Home > Witchling Academy Semester Eight(89)

Witchling Academy Semester Eight(89)
Author: Avery Song

"No," he replied firmly. "Love is love. It comes and goes. Sometimes the worst enemies become lovers. In our past lives, things were different, but maybe this time around, you're getting the side of Elijah that had fallen in love with you before things went to hell with greed and power."

He moved to scoot me closer to him, his arms wrapping around me. "Now, stop shaking."

"I was so nervous you'd hate me."

"I'd never hate you, Brianne. Can't hate our one and only queen," he whispered. "Let all that nervousness and worry out but promise me one thing."


"Don't hold your feelings back from us again," he whispered. "We rely on you whenever we're worried about things in life. You have to remember that you can rely on us if you need anything as well. You shouldn't have to keep it in. We're your boyfriends. You can vent to us and know we'll never judge you. Understand?"

I nodded my head before moving to hug him from the side. His arms wrapped around me before he kissed my neck, shoulder, and temple.

"Let's get ready. We're going to have to take a magic taxi back if we want to get to the festival on time."

"Yes!" I exclaimed, remembering once again that we hadn't missed the spring festival. Pausing in my movement, I turned my head to wrap my arms around Jax's neck and kiss him long and hard.

He accepted every bit of my affection as he kissed me right back.

"Thank you, Jax. You don't understand how much relief that brings me."

"Always, Red," he replied with a wide grin. "Let's go shower."

"The way you say it makes it seem like we're doing more than just showering," I mumbled casually before it seemed to click. "Oh."

That had him laughing before he kissed me. "C'mon, Queen. We have a festival to attend."

He got off the bed first and offered his hand to me, and I placed mine in his without hesitation.

"To think this all started with me falling through your bedroom ceiling," I quietly stated. He squeezed my hand as we headed to the door.

"And now you're stuck with me," he concluded.

"Just the way I like it." I giggled. "I love you, Jax."

"As I've always loved you," he replied as we shared a look.

After this entire semester, I finally feel like I’m not suffocating. I'm finally free.



"Onto our final competitor for the evening."

Kaito's arm was around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder. Connor and Jax were standing at my sides while we stood in the front row of the large stage that was surrounded with flowers.

The sun took the opportunity to begin its descent, the sky of rich blue beginning to be swarmed with orange and pink.

All of us were glammed up; Jax, Connor, and Kaito were wearing suits while I wore a white dress that shifted into a pink cherry blossom design with teal sparkles. I'd somehow managed to curl my hair in time, deciding not to use magic to aid with my transformation since I didn't want to exhaust myself further.

My talk with Jax had alleviated so many worries from my mind, and I was sure Kaito and Connor had noticed since I not only projected a refreshed appearance, but I also decided to tell them about Elijah and that I'd been helping take care of him.

Jax was right. The others all knew about it, even Finnick. I'd still tell him specifically once the festival was over, but their immediate support and desire to assist so I wouldn't burn out - or pass out again - left me speechless when we took a moment to discuss it.

I don't know how I got so wrapped up in the idea that they would reject my desire to help someone who couldn't help themselves. Maybe because Elijah was considered our enemy. Though, with recent discoveries, he was either being used or intertwined in a crazy web of deceit, suffering, and forced silence.

The plan after the festival was what Jax suggested. From now on, one of them would come with me to visit Elijah and we'd figure out a way to make it less magically draining on Professor Phoenix.

I was sure if we brought it up to my sister, she'd have a more logical way, seeing as they had to teleport to various parts of the world when crimes went international. Surely she'd know how to get us from Witchling to Switzerland to make sure Elijah was safe and cared for.

I'd explained that Professor Phoenix stated that the evil Elijah's name was Eliyahu Hamilton on his birth certificate, and Kaito had explained a recent number of dreams he'd been having of some sort of confrontation that would reveal a "third" Elijah.

The mere possibility of him being a triplet would be mind-blowing, to say the least, but at the same time, with all the twin encounters around us and even our recent dive into another universe to meet a set of quads, anything was honestly possible.

The Shadow Kingdom was a pain in the ass because they did things that were outside of the box. Who would have guessed Elisha was a twin, and yet we had to decipher all of that madness that revealed how far back the Shadow Kingdom has had their hands intertwined in their lives.

The clock was ticking and I believed we all knew the time was coming for some sort of final confrontation. With the lingering plague I'd put on Eliyahu, he was bound to show up sooner or later.

For now, I'd simply focus on the present. My attention returned to the stage as a man in a white suit headed onto the stage.

"Like the other competition pieces, only a drop of magic is allowed to be used to trigger the artwork's revelation. This final piece actually requires a volunteer. One particularly wearing white. It’s a bonus if they have orange hair,” he paused to look at the cue card in his grasp, "with golden highlights."

If that ain't specific.

Everyone's eyes immediately went to me, a few of my fellow classmates cheering as Kaito let go of me before kissing my cheek. "Have fun, Red," he cheered.

I rolled my eyes but held an excited grin as I raised my hand up before heading to the stage. "I'll volunteer," I confirmed when I reached the man, who seemed stunningly pleased with my appearance.

"Excellent," he replied. All you have to do is stand in the circle right there."

"Okay," I replied and happily walked over to the specified circle in white.

The man waited until I was settled before he carried on.

"This piece is named Sky High. It started as a piece created by another artist who unfortunately passed away more than a year ago. The artist will leave the description of this piece to be read after it is revealed. Interpret it as you wish and enjoy this creative masterpiece."

He bowed as everyone clapped, and within a few extra seconds, the crowd calmed to a peaceful silence as the lights around dimmed.

The female announcer came with the dropper - the trinket of golden magic used to reveal all the previous creations. She reached out to drop the single raindrop into the circle, right at my feet, and moved swiftly as the circle began to glow.

I watched as the white-lined circle begin to fill with various colors until it almost appeared like a palette. A sheet of white paper fell from the sky, its body beginning to turn into ash but leaving glowing words in its wake, which made a few viewers gasp in awe.

"Follow the sky-high," I whispered the words, and my body began to float as a ballad song with music box tones began to play around us. No one said a word as I continued to remain afloat. The world around the vast space began to change as images began to flicker into existence all around the circular space.

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