Home > American Scandal (Their First Lady Book 1)(7)

American Scandal (Their First Lady Book 1)(7)
Author: Lucia Black

We’d both be better off for it.

“Sorry. I just need to know your plans. That’s all. I’m your bodyguard.” I knew he was lying. He wanted to know because he wanted to keep me to himself.

“No matter what we have done in my bed, Jimmy, you’re not my boyfriend. You need to remember that.”

I was grateful that he dropped it and we drove the rest of the way in silence.



Chapter 5



After nearly forty minutes of hearing myself speak, I started to tune myself out. I glanced up from my laptop screen at the glazed-over zombie stares of the class. I liked to think I normally held their attention.

“Okay, guys, I wanted to get this review in before the exam, but I think we’re all burned out. We’ll pick up where we left off come Thursday, and I’ll push the exam to next week.”

That woke them up. My announcement was met with various cheers and applause. They started filing out of the classroom so quickly you would have thought they were scared I’d change my mind and call them back in a matter of seconds.

“You’re the best, Miss M,” a student from the back yelled.

“I know.” I brought my hand to my chest in a show of exaggerated flattery. “And as always, don’t hesitate to email me with any questions.”

I packed my laptop and papers with lightning quick speed. The truth was I didn’t end class early and push back the exam for strictly altruistic purposes. The buzz on campus was Preston Fitzgerald was scheduled to have an open forum with the political science majors in the meeting room down the hall in less than twenty minutes. With my date with Cal looming overhead, I figured the last thing I needed was to run into Preston again.

I went out of my way to avoid the small Political Science auditorium, instead swiftly walking in the opposite direction of my destination so I didn’t even have to go near that end of the building. I didn’t mind the extra walk on campus. After I exited, I glanced over my shoulder to confirm my clean get away . . . and slammed directly into someone.

My laptop bag and papers went flying as I crashed to floor. The fall was mostly broken by a hard body.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”

I scrambled to my feet and extended a hand to whomever I had just assaulted. He somehow beat me to my feet and extended his own hand to steady me. I accepted the offer as a familiar cologne filled my nose.

“There has to be an easier way for us to meet.”

Preston. Dane. Fitzgerald. Shit.

Despite my best efforts to avoid him, I ended up running head-first into him. Again.

“Are you okay? You’re not saying anything.”

I shook my head, trying to clear it. “Yes. I’m fine.”

We stood motionlessly holding on to each other for a long moment. Those eyes, those piercing blue eyes. I couldn’t look away.

“Is your laptop okay?”

“Oh!” That broke the trance. I let go of his arm to retrieve my bag from the floor. I slid it out and checked the case and screen. It was crack free. “It’s fine. No worries. So, uh, what are you doing here?”

“I was supposed to have an open forum with a group of political science students, but it looks like it’s gotten more popular than they expected, so the department decided to move it to a larger auditorium.”

“Oh,” I said, not sure what else to say to him.

Preston took in my modest black pantsuit then studied the ID that hung from my neck. “So you teach at NYU . . .”

“Yes. I do.” I fidgeted with my low ponytail and brought it in front of my shoulder.

“Well?” He leaned against the wall in casual and cool move. He was dressed informally for his talk. He wore navy slacks and a maroon button up without a tie. It was a damn good look. “Did you just come from a class?”

“I did, yes.” Why couldn’t I think of more words?

“What were you teaching?”

I bit at my bottom lip and muttered, “Political science.”

There was a knowing smile on Preston’s face. He remembered. A shade of tension tinged the air. It was clear I, of all people, would’ve known he was coming. I didn’t want to tell him I was avoiding him. There was just no way to say I didn’t want to run into him without somehow hurting him.

If I didn’t say something, I was going to gnaw my lip off. “Right, so—”

“Look, I’m going to be honest with you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the fundraiser. You’re smart and beautiful and mysterious and all I’m asking for is one date.”

If I had to imagine the perfect compliment, what Preston said would’ve been it. “That’s very flattering, really, but you’re wrong. I’m not mysterious at all. What you see is what you get, and there is nothing more to know about me.”

Preston pushed off the wall and took a step closer. I didn’t move away even though I knew I should have. “Then can I get what I see right now?” His voice was low, almost like a growl, and it wasn’t lost on me how his gaze kept traveling from my eyes to my lips.

I swallowed. Hard. “Preston, I can’t do that.”

“Okay.” He put his hands up in defeat. “You don’t have to agree to dinner. That’s an hour-long commitment, at least. How about a drink? That can last as long or as short as you want.”


“And think about it, Moretti. I’ve seen you drink. And I’ve seen you throw your champagne all over my suit jacket. And I’d happily do that again if it meant you said yes. If that doesn’t tell you how interested I am, nothing will.”

I laughed as my hand moved to his chest. “I will get that dry cleaned for you. I promise.”

“We can forget it when we go get that drink,” he said.

“I don’t want to say no.” All on their own, my fingers slowly splayed across the plains of his solid chest.

“Then don’t.”

He moved closer again, leaving nearly nothing between us but my hand and my paper-thin resolve.

“It’s far more complicated than I can even begin to explain.”

Preston’s hand fell to my waist and rested on my hip in a feather light touch. I leaned into him, wanting so much more.

“Try me. I think I can catch up.”

“If you knew what I know, you’d know it isn’t a good idea.”

“For you? I think I’d be willing to make a few bad decisions.”

His words raced across my skin leaving a trail of fire. I wanted to melt into him.

“You have too much to lose to do that.”

I suddenly staggered back, realizing our close position and my hand on his chest. I was treading in dangerous waters, and I didn’t want to stop. But I had to.

“See.” Preston laughed. “I told you. You’re mysterious. I hardly even understand what you just said.”

A small, humorless laugh escaped my lips. “All you need to understand is that this can’t happen.”

“Okay.” He nodded and his blond hair swayed with the movement. “But if you change your mind.” He pulled a sleek black business card out of his pocket so smoothly it could’ve passed for a sleight of hand trick. “Call me.”

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