Home > Santa's Secret Baby(16)

Santa's Secret Baby(16)
Author: Alexa Riley

He offers me his arm, and I take it. He leads me down the stairs where Rae and Eve are waiting for us. He gives me one last kiss on the cheek before pulling my veil over my head for me. After that he takes Eve's arm, and they walk down the aisle.

Rae comes over and takes my hand, and my heart clenches with love. I knew early on that I wanted Rae to be the one to give me away, so we’re going to walk down the aisle together.

We wait for the music to start before the doors open wide. And to my surprise, Isaac isn’t at the end of the aisle waiting for us, he’s right there looking gorgeous in his suit.

“I vowed to you girls I’d always be at your side,” he says softly, stepping forward.

The tears come as we part, letting Isaac take Rae’s hand as I lock my arm with his. We walk down together knowing we will forever be unbreakable.



Stealing Christmas



by Alexa Riley



Christmas Winter is lucky she loves this time of year, because her name didn’t give her much of a choice. She’s always bubbly and happy. So when she takes a job as an elf in the mall, she’s excited to spread some cheer. But Christmas could never expect what happens when she catches the eye of a stranger.

Nicholas Light owns everything he sees, and when his eyes land on the new elf in his mall’s Santa exhibit, he knows she’s no different. There’s something about her sweet innocence that he has to have, and he’ll concoct a plan to make that happen.

Warning: Grab your jingle bells and swing them over your head… This holiday quickie is gonna light up your Noel. Okay, none of that made sense. But it sounded festive, right? This book is adorable, and you’ll love it. Just don’t get tinsel stuck in the wrong places. Trust us.



Chapter 1






“Oh, and I’ll take the Santa hat cookie with sprinkles, too,” I say, smiling at Nancy as she packs up the ridiculous amount of cookies I’m taking with me today. I couldn’t just pick one, and I know I’ll need them later when I start to feel a little down.

“Someone is going to have a sweet Christmas.” Nancy gives me a wink as she closes the lid on the cookies before handing me the box.

“How much do I owe you?”

“It’s on me. Merry Christmas.”

“Oh, I almost forgot!” Setting the cookie box down on the counter, I dig through my purse until I find the small present. I pull it out and hand it to her.

“You shouldn’t have!” she says as her eyes light up and she rips off the wrapping. She opens the small box to reveal a silver rolling pin. I’d gotten ornaments for everyone this year. Last year I got hot chocolate cups and filled them with sweets. I always try to do something, even if it’s small. It is my favorite holiday, after all.

The mall comes to life this time of year—all the kids running around and the smell of cookies and pine in the air. The only thing missing is snow, and I’m praying for it. The weather said it was going to come, and I know if it does, it will cheer me up tonight when I get home.

“I love it,” Nancy says, coming around the counter and giving me a hug. The smell of sugar wraps around me before she pulls away. “I better hurry up and close. My honey is waiting for me, and I still need to wrap all the presents for the grandkids.”

I give her a small wave, wish her a merry Christmas, before I head back to my office area. Almost everyone is long gone. The Christmas lights are already turned off, and a feeling of sadness washes over me. This is the time of year when I miss my mom the most. Even though it was just the two of us, we always celebrated big. I fight the melancholy threatening to take over and keep a smile pasted on my face as I walk.

It felt like Christmas went so fast this year. I blinked and the holiday was over. I always get a little sad when each holiday comes to an end, but Christmas always hits me the hardest. Going home to an empty apartment to spend the day alone makes my heart sink. It’s the only day of the year the mall completely shuts down, so I don’t have work to distract me. Even on Thanksgiving we’re open in the evening.

Rounding the corner, I take the back hallway to my office area to grab my keys. I see my manager Krista sitting at her desk still, and I’m confused because I was sure she’d be long gone by now.

“Hey, what are you still doing here?” I ask, setting down the box of cookies.

“I need a favor,” she sighs, looking up from her computer. I don’t know how she stares at that thing all day. I love being around people, and I love making people smile even more. It’s why I enjoy this job so much. I get to do all the holiday decorations and events at the mall. I love seeing people’s faces light up with excitement when they get to see Santa or even the Easter Bunny. Their smiles are infectious.

“Anything,” I tell her, making her lips pull into a smile as the worry lines on her face fade away.

“I need you to go to an event tonight.”

I pause, then look down at my outfit. I’m still dressed up as one of Santa’s little helpers. I love it because it makes me feel super festive, and because I made it myself. I couldn’t find anything that fit me right, so I pulled this together. But somehow, I feel that this might not be appropriate for something Krista wants.

“I’ll have to run home and change. Do I have time?”

“No, I need you to go like that. It was requested.”

“It was requested?” I ask, wondering what that means.

“It was, and so were you.”

“Oh,” I say, and feel excitement start to bubble inside me. I don’t have to go home yet. I can go to a Christmas party. The stirrings of happiness start to fizz in my tummy at the prospect of something to do other than wallow in my own self-pity. “I was requested personally?”

She nods and smiles. I must have made a really good impression on someone if they want me to come to their Christmas party. I wonder if I’m a guest or if I’m working.

“What do I even do?”

“It didn’t really say. Just that they wanted you, and to dress like you do when you’re Santa’s helper.”

I clap excitedly, but Krista doesn’t seem to have my enthusiasm.

“Why so glum? This sounds like fun!”

She shakes her head, stands up from behind her desk, and comes around to the front of it. She leans up against it and looks at me. “It’s at Nicholas Light’s mansion.”

That makes me pause, but not because I’m scared. I’m curious. I’ve only heard rumors about him. He owns everything, or so they say. I know for a fact he owns this mall, and I’m sure a dozen others.

“I didn’t think anyone was ever allowed at his house.” It’s another rumor I’d heard, along with the one where he never leaves his home and never lets anyone in. They say all kinds of things about him. That he’s mean and broody, and I wonder if it’s all true. I also wonder if I could make him smile. It sounds like a challenge, and I love a good one.

“I’ve worked here five years and I’ve never seen him. I’ve also never received an email from him, either. Until today.”

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