the dry-erase calendar Amanda kept on the wall of the kitchen to see where his girls were. Dance class in St. Johnsbury at five p.m. They should be back soon, he thought, even as he tried not to think about them driving the dark, winding, icy roads between here and there.

Those roads gave him nightmares because he’d seen—far too often—what happened when cars lost control on the curves, especially at this time of year. He’d insisted Amanda get an SUV with four-wheel drive and antilock brakes so she’d be as prepared as possible for driving in Vermont winters.

When you had everything you’ve ever wanted, the thought of losing it—or them—was unbearable. Six months ago, he’d been single and unencumbered. Now he had a fiancée, a stepdaughter he loved like his own child and a dog who’d quickly worked her way straight into his heart. Life was good, and he was so incredibly grateful for everything he had now.

Maybe that was why his father’s story had touched him so deeply. Hearing what his dad had gone through to be with his mom pained Landon. If he’d had to choose between Amanda and his family… The thought of that was unimaginable. Anyone who would force their own child to make that kind of choice had to be a freaking monster.

And that monster was Landon’s grandfather.


He opened a beer and had downed half of it by the time the wash of headlights over the yard reflected inside the house. Excited to see his girls after the long day apart, he went to the door to wait for them. Only Amanda emerged from the car, smiling when she saw him there.

That smile lit up his world and made everything that was wrong seem trivial compared to the many things that were so, so right.

“Where’s our girl?”

She pulled a knitted hat off her head, leaving her dark hair charged with static. “She went to have pizza with Emma, Grayson and Simone after dance class. They’re bringing her home.”

Matilda let out a loud whine when she saw that Stella wasn’t with Amanda.

Amanda petted the dog and kissed her head. “She’ll be home soon, silly girl. You’ll survive another hour without her.”

“She’s not sure she will,” Landon said. “You didn’t want to go with them?”

“I figured you’d be home by now, so I came to see you.”

He kissed her and hugged her. “I’m glad you did. How was your day?”

“Crazy busy.” She’d been helping Dani at the warehouse, contending with the rush of last-minute holiday orders. “Your dad is going to be very happy with the company’s bottom line this month. The catalog has been a massive success, as we knew it would be.”

“People in town are talking about the influx of visitors. Business is booming for everyone, apparently.”

She put her hands on his hips and went up on tiptoes to kiss him. “It’s due to the hot dudes in the catalog. They’re coming to feast their eyes.”

He straightened her hair. “Whatever.”

Laughing, she drew him into another kiss. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m kissing my best girl. What could be wrong?”

“Don’t lie to me, Landon. I know you, and I can tell when you’re upset. I saw it the second I came up the stairs to the porch.”

“I can’t get anything by you, can I?” he asked, smiling.

“Nope, so don’t even try it.” She took him by the hand and towed him along with her until they were seated on the sofa, facing each other. “Start talking.”

“You know it turns me on when you get bossy with me.”

“Everything turns you on.”

“Only you.” Because he loved her hair so much and took any excuse to play with it, he tucked a strand behind her ear. “I found out today why we never see or hear anything about my dad’s family.” Over the next few minutes, he told her the story of what had happened when his dad brought his mom home to Philadelphia to meet his family.

“Dear God,” Amanda said. “That’s horrific.”

“I know.”

“What brought this on today?”

“My grandfather—and I use that word very loosely—is dying and has asked my dad to come there to see him.”

“No way. He’s not going, is he?”

Landon nodded. “We all are. Tomorrow.”


“Because my dad would regret it if he didn’t. He doesn’t have to forgive him, but he needs to go so he doesn’t have to feel guilty for the rest of his life that he didn’t.”

“I guess I can see that, but it’s outrageous that he’d have the gall to summon your dad there after decades of estrangement.”

“Agreed.” He linked his fingers with hers. “So, I have to go away for a night tomorrow.”

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