Home > Witchling Academy Semester Eight(82)

Witchling Academy Semester Eight(82)
Author: Avery Song

His bike tipped over from our weight, and before either of us knew it, we were falling right over the bike and onto the grass, which sent us in a rolling spree as we tumbled down the hill until we landed at the bottom ditch.

"Fuck," I cursed and was thankful Connor had managed to hold onto me the entire time, or my head would have hit the rock that was right next to my head that was protected by his grasp.

"Oops?" Connor suggested with a grunt. "I'm not sure whether to be worried about us or the bike."

I tried not to snicker as I looked up to see the bike had thankfully not toppled over like we just experienced.

"I told you parking near a hill wasn't a good idea," I reminded but began to laugh because this was so fucking stupid yet the perfect setting for complete mayhem.

"Why are you laughing?" he questioned, yet he was fighting hard not to burst into laughter himself.

"This is like some romance movie shit gone wrong," I wheezed while clinging to my stomach as I laughed harder.

"The Notebook for gays," Connor emphasized and we completely lost it as we fell back and laughed long and hard. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd laughed like this, but it felt so good.

We laughed until we probably sounded as though we were on our last specks of oxygen, and I patted my chest to prompt my damn body to breathe.

"Fuck, we've never...laughed like that before," Connor acknowledged as he slowly sat down to wipe away his tears like it even mattered with the rain pounding upon us.

"Agreed," I replied as I sighed in relief. "I needed this."

"I know," he replied and reached out to move my splattered hair from my face. He pressed his hand against my cheek before he closed the distance to give me a comforting kiss. "I'd never put what's precious to me in harm's way."

I stared into his eyes. "I did that once and got a second chance to experience this. I won't make a stupid mistake like that ever again."

Placing my hand on top of his, I gave him an impressive smirk.

"You're the most attractive when you're confident like this," I complimented.

"And you're a jealousy prick who now realizes my eyes will always be on you and Bri," he acknowledged and moved his hand to ruffle my wet locks. "Remember that, idiot. No status, money, or material is going to replace the love I have for you and Brianne. Got it?"

"No matter what?" I quietly offered.

"No matter what," he affirmed.

He let go of me to rise up and offered his hand to me. I placed mine in his, and he helped me up as the rain began to lessen to a sprinkle once more.

"Now it knows how to rain lightly," he grumbled. "Rude."

"The Universe is going to come back with vengeance if you speak to her like that," I joked. "Karma's a bitch."

"So is green-stained clothes," he voiced as he looked at our drenched, dirty clothes. "Brianne's going to kill us."

"She's on laundry duty this week, isn't she?"

"Ya," Connor replied and cringed. "I'll switch with her."

"You could say green-stained attire is the latest fashion trend?" I offered as we began to move up the hill.

"I could, but knowing our curious Red, she's going to ask Mia and Miya about it and they'll proceed to tell her the history of the rise and fall of the grass-stained trend that happened a few years ago and she’ll know we're lying."

"I can't actually believe that was a trend."

"That failed miserably because no one wants to pay thousands of dollars on purposely stained jeans."

"The irony," I concluded as we reached the top of the hill. Connor let go of my hand to lift the bike back up, and after inspecting to make sure there were no dents, he started it up before getting my helmet out. "Home or hotel?" he offered.

I blushed as I accepted the helmet and decided to answer truthfully. "Home, simply because we have an early morning tomorrow," I began and quietly continued, "And if we did a hotel thing...I'd want it to be you, me, and Brianne."

"The three of us, huh?" Connor was clearly intrigued. "Think we can plan something before the final games?"

"Probably. You could ask your mom to hook us up with something. I want a place that will give her a bit of peace of mind."

"You've noticed she's been pretty drained, huh?" Connor mumbled.

"Ya," I replied. "She's going to burn right out if she's not careful."

"Let's see how things go. Maybe we can do something after the festival. A spa day of sorts. Would give her some rejuvenation."

"That would be perfect. We could make it a trip. I wouldn't want to leave Finnick and Kaito, though." I disliked leaving them out of things.

"We'll hook them up with something," Connor stated, and I could see his eyes lighting up as though he was planning some sort of master plan.

"You're planning something evil."

"I'm planning something that may get them laid."

"You realize Kaito hasn't done it with Bri yet, right?"

"I know." Connor shrugged as he put his helmet on. He lifted the face shield to speak. "His time will come. I don't think he's worried."

I nodded and got on the bike before putting my own helmet on.

"You ready to go home?" Connor asked as he started the engine.

"Ya," I replied and hooked my arms around his waist. "Connor?"

"You're welcome," he tossed back.

"I wasn't going to thank you."


"Ugh. I love you, and stop being an ass."

"From the guy who slapped my ass by accident after his third beer."

"It was an accid-"

"I love you, too, Jax. That love even includes Jaxsin in the equation," he interrupted. "Tell him thanks for giving us this moment."

He lowered his face shield as he ramped up the engine, and I secured my helmet and lowered my own face shield before securing my hands on his hips until I sensed our approach to the freeway.

We began to move, and as we got onto the main road, all I could do was replay everything that happened tonight.

Jaxsin? Thanks for being chill tonight.

Tranquility leads to prosperity. Kings can't rule without intermission.

I closed my eyes and eventually rested my head on Connor's back, my arms moving around his waist, knowing I'd most likely doze off. Jaxsin was right, and so was that man, Ryuu.

Who knew what universe he was from, but the image of him, the woman, and the group around her was something I'd instill in the back of my mind. I wanted us to stand like that around Brianne one day. To be her pillars of strength as we let those of power quiver at our company.

We may have a long way to go, but we'd make it happen.

Tonight was just me, Connor, and the thrumming dance floor.






Day Of The Spring Festival





* * *


I yawned and rubbed at my eyes, my body fighting the urge to fall asleep standing.

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