Home > Grown Enough For Love(12)

Grown Enough For Love(12)
Author: Chelsea Falin

Savannah thought about what he said and shrugged. “I think farts are funny, too, and I’m never going to fall in love.”

“No? Then how are we going to get married?” Gabriel asked. “People are supposed to get married because they fall in love.”

“Well, I love you, Gabe. I’m just not in love with you. I think that’s better.” Savannah smiled. “Yes, that’s a better marriage. And when we have kids, we’ll be nice to them. Not mean like Momma and Daddy are to me.”

Gabriel felt bad thinking about how that came to Savannah’s mind. But, to further dissuade her, he said, “You know how you get kids, right?”

Savannah looked thoughtful again before shaking her head. “No. How do you get kids?”

Jay started laughing and Gabriel shoved him hard in the shoulder. “Shut up, man.” Jay continued laughing even as he toppled over into the grass. Gabriel explained, with as little detail as possible, how babies were made.

“EWWWWW!” Savannah shrieked. “I would NEVER do that with you! Or anybody else!” She shook her head fiercely from side to side. “No. We won’t have kids. That’s all.”

Gabriel could only add his soft chuckles to Jay’s continuing laughter. Savannah looked at the two of them for a long moment before slowly shaking her head. “Boys are so weird.”

Gabriel smiled stupidly to himself. He felt strange realizing he’d been the one to tell Savannah about sex the first time. But then, along with Jay, he’d also taught Savannah how to fish, pick the best citrus fruits, ride a bike, and a thousand other things.

Finally finished with the over-sized yard he’d been push-mowing, Gabriel sighed. He moved to the next lawn, two doors down. Three more and he’d be finished for the day. Three more lawns to stay lost in his thoughts for. Gabriel was thankful he didn’t have to do anything besides routine maintenance today. He didn’t have the brainpower for anything more mentally strenuous.



Chapter 7



Savannah sat at the small table by herself, drinking a milkshake. After another long morning of work had turned into a long afternoon of work, she felt like treating herself. Savannah would have asked Jay if he wanted to come, but it was the middle of the week and he was working. Savannah also decided it was a good idea to give Gabriel some space while he thought things over. She didn’t want him to feel pressured, because if he did choose her, she wanted it to feel real, not forced.

Would he choose her, though? Savannah wasn’t sure, and it drove her insane. After all those years of crushing on him (and lusting, after she discovered what that feeling was), Savannah didn’t like the idea of hope being taken away.

“Is this what you do with an English degree?” Savannah looked up from her milkshake. She hadn’t been paying attention, and now Savannah wished she had been – so she could have hidden.

“No, mother, that would be the long hours of work I put in this morning.” Savannah sighed.

“Hmm,” Mrs. Meridian stared at her daughter with disapproval. “You shouldn’t be drinking that thing, you know. It’ll make you fat. With a lack of proper education and that terrible stubbornness you have, your looks are the only thing that will land you a suitable husband.”

Savannah rolled her eyes. She remained silent as her mother stared. “Did you want something, mother?”

Mrs. Meridian nodded sharply, her piercing green eyes looking into her daughter’s now. “Yes. I was going to call, but I noticed you through the window and decided to come in. You have a date this Saturday.”

“What?” Savannah asked as her jaw dropped.

“Yes. With George Johnson, my partner’s son. You’ll be at Café Kokopelli’s at six o’clock sharp on Saturday evening.” Mrs. Meridian told Savannah rather than asked.

“I’m pretty sure I get a say in these kinds of things,” Savannah said.

“No, I’m pretty sure you don’t. You’ll go or else,” Mrs. Meridian threatened without ever raising her voice or changing her tone. She continued to stare at her daughter.

“Yes, mother,” Savannah sighed, looking down at her milkshake and contemplating another one. Or a strong drink. That would work, too.

“And wear something appropriate. You look ratty today." Mrs. Meridian walked out of the soda shop without further conversation. She left Savannah staring down at herself. What was wrong with her denim shorts and plain black tee-shirt? Maybe it was the flip-flops. Her mother had always hated flip-flops.

Savannah sighed heavily again. Why did she always give in to her mother’s demands? She didn’t have to do what her mother asked anymore. Savannah was grown. But it was ingrained in her to do as her mother said, and even as an adult, she feared her mother’s displeasure.

* * * * *

Gabriel sat on the couch, staring at the television without seeing what was playing. He was beyond exhausted after another long work week. When his mother suggested Rio stay with her for the weekend again, Gabriel couldn’t have been happier.

Jay was out tonight, too, on another date. It was the third different girl in the last few weeks, which was strange for him. Gabriel guessed Jay was starting to get lonely or think about settling down these days.

Gabriel was starting to doze in front of the television when he heard loud, rapid knocking on the door. Shocked at the noise, Gabriel stood and peeked through the front window. He saw Savannah standing on the front porch. She looked all dressed up, and she was crying.

Gabriel quickly went to the front door and opened it. Savannah had tears running down a face that seemed to have makeup on it. That was weird because Savannah never wore makeup. She wore black flats on her feet and a lacy black top with a matching skirt. Gabriel noticed all this in a matter of seconds. “What’s wrong, Sav? What happened?”

Savannah went to open her mouth to tell Gabriel what was wrong, but instead, she started crying harder. Gabriel, confused and worried, looped his arm around Savannah and led her to the couch. He carefully helped her sit, wrapping both arms around her slender body, holding her tight.

Finally, she cried herself out and Savannah leaned limply against Gabriel. “Kitten, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

Savannah sniffled pathetically and buried her face into Gabriel’s chest. When she spoke, her words were muffled so Gabriel could barely understand. “My mom made me go on a date tonight. I know I shouldn’t have, but I can’t seem to tell her no.”

Gabriel felt a momentary pang of jealousy that Savannah had a date with someone else. But he hadn’t given her an answer, and Savannah said her mother forced her to. “Did he hurt you, Sav?”

Savannah sniffled. “Not physically.”

Gabriel could feel anger bubbling up in him he hadn’t felt in a long time. He hated it when anyone made Savannah cry. “What did he do? Who was it?”

“It was my mom’s partner’s son, George Johnson. He… he was supposed to meet me at six.” Savannah sniffled again.

“He didn’t show up?” Gabriel asked, thinking Savannah had been stood up.

“He… he showed up… for all of five seconds…” Savannah started, and then she began crying again.

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