Home > California Love(41)

California Love(41)
Author: TK Cherry

For shits and giggles, I applied for the job at DOB-Com anyway. When HR called five minutes later to arrange a phone interview, I knew it was a setup. Drew planted that job specifically for me. To test my theory, I sent the job link to Blair. She couldn’t open it; the posting had already closed.

Once I knew what Mr. O’Brien was up to, I called the two agencies in Portland and kindly declined their offers. As soon as I hung up with the second agency, the situation hit my brain like a wand to a gong.

I gave up two career opportunities in Portland for a job in San Francisco.

I gave up two chances for love back in Portland for a shot at forever here.

Fate is a motherfucker, let me tell you.

Turning down Portland was easy. The hardest part was telling my father.

“You’re making a big mistake, Quenie.”

I have never seen my Dad so disappointed in me. I’ve cried every day since witnessing that look of resignation on his face. For eight years, it’s just been him and me. However, I can’t live my life for him; I have to live it for me. I have to take chances and not always fall back on things that keep me in my comfort zone.

There are so many advantages with this job at DOB-Com. It’s bigger than anything I could’ve ever landed just out of college. I’ll be under the tutelage of some of the most talented marketing experts in the world. The things I’ll learn in a month here would take years for me to learn somewhere else.

I told my father that I’m channeling Mom’s spirit. My mother always took chances. “I’m only picking up where she left off,” I explained. He finally accepted my decision, but reluctantly. I promised him I’d be home for Christmas, and he gave me the biggest hug.

“You sure there aren’t any other candidates being interviewed by the panel?” I grin at Sam.

“First of all, what panel? And second of all, the candidates are you and you. You is hired.”

I crack up laughing.

“He’s ready for you now, but I think we should keep him waiting for once.”

“Sam, you are so bad.” I chuckle.

“Cinnamon lattes in the kitchen?”

“Alright,” I concede.


As I open his office door, he stands from his desk with the sweetest smile ever. He looks fifteen years younger. But as I admire how his bespoke gray suit hugs every muscle, I quickly remember that this boy is all man.


He swoops down, and his tongue is in my throat before I can finish my sentence. Right away, I feel it. The butterflies with Fourth of July sparklers in their wings. The magic. It’s all there. It’s always been there between us. I lose all sense of self and time during our passionate reunion kiss. Before I know what’s happening, he’s pulling away.

“Hello, beautiful.”

“Hey,” I push out with airless lungs.

“You know there’s no interview, right?” He pecks my lips. “Congratulations. Welcome to DOB-Com.” He pecks me again.

“Figured as much.” I giggle.

“First, I’ll take you on a tour of the two buildings.”

“Is that really necessary?” I smirk.

“Yep,” he teases, poking out his bottom lip.

“I figure I’ll eventually see everything the longer I’m here.”

“But this first time, I want you to see my entire company with me.”

Well, that settles that. I practically swoon at his intent. He’s too adorable. “Okay.”

“When do you think you’ll be ready to relocate? If you’d like, I can take you to a couple of apartments that I own.”

My expression falls.

“What’s wrong?” he squints in concern.

“I—thought I was moving in with…”

“With me?” he points to himself.

I nod, embarrassed.

“Fuck, yeah.” He exhales in relief. He leans down to kiss me again but briefly. “I assumed you would want to take things slow. I thought you’d want your own place at first.”

“Well, I figured your house is big enough to make it seem as though we live in two completely different residences.” I chuckle.

“No separate rooms for us. We’re sharing a bed,” he says, cut and dry.

I shrug while trying to hide my glee. “Fine by me.”

“When are you moving in?”


His gaze widens. “You brought everything?”

“Only what I need for the next month. Kirk has everything in the trunk.”

“Okay, then.” He nods, well pleased. “I guess I need to lay out the rules now.”

I search his face for a hint of a joke but come up empty.


“Yes. Rule number one—when we’re here, we will maintain a professional decorum and work extremely hard.”

“Okay,” I concur. Fair enough. I didn’t come here to slack off. I want to earn my keep.

“Rule number two—the second we leave this building, work ends. Period.”

“I think rule number two is more for you than it is for me.” I counter, amused.

“Oh, Miss Waverly, that rule goes for you, too. Trust me, when you’re moving and grooving in your new job, you’ll be tempted to bring your work home with you. It’s not allowed.”

“Does that mean you’re turning off your phone before we have sex?”

His eyes narrow seductively. “I’m not even going to bring it in the bedroom.”

“Oh?” I challenge.

“Believe it,” he guarantees.

“What’s rule number three?”

“Rule number three is the final and most important rule.”

I’m all ears as I shift from one high heel to the other. Admiring my face, he takes his hand and softly traces my jawline. A tremble moves down my spine.

“You come first. Always.”

Exhaling, I stare deep into his hazel eyes.

“So do you,” I echo.

“Whether you know it or not, you are now mine. From this day on, nothing else comes before you. Understand?”

I don’t know why his words make me want to ball up on the floor and cry. Not out of sadness, but out of pure unadulterated joy. I’ve waited a lifetime to hear the man of my dreams claim me as his.

“I understand,” I reply breathily.


“Wow—I didn’t know you had a girlfriend!”

I heard the same reaction over and over again as Drew led me by his hand from one corridor to the next. We stopped every few feet so he could introduce me to another one of his employees. “This is my girlfriend, Quen Waverly. We just hired her to work in the marketing department.”

Every time he says I’m his girlfriend, I feel like I’m walking on air.

My favorite introduction so far was with Austin O’Brien, Drew’s brother. Although he’s two inches shorter than Drew, Austin shares the same facial features. Also, Austin’s hair is sandy brown in contrast to his older brother’s darker mane.

“Did they do a mental assessment before they hired you?” Austin teased. “You’re actually seeing this jackass?”

“She’s moving into my house tonight,” Drew announced with a proud grin.

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