Home > American Scandal (Their First Lady Book 1)(4)

American Scandal (Their First Lady Book 1)(4)
Author: Lucia Black

I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry. Again. Thank you for helping me up. I’ll be happy to pay for the dry-cleaning bill. Just let me know—”

“It’s no problem. But I can’t tell if you are trying to get me out of my suit or get my phone number. Either way . . .”

“Uh, no. I meant the champagne? On your suit? I’ll pay the bill. Are you staying here?”

“What’s your name?


“I don’t know, Tessa. You keep saying no, but it really feels like you’re trying to get my clothes off.”

The red of my cheeks traveled down my neck and onto my chest. I was sure of it. I could feel the heat spreading further. God, he smelled good . . .

“That’s not what I meant. I, um—I’ll leave my information with the front desk. Please have them bill me for the cleaning.” I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and the skin to skin contact felt like electricity. I looked at him and he was entirely too close. What was worse . . . I wanted him to be.

“Stay a while, Tess. I thought we were just getting started,” he said, a twinkle in his eyes.

“I really can’t. I have to go . . .” I trailed off, looking at him expectantly. I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t draw this out. I shouldn’t want to know his name.


But I did.

“Preston. Thank you again. This was fun, but I don’t have time to play along anymore. I need to go.”

He leaned in closely and whispered in my ear, “I’d love to play with you any time. Come and find me later.”

Preston let go of my arm and I walked out of the secluded hallway toward the crowd of people, my body already missing his touch even though I barely knew what it was like to have it.



Chapter 3



Not only did Preston steal my chance for a moment alone but now I felt completely flustered—and guilty for lusting after him while my focus was supposed to be on being seen with someone else. Sweeping my gaze around the crowded room, I spotted Cal. The smile was still plastered to his face as he spoke to an attractive woman in a bold red dress. I casually made my way toward him.

The woman laughed obnoxiously loud at something he said as I approached, other people taking notice of my arrival. I put on my smile and nodded to them in greeting. I had to be the woman people saw Cal talking to, and I had to look like I enjoyed it.

“Tessa,” he said as his attention turned to me. “You were true to your word.”

Cal excused himself from the conversation with the woman.

“Most of politics is all about promises, isn’t it?” I said quietly.

“Isn’t that the damned truth,” Cal muttered before he cleared his throat and relaxed his face. For a fleeting moment, I glimpsed a different Calvin James; someone else behind the smile and the politically correct responses. I hoped that I would see more of that version seeing as this was a long-term deal, much to my dismay.

“Are you ready for some more mingling?”

“I think so,” Cal said. He offered his arm again and I took it. I let my fingers feel the finely woven wool of his jacket, an undoubtedly expensive and designer piece. “And this is the perfect group to be seen by.” He nodded slightly to the gathering of couples adjacent to us. “The redhead writes the gossip column in a well-known paper and her husband has more money than he knows what to do with. And those two talking to them are in the know with nearly everyone in Washington.”

“They sound like the perfect place to start.”

Cal led me to the group, his confidence rubbing off on me as we approached. “And here are my favorite people.”

“Oh, please,” the redhead said. She reached in for a hug that Cal returned. “I bet you say that to all the ladies.” She laughed.

“Tessa Moretti, this is Kelly and Alton Spencer.” I shook their hands and returned their polite smiles. They were older, but their obvious wealth kept them looking young and happy. At least on the outside. Kelly’s red hair was quite pretty and her smile inviting. It was no wonder she wrote a gossip column. People probably couldn’t wait to tell her their secrets.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said, hoping I came across sincere.

“And this is Darla and Thomas Schiller.”

“So nice to meet you.” I returned their handshakes, but they seemed less impressed by me with their curt nods. Or maybe just not quite as friendly.

“I knew you’d be president one day,” Alton said to Cal.

“Well, it hasn’t happened yet. Your support means a great deal to me.”

“And you’ve got it,” Thomas adds.

“You joined our conversation at the perfect time,” Darla says. “We were just discussing the increasing problems with student loans and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.”

“We are lucky to be in the presence of an authority on the subject. Tessa teaches political science at NYU. She’s well versed in both politics and education.”

“Education is a topic I feel passionately about, but I don’t want to take away the spotlight. Cal is the man of the hour,” I said, carefully avoiding starting a debate. “I think that no matter what, we can all agree that children are our future, and that should always be taken seriously.”

Cal placed his hand on the small of my back in a sweet yet intimate gesture that signaled his approval. “I couldn’t agree with you more, Tessa. Building a better future starts with our youth.”

His vague response was met with nods of agreement from the others.

“So,” Kelly said. “Who’s your running mate going to be?”

It was a good question. One I should’ve asked myself. One I wanted to know the answer to. In the future, the four of us—with the inclusion of his running mate’s wife—would need to work as a team.

“I’m happy you asked,” Cal said. “I have given this much thought, obviously, and I have the perfect man in mind. Of course, we can’t make that official announcement just yet. He’s a U.S. Representative with an excellent record of getting bills passed. We’ve known each other since college. He was my fraternity brother. Hell, he’s like my brother by blood, if I am honest.” Cal was animated while talking about his friend with passion, gesturing with his hands and wearing a genuine smile. “And he has impeccable timing. Here he comes now.”

My gaze followed Cal’s to see this wonderful man who would be his vice president, but all I saw was my lust-filled dream from earlier. I paused for a second, not comprehending what was happening, waiting for Preston to step aside so I could see Cal’s very best friend; this brother of his. But he didn’t step aside. Instead he joined our group, confidently thrusting his hand at the Spencers and Schillers as Cal introduced them. The pounding of my heart clouded my senses. I didn’t hear a word they were saying.

He no longer had on the jacket I ruined in the fall. He was down to only wearing a fitted white tuxedo shirt, the cummerbund snugly hugging his waist.

“And I’d like you to meet Tessa Moretti,” Cal said. “Tessa, this is Preston Dane Fitzgerald.”

My mouth went dry as Preston reached for my hand. My nerves got the better of me. I was worried he’d bring up our disastrous run-in from earlier. With Calvin, I was going for poised and polished, not sloppy and clumsy. Preston, seemingly unfazed by seeing me with his best friend, shook my hand with ease and a smile.

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