Home > Right Move (Clean Slate Ranch #6)(67)

Right Move (Clean Slate Ranch #6)(67)
Author: A.M. Arthur

   Levi blinked several times, affected by the new grief in his father’s voice as he spoke about another hard goodbye. Dad had already lost his own parents, his wife, and one son. Now he was losing his rodeo—if he sold out to Willard. If Levi took over, it would stay in the family longer.

   He couldn’t bring himself to break his dad’s heart by saying no to taking over Lucky’s, but he also couldn’t commit to it. Not without a lot of meditating, soul searching...and more time with George. What would happen to his relationship with George if Levi ended up traveling ten months out of the year?

   “Are you sure this is what you want to do, Dad?”

   “It is. If my accident didn’t tell me I should step back, then my promise to your mother has convinced me. Besides, you’re safe and happy and dating again, and Robin is safe and happy and in love. I can leave the country knowing my boys are well.”

   I will not cry. I will not cry.

   “You know how much I love you, even when we were estranged,” Levi said, voice too rough for his liking. “And you know how much I treasure my time at Lucky’s. I am honored that you want me to run it but I can’t give you an answer today.”

   “I understand, and I did not expect a yes or no today. You’ve got plenty of time, months, to decide what you want to do. I also haven’t decided if I want to sell out to Willard or not, he’s just the best second choice to run it.”

   If he didn’t know Dad as well as he did, Levi might think his father was trying to manipulate him into saying yes. Saying no meant Dad potentially selling Lucky’s to someone else, and there went Levi’s inheritance. But money wasn’t the most important thing to Levi. It never had been and never would be. If Dad walked away from Lucky’s without another Peletier in charge, it was because he simply wanted a clean break from his old life.

   Levi couldn’t bear giving him a disingenuous “Let Willard run it for a few years and then I’ll decide” kind of answer. It jerked everyone around, especially if Willard was prepared to buy Dad out now. As much as Levi wanted to travel again, he wasn’t sure if running the rodeo was how he wanted to do it. But Dad had said he had a few months to decide.

   “I’m definitely going to need time,” Levi said. “There’s just so much to consider.”

   “I know there is. And I don’t want to steal you away from the life you have if it’s what makes you happiest, and I mean that. All I’ve ever wanted is for my boys to be happy.”

   “We are.” Happy and—at least for Levi—now a little bit confused.

   “Good. Well, I won’t keep you much longer. I’m sure you’ve got your man to get back to soon.”

   They’d chatted briefly for a while longer, and then they had said their goodbyes. Levi had wandered the corral for a while, before he found himself heading toward one of the walking trails. But even out in the beautiful lands of Clean Slate Ranch, he hadn’t been able to collect his swirling thoughts. He’d pushed the conversation with Dad aside and tried to enjoy the rest of his day.

   A day that culminated with George asleep in his bed, a half smile on his face, eyes twitching as he dreamed about something that seemed pleasant. Levi was slowly, but surely, falling in love with George Thompson, but what did that mean for Levi’s future? For the future of Lucky’s? No, he couldn’t give Lucky’s more weight in his decision than his relationship with George, no matter how new and delicate it still was. Lucky’s was his past; his future was still yet to be written.

   “I want you in my future,” he whispered to George. “I hope you want me in yours.”

   George snuffled once, then settled.

   Content with his boyfriend by his side for now, Levi relaxed against his own pillow and tried to fall asleep.


* * *


   Levi spent all the next morning lounging in bed with George—minus a quick break to eat an instant oatmeal breakfast for fuel—occasionally having sex, but mostly existing. Watching videos on Levi’s tablet. Talking. Existing. They reluctantly left their bubble to clean up and dress, so they could drive down to the ranch for lunch at the guesthouse with their friends. George practically glowed with confidence, and it made Levi’s heart swell.

   He hated driving George back to the truck stop, but he’d agreed to meet Orry there at two. “I feel like a kid being swapped by two divorced parents,” George joked.

   “I’d drive you the entire way if I had to,” Levi replied. “You’re worth it.”

   That got him a smitten smile that Levi didn’t allow himself to read too far into. They kissed for a while as they waited in their usual side of the parking lot, until a familiar car pulled in on the passenger side. Orry sprang from the car to give George a big hug, as if the pair had been separated for weeks instead of twenty-four hours. George leaned into the cab to grab his gym bag, blew Levi a kiss, and then followed his brother to their car.

   Levi sent a quick text: Best Christmas ever. Talk to you soon, sweetheart.

   George’s reply came before Orry had completely left the lot: Same. Can’t wait for next time.

   With a goofy grin on his face, Levi texted Robin to ask if he was able to go riding in forty-five minutes. About ten minutes into his drive, Robin texted back an affirmative, and Levi returned to the ranch. Since it was the off-season, he parked near the guesthouse and headed for the barn, where Robin was already tacking his favorite horse Apple Jax.

   “Hey, man,” Robin said. “Wasn’t sure if you wanted to ride Zodiac or another horse.”

   “Has she been exercised yet today?” Levi replied as he strode into the corral.

   “Yeah, I saw Scott with her earlier.”

   “I’m not picky, so any of the mares who haven’t been out yet.”

   “Cool. Finish these straps for me.”

   Levi completed saddling up Apple Jax for Robin while he went into the barn. Robin returned a few minutes later with Figuro, the horse George had ridden last week during their vacation. They tacked her together with few words spoken, both of them able to do this task in their sleep. Robin cast him a few curious looks, aware Levi needed to talk to him, but he didn’t ask.


   Robin waited until they were about a hundred yards down one of the employee paths before he said, “Okay, what’s up? Everything okay with George?”

   “Everything is perfect with George. We had an amazing Christmas together. Zero regrets, and I think we’re even stronger than ever. I hated dropping him off today and can’t wait to see him again.”

   “So, not George. You and me aren’t fighting. Do you have any other friends you could be having issues with?”

   Levi snorted. “I’m not having issues, exactly. Yesterday, when I talked to Dad he told me something that I’m having trouble with, and he didn’t swear me to secrecy. I need to talk it out with you, brother.”

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