Home > I Have Lived and I Have Loved(76)

I Have Lived and I Have Loved(76)
Author: Willow Winters

We head back on the road, and our day is filled with bullshit calls. Two traffic accidents, a possible shoplifter who ended up being the owner’s daughter, and a police report for a stolen car. Paperwork sucks.

“Do you mind stopping if we stop in and check on Steph?”

“You know I don’t.”

Brody calls in that we’re on break, and we head over.

When we get to the turn in by Tampa General, a sleek, black Bentley comes peeling out of the side street, almost hitting two cars in the process.

“Oh, hell no,” I say and flip the lights and sirens on. “I hate these assholes on this side of the island. They all think they can do whatever they want.”

Having money doesn’t mean you’re above the law.

Brody and I approach the car and the tinted windows lower.

“License, registration, and insurance,” I say without looking at the driver.

“Sorry, officer,” a familiar voice causes my eyes to lift. I stare into the green irises I doubt I’ll ever forget. A five o’clock shadow paints his face, and the sun only makes everything seem brighter. His mouth turns into a radiant smile, and my heart begins to race. “I was on my way to see someone. But it turns out she came to me.”



Chapter 6





My life . . . is . . . a freaking comedy show.

There’s nothing I’ve done to deserve this amount of bad karma. I’ve been a good friend, sister, daughter, I uphold the law, and I’m a good person by most people’s standards.

What the hell have I done to have this happen to me?

I release a deep breath and go back into work mode. “Do you know why I pulled you over, sir?”

“Are you going to pretend you don’t know me?” Eli asks with his brow raised.

“Mr. Walsh, we all know who you are. However, that doesn’t mean that nearly colliding with two vehicles is acceptable.”

Eli looks over at Brody. “What’s up, man? Is she always this way?”

“You two old friends?” Brody asks.

I clear my throat. “License, registration, and insurance . . . please.”

I somehow get the words out without squeaking or sounding unstable. Brody laughs, and it takes everything I have not to look at him. I hate him right now.

“Sure thing, Officer Covey.”

“Don’t go anywhere,” I warn as I take the paperwork from him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be right here, Heather. I don’t run away.”

Bristling at his words, I walk away, feeling Brody’s gaze on me. There’s no doubt that as soon as we get back in the car, I’m going to get it—good.

Instead, Brody stays quiet while I assemble the paperwork. He may not be speaking, but he’s saying a whole lot in the silence.

“Just say it,” I mumble and finally look over.

“I’m not saying a word.” He raises his hands. “Clearly, you two know each other, and it ain’t from growing up here. You tell me everything, so there is no way you wouldn’t have told me you know him,” Brody pauses and leans back. “I’m not saying a word about who you may or may not have slept with recently. Even though, it’s pretty obvious.”

“You know, you not saying a word took you a long time.”

“It’s not like you’ve had a five-year drought since your divorce. Or that you slept with a singer/actor. Nope. I have nothing to say about that. Not a thing.”

I groan. “Could you not say anything for real this time?”

“Sure thing, boss. I’ll just be over here, watching Hell start to thaw.”

This is not going to get any better. I’d almost rather hear the questions. This is Brody Webber. My partner, my friend, and the one person who I have enough dirt on to make his life hell if he repeats this.

“Okay, fine. Yes, I slept with Eli Walsh. I was crazy and dumb. I also had about six beers, which is two over my threshold, and I was trying to be in the moment for once. Fucking Nicole and her pep talks.”

Brody coughs a laugh and then recovers. “Sorry, go on.”

“I swear, you better keep this to yourself. If you tell anyone . . .” I give him my best threatening face. “I mean anyone, I’ll make your life a living nightmare.”

He shakes his head and laughs again. “I won’t say a word, but you had a one-night stand with one of the most famous men in the boy band atmosphere. You’re too cool for me, Heather. I don’t think we can be friends. I’m sure you and the band will be happy without me.”

I huff and grab the papers. “I’m getting a new partner.”

I walk back over to the car, praying this will be painless. “I’m not going to ticket you this time,” I explain.

“Because that would be awkward since I’ve seen you naked?”

Oh Jesus.

I ignore the comment and proceed as if he didn’t say that. “Just slow down, Mr. Walsh.”

“It’s Ellington.” He takes my hand in his as I hand the papers back. “I figure since we’ve you know . . . had sex and all . . .” He pauses and gives me a blinding smile before continuing, “You should at least call me Ellington.”

Thanks to my obsession, I know most things about him, but I truly didn’t know his full name. I guess back when I was searching for info, Google wasn’t what it currently is. Now, though, I feel like he let me in on some secret.

“Fine, Ellington, please drive safe.”

“We should talk about what happened the other night.”

“That’s not necessary.”

Eli grips my hand as I start to pull back. “Dinner.”

“What?” I ask with shock.

“Have dinner with me.”

Is he for real? He wants to have dinner with me after I ran out? Either he’s crazy or I’m still dreaming. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m really busy.” I tug my hand back and smooth my uniform shirt. “Make sure you don’t run anyone off the road.”

“For you, Heather, I’ll drive with both hands on the wheel and follow the speed limit.”

“Oh, so you’ll actually obey the law?” I smile without permission. Damn him.

He leans so his head is out the window. “I have a feeling you and I will be seeing each other again.”

“I don’t think so.”

In fact, I know we won’t. I know that I’ll never pull over his car again, and he doesn’t know anything about me other than my name and that I’m a cop. Okay, so maybe he knows a lot more than I’d like. Still, there’s no reason for him to talk to me again. Ever.

“You and your partner be safe on the job. I hate seeing fellow officers in the line of fire.”

My body twists, and I scoff. “You’re not a cop. You play a cop on television.”

“I have a badge.”

“It’s fake.”

Eli reaches across the seat and puts his “badge” on his lap. “Doesn’t look fake to me.”

I roll my eyes. “We both know that’s not real. Also, impersonating a police officer is a crime.”

“Are you going to arrest me?” Eli asks with a coy smile.

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