Home > Beautifully Exposed (Candied Crush #10)(18)

Beautifully Exposed (Candied Crush #10)(18)
Author: Charity Parkerson

The idea of an audience sent Zep’s lust through the roof. He wasn’t dumb. Zep knew Frost was way out of his league. For whatever reason, though, Frost had fallen in love with him. Everyone should know it. Zep thrust harder. Frost covered his own mouth to muffle his cries. Every sound Frost made drove Zep insane. He lost control, thrusting hard and fast. The sound of skin slapping joined the sound of Frost’s barely muted moans.

Zep didn’t try to be quiet. “That’s it. Let me hear your pleasure. I want everyone here to know you’re mine. You belong to me.” Zep slowed long enough to kiss Frost’s shoulder. He thrust hard at the right angle. “Tell them who owns you.”

“Oh my god, Zep. Do that again.”

Zep didn’t need to be told twice. He held tight to Frost and pounded the spot he needed. Frost’s muscles tensed. Zep held his breath. Frost slammed himself back so hard on Zep’s dick that Zep saw stars. Frost cried out. His body convulsed, sucking an orgasm from Zep—like stealing his soul. Zep whimpered against Frost’s back as wave after wave of ecstasy rocked him. Reality didn’t creep in. It hit Zep like a brick. His hands shook as he tilted Frost’s face his way for a kiss. He couldn’t believe this amazing guy had proposed to him. Maybe it had been more like a demand. Semantics. They were getting married. This would always be his life. He squeezed Frost so tightly to his chest that Frost gasped. Zep had to force himself to loosen his hold.

“I love you.” Zep couldn’t say it enough to appease his soul. “I’m going to spoil the fuck out of you.”

A tired-sounding chuckle burst from Frost. “I love you too and you already do. I believe in us.”

Zep did too. That was why he had argued with Kit and threatened to walk here if he had to, doing and saying whatever it took to get Kit to bring him here tonight. Maybe it had taken a lot of alcohol to see past himself, but Zep believed in them. He had decided if Scott wanted Frost, he would have to fight for him. Zep didn’t intend to give in easily. They were meant to be. Everything else was just noise. Frost wasn’t getting rid of him. They were forever.






It wasn’t that Kit didn’t like kids as much as he had never been around them. His childhood had been something straight out of a nightmare. He had grown up, chosen to be fabulous, and never thought about being helpless again. When Zep had done the quickie marriage thing, locking Frost down as fast as possible, Kit could have gone on his way. He had never done well on his own. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford his own place. Kit wasn’t good at being alone. So Kit had graciously accepted Frost and Zep’s offer to continue on as he had been, crashing with Zep. This left him in the odd position of having coffee with toddlers each morning.

At first, he had tried simply ignoring the twins. Gah. He didn’t understand why such sticky creatures had to be so cute. Kit had always been an early riser. He found himself more and more often spending the early morning hours with the girls so Zep could sleep. Kit told himself he bore the weight of this chore because Zep delivered a lot of middle-of-the-night babies. He lived here for free. The least he could do was watch the girls occasionally. But damn, he adored them. The way he felt ready to kill anyone who dared to harm them made his own childhood all that much worse upon reflection. Kit got the feeling his reaction to them was normal. He never dreamed anything about himself would be the least bit well-adjusted. Who knew?

Matthew came through the back door, as if he lived there too. Kit tried ignoring his beauty—the way he always did. The problem was that Matthew was impossible to ignore. He looked like the yoga instructor he was. Tight, trim body. Shaggy light brown hair. Tattoos on every inch of skin, as far as Kit had seen. Only his face had been spared, which was a good thing, because that was a work of art. Hazel eyes. Just yum. He made Kit wish he wasn’t such a mess, but he was, so there was that.

“Are you ready to go to lunch?”

Kit finished tying Lily’s shoes. “Almost. I need to drop these two at their grandma’s house. Zep didn’t get home from work until an hour ago. He needs his sleep.”

Matthew stooped and the girls launched themselves at him. His infectious smile showed exactly how comfortable he was with the twins. He took turns kissing sticky cheeks. “That’s cool. Me and these chicks get along just fine.”

Kit blew out a sigh. There was no one Matthew couldn’t charm. Honestly, Kit had no clue why Matthew kept coming back for more of Kit’s rejection.

Matthew helped him move car seats and get the girls strapped in. At Helena’s, he flirted and teased, making Helena smile and blush. All the while, Kit barely heard a word. His attention was locked on Matthew. Not for the first time, Kit wondered what it must be like to be him. Most people considered Kit beautiful. In fact, he got paid to be pretty. Once people got past Kit’s looks, they realized what Kit knew every second of every day. He wasn’t likable. Matthew was adored by everyone.

The moment they were alone inside Kit’s SUV, Matthew turned sideways in his seat, staring at Kit as he drove. “Tell me something about you no one knows.”

“No thank you.” Kit didn’t try softening the rejection with a smile.

Matthew didn’t seem bothered. “Come on, Kit. We’ve been going to lunch together a few times a week for almost a year now and I feel like I still don’t know you at all.”

Kit stopped at a red light and looked Matthew’s way. “I once killed a man for asking too many questions.”

Matthew laughed. Even that was sexy and engaging. He patted Kit’s knee. Kit fought the urge to hiss like an angry cat. “Just wait, Kitty. One of these days, you’ll tell me all your deepest and darkest secrets. I’m persistent. You can’t shake me by giving me the cold shoulder. The harder the shell, the sweeter the fruit.”

A snort escaped Kit, but he also couldn’t stop smiling. This was how Matthew did it. This was how he kept Kit coming back for more. Maybe one day Matthew would break down his walls. He would likely run for the hills once he saw the mess underneath, but Kit liked Matthew. He thought Matthew might really like him too. Truthfully, Matthew scared Kit a little. There was something slightly dark about him—like he had a side of him that no one saw, but Kit caught glimpses of it when Matthew wasn’t looking. Sometimes, Kit thought, maybe he should be the one to run. He had no idea why he couldn’t. For whatever reason, whatever Matthew hid, Kit felt safer with him than he did anyone else, even Zep. Maybe that was the most frightening part of all.



Frost kissed Zep’s neck, selfishly hoping to wake him. He knew Zep had been working all night and he tried to let Zep sleep, but they didn’t have the girls for the night. Frost wanted a little time alone with his husband.

“Paging Dr. Frost.”

Zep’s eyes didn’t open, but his lips shaped a smile.

Frost worked a little harder. “I love my sleepy bear.”

“I love you too.”

A smile exploded across Frost’s face at Zep’s grumbled voice. “I know you want to hibernate. I’ll go take a shower so you can have a few more minutes.”

One arm shot out and curled around Frost, keeping him pinned to the bed. “No. Mine.”

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