Home > Close to Me(70)

Close to Me(70)
Author: Monica Murphy

“What proof?” I ask incredulously.

He sends Mom a look before he breathes deep and says, “I found a used—condom, wrapped up in a tissue, on the floor in the hallway just outside the guest room.”

I hang my head, fear filling me and making me shaky. That condom was the one Ash and I used, but how do I admit that without disappointing them completely? I don’t want my parents to be mad, or to think less of me. We broke their rules. What Ash and I did violated their trust—this may ruin everything for him, for us.

But what am I supposed to do? He’s already in trouble with the fire, and with Rylie being here, which makes absolutely no sense. Why was she at my house? How did she get here? When did she get here?

Did she start the fire?

I can’t let this go on. I have to tell the truth.

“Ash—like I just said, he was with me. Last night. Well, early this morning,” I say, staring at my hands as I twist them together in my lap. “We were together in my room for…a couple of hours, and he was returning to his room when he must’ve discovered the fire. He—he probably dropped the condom then. He took it with him when he left my room.”

My parents are deathly quiet and I start to tremble, tears stinging my eyes.

“So he couldn’t have been with Rylie when he was with me,” I say, my voice small. “I don’t know why she was at our house, but I think maybe she started the fire.”

“Autumn.” I look up to meet my father’s stern gaze. Oh, he looks angry. Angrier than I’ve ever seen him. He also looks concerned and maybe even a little…hurt? I did that to him, which kills me. “Are you lying for Ash so he doesn’t get in trouble? Because you don’t have to do that. If he did sneak off with this girl and set that fire, even if he did it by accident, he has to face the consequences.”

“But you see, he didn’t do anything. He definitely didn’t set that fire. How could he be two places at once?” I shake my head, the tears coming, sliding down my cheeks, one after the other. “I know you probably don’t want to hear this, and I can understand why, but he was with me, Daddy. He spent the night with me in my room, he wasn’t with Rylie. We’re in love, Ash and me. And we wanted to be together—but we didn’t think it would end up like this.”

I start crying hard, burying my face in my hands, and I feel Mom smooth her hand over my back, trying to offer me comfort. Dad curses under his breath before storming out of the kitchen, and I just start crying even harder.

It was right to tell the truth, but now I’ve completely lost my parents’ trust. And I’ve probably sealed Ash’s fate. He won’t be welcome in my house any longer. Dad won’t help him.

I’ve ruined everything.



“Autumn. Wake up.”

Somehow, I fell asleep. After the embarrassing discussion with my parents where I made my father so upset he walked out and didn’t come back, Mom accompanied me to my room. I was a crying, sobbing mess the entire walk up the stairs and into my room. She told me to lie down and then she joined me, where she held me while I cried, until I fell asleep in her arms. She must’ve eventually left me alone, and I have no idea how long I’ve been sleeping, but it’s my dad who’s trying to wake me up, and he’s the last person I want to see.

Rolling over on my side, I face the wall and pretend to still be sleeping, hoping he’ll go away.

He sighs, reaching out to give my shoulder a gentle shake. “I know you’re awake.”

Can’t he pretend I’m asleep too? That’s what I’m trying to do.

When I still don’t move, he starts talking. “Ash has been released. Your mom is going to pick him up right now.” He pauses for a moment before he says, “We thought it best I don’t go. I’m afraid I might say or do something I’ll regret.”

The relief I feel at hearing Ash isn’t in trouble anymore is so strong, I can’t pretend I’m sleeping any longer.

“Oh, Daddy.” I turn and sit up, slinging my arms around his neck and holding him tight. “Do you hate me?” I ask, my words muffled against his neck.

“Of course I don’t hate you.” He wraps his arms around me and it feels so good, so comforting, to have my father holding me. I used to love Daddy hugs. That’s what I called them. I was so little and he was so big. I thought he was a giant. I don’t want him disappointed in me, though I know he must be. “But you know you two shouldn’t have been sneaking around. So did Ash.”

I pull away from him so I can look into his eyes. “Am I in trouble?”

“Yes.” He doesn’t even flinch when he says that. “You definitely are. I just don’t know what your punishment will be yet.”

“What about…Ash?”

“I don’t know what we’re going to do about him either. I spoke with Weldman earlier, and he said he could have Ash stay with him,” Dad explains, referring to one of the assistant coaches of the football team.

“So he can’t stay with us any longer?” I’m sad. I knew if we got caught Ash would be sent away. I hate that he’ll have to leave us, but I couldn’t stand by and let him take the fall for something he didn’t do.

“Not if you two are involved and are going to sneak into each other’s rooms behind our backs.” The pointed look Dad sends me has me bowing my head in shame. “Hey, I was a teenager once upon a time, you know. I know what’s going on, and why you feel the need to sneak around.”

“Oh my God, this is so embarrassing,” I mumble.

“Just promise me you’ll be safe, okay, sweetheart?” He lifts my chin so I have no choice but to look at him. “That’s all I ask. Now let’s change the subject.”

Gladly. “Did you hear anything else about Rylie and why she was here?”

Dad sighs, his expression softening. “The deputy said she confessed to setting the fire to her mother, who called in to let them know. Since we don’t want to press charges, nothing’s going to happen. Though I do believe they’re going to seek help for Rylie. I guess her mom said she’s not been doing well for some time now.”

“Oh.” I feel terrible. Poor Rylie. She’s not a terrible person. It just sounds like she’s having a hard time processing stuff. I don’t know. Maybe she’s depressed and what happened with Ash pushed her over the edge? “Is she going to be all right?”

“I hope so.”

“What about Ash? Is he really going to stay with the Weldmans?” I don’t know their family very well, but Dad always says he’s a nice guy. And their kids are older than me, so I never went to school with them.

“I think it might end up being a better atmosphere for Ash there. No other kids to deal with, and Weldman’s wife is retired, so she’s home all day. She’ll make him homecooked meals and fuss over him, help him with his homework. Give him some motherly attention, something he’s been sorely lacking the last few years.” Dad offers me a small smile. “And after a while, when I’m not so mad at him, Ash can come over and hang out with us.”

“How long will that take?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” he answers truthfully. “You’ll have to be patient with me. You two will also have to work hard to earn my trust.”

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