Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me

Darlin' Don't Leave Me
Author: Crystal Bella


I physically cannot bring myself to look at him anymore. I know that I’ll give in and end up staying if I do. But, for our future, I need to leave here and him right now. I jump into my minivan and start the engine. I can feel the familiar lump beginning to form in the back of my throat.

Through tears, I move the gearstick into drive and put my foot down, not really knowing or caring if anything is in front of me. I make the mistake of looking out the rear-view mirror and watch my big, strong man drop to his knees, as I leave him in my wake. This is, without a doubt, the hardest thing I have ever done in my whole life, but, I need to remain strong, I have people that are dependent on me.




I had far too much work to be doing on the ranch to take a trip anywhere, but my friend from College, Michael Starks, who looks after my money, called me yesterday to tell me there was some problems with some investments he’d made and that I needed to haul ass to New York as I was losing money daily. Basically, my money was currently sitting in the wrong place.

I don’t know why I hadn’t got an investment banker here in Austin? I guess I helped Michael out when he was fresh out of college and new to it all and I hadn’t gotten around to finding someone closer.

I’d just finished going over things to do in my absence with Marco, one of the ranch hands and Jed, my cousin, when my mama called me on my cell informing me that I needed to leave pronto if I wanted to make my flight. I could change it for a later time if I wanted, it was privately chartered after all, but the sooner I got there, the sooner I could get back to the ranch. I only intend to be gone for one night.

I headed to the main house to get my luggage. Kissed my mama goodbye, shook my daddies hand and made the drive to the airport. Touching down three and a half hours later in LaGuardia airport, New York City.

There was a town car already waiting for me and I instantly felt the familiar feeling of being out of my comfort zone as soon as I saw the usual hustle and bustle of this busy city. I checked in to my usual hotel and headed up to my room so I could get an early night. I had arranged to see Michael first thing to get this shit cleared up so I could be back in Austin early. The less time I spent in this crazy ass city the better as far as I was concerned.



Chapter One


I can’t believe I’m actually here. Gathering all my things up, I head straight into the hustle and bustle of the aisle. I don’t think I’ll ever get of this plane if this queue doesn’t move any quicker. I get a sickening feeling walking through the first-class area, when you realise how the rich and famous live.

After finally leaving the plane, I make my way to the security gates. A long line had already formed so I wait my turn. I notice one of the men on the security desks is pretty cute and I silently prey that I don’t get him as I’m sure my signature blush will no doubt give me away. No such bloody luck though, he calls me up with a big smile on his face.

“Is this your first time visiting the United States Miss?” He asks me, in what I gather to be a very New York accent. All the while he’s intently studying my passport.

“Uuum, actually no. I have visited New York twice before.” For some reason my accent sounds over-the top English, even to me.

“Very well. Is the visit for business or pleasure Ma’am?” I must be looking at him like he’s a simpleton, because he goes on to clarify further and he succeeds in sounding bored now.

“Do you have any plans whilst you’re here Ma’am?” He asked me again to clarify. I’m knocked off kilter when I notice his deep green eyes bore straight into mine, I can’t hold his gaze though. I have never been an overly confident person and I can feel my face going beetroot red. I faff around with the straps of my handbag, the whole time deliberately keeping my gaze off of his.

“Pleasure. Just the usual touristy things and a trip to Niagara Falls.” I eventually manage to squeak out. Continuing to look down into my twitching hands.

“Are you travelling alone Ma’am?” He gives me a knowing grin and his dimples come out to play. The look of hope that comes across his eyes doesn’t go un-noticed by me either.

“Yes Sir, I am. Is that a problem?” I ask nervously, I’d never actually considered the thought that I might look suspicious travelling alone.

“No Ma’am, no problems. You be safe on your travels and be sure to come back and visit us again soon. NEXT PLEASE.” He aggressively stamps my passport and I guess that’s my cue that I have been accepted in. He’s not even looking at me now, just staring intently at his next victim.

“Thank you.” I say before moving on to the baggage claim, which is fortunately just to the right of security. Luckily for me I can see my case coming so I don’t have to wait too long. As soon as I step out of the main doors from the airport the heat and smog from the city hit me like a giant slap to the face.

I had already decided before I came here that I was going to get a taxi, as I can’t be arsed to fuck around with the shuttle or a bus. I head straight over to a yellow cab avoiding all the other people trying to get me to go with them, offering me their amazing deals. I jump into the first taxi and tell the driver my destination and straight away we’re off into the busy traffic.

It’s coming up to 11pm, New York time and I’m beat. I can’t see much off the city as most off it is in darkness, but the well-lit areas are standing out like a sore thumb. To be honest though, I am knackered and not much is registering with me. I am thankful when the taxi pulls up outside of my hotel at West 94th Street.

After I have checked in and I get to my room, I collapse on top of my bed and force myself to check in with Facebook to let everyone know I have arrived safely. I feel myself drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

I wake around 7am and feel much better. I feel well rested. After showering and getting dressed. I head down to the hotel lobby, which is surprisingly elegant, given that this is not a posh hotel by any means, it is quite run down and I’m sure in its day it was once high end.

The stench of stale cigarette smoke that lingers in the air is the only thing that lets it down. I ask the concierge if she could recommend a good place to eat breakfast and luckily for me there is one just around the corner.

I head off in search of The Manhattan Diner and I’m very happy to discover that it is literally just around the corner from my hotel and very close to the subway station as well. It is everything I expected of an American diner, and more. The waitress is really friendly and strikes up an easy conversation.

I order a stack of blueberry pancakes with Bacon, they taste out of this world amazing! I’m not sure I’ll ever get my head around the whole tipping thing but I leave a $10 tip anyway and make a mental note to return there to try their French toast. I have a feeling I’ll be frequenting this establishment often whilst I’m here.

I take the opportunity to have a look around the area where I’m staying, it’s on Broadway and it looks to be fairly lively. I spend a while wandering in and out of different shops, marvelling at the prices of things compared to back home.

There are quite a few clothes shops and I kill some time looking through the rails. Fashion isn’t that much different here. There chemists get me because they are like mini supermarkets. It’s hard to fathom as they are nothing like the ones I’m used to.

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