Home > Grown Enough For Love(19)

Grown Enough For Love(19)
Author: Chelsea Falin

She smiled, eyelids heavy. “It’s okay. I understand.”

Gabriel kissed her forehead, causing Savannah to smile again. After kissing her lips twice briefly, he sighed and got out of bed. He slipped into his clothes as Savannah half-dozed, struggling to stay awake. “I love you, Savannah,” Gabriel said as he kissed the top of her messy curls.

She turned her face towards his for a final kiss. “I love you, too, Gabriel.” As he went to walk out of the bedroom, she said, “Could you make sure to lock the front door on your way out? I’m too tired to do it.”

He laughed. “Yes, kitten.”

Savannah said nothing, sighing as she nestled further into her covers. Only seconds after the front door close behind Gabriel, Savannah fell fast asleep.



Chapter 11



Three weeks passed Gabriel by in rapid fashion. His routine had changed now, but not by much. He still woke every morning, dropped Rio off with his mom, and went to work. After, he picked Rio up and brought him home. Gabriel tried to spend every spare moment with Savannah, but she was busy with her own life, too. She understood when he couldn’t spend every day with her. Still, they spent at least three days a week together, and Gabriel thought Savannah was okay with that. At least, she’d never said anything to make him believe otherwise.

Some days, Gabriel and Savannah did something with Rio. Other days, they found a babysitter to snag some alone time. Once in a while, they hung out with Jay, who had been dating a steady stream of girls that never seemed to stick. Gabriel hoped Jay found someone soon because Jay had always been a good guy. A bit of a goofball, but one of the nicest guys Gabriel had ever met. Hence, why they’d always been best friends.

Today, Gabriel called out of work for the first time in recent memory. Confident his job wasn’t in danger after years of regular attendance, Gabriel wanted a day for himself. He dropped Rio off at his parent’s house like normal and went home.

Gabriel dozed on the couch watching television, waiting for a few hours to pass so he could surprise Savannah. He hadn’t been able to see her the last three nights and was certain she’d be pleased to have him to herself for most of the day.

He ended up falling asleep on the couch. When he woke, Gabriel saw it was ten minutes until noon. It was late enough for Savannah to have gotten most – if not all – her work done. He heaved himself off the couch with a sigh and went to freshen up.

Gabriel chose to walk to Savannah’s house, as he often did. It didn’t make sense to drive the single block separating their homes. With a stupid smile on his face, Gabriel thought about how wonderful it would be when he didn’t have to walk to see Savannah. Instead, he’d come home from work and she’d be there, in a home they’d create together.

Gabriel reached the house and noticed a small row of tiny sprouts peeking from the flower beds. He wondered when Savannah had found time to plant them. He knocked and was left waiting only a second before Savannah opened the door.

“Gabe! What are you doing here?” She opened the door a crack and reached out to pull Gabriel in by his arm. She was afraid Smoke and Soot would get out, no doubt. Those two had ended up being tiny little monsters. Adorable and cuddly, but tiny little monsters nonetheless.

He smiled as he pulled Savannah in for a tight embrace and kissed her lips tenderly. “I decided I needed a mental health day.” Grinning, Gabriel added, “and there is nothing better for my mental health than my kitten.”

Savannah grinned before kissing him deeply. Gabriel couldn’t keep the low growl from his throat when she did that. Another grin meant for him before Savannah said, “You’ve got perfect timing, too. I’m ready for a break.”

“What kind of break?” Gabriel grabbed Savannah’s hips and pulled her closer so he could kiss her neck.

Savannah laughed. “Not that kind of break, silly.”

“No, why not?” Gabriel kissed her neck again.

Savannah pushed him back and rolled her eyes. “It’s, uh, not a good time.”

Gabriel looked at her for a moment, confused. Then it dawned on him. “Oh… not a good time of the month, you mean?”

Savannah blushed. “Gabriel!”

Gabriel shrugged. “What? I have two older sisters and a mom, not to mention dozens, if not hundreds, of female aunts and cousins. I know what a period is. No big deal.”

Savannah blushed deeper but tried to make light of the situation. “Well, if you know so much, you could have brought me chocolate. I’m dying for some.”

Gabriel laughed. “You didn’t tell me until I got here. I’m not a mind reader, kitten.” Shrugging, he added, “I could get some if you want it that bad, though.”

Savannah shook her head and giggled. “No, I’ll go get some later. But I could use some cuddles right now. My insides are killing me.”

Gabriel laughed. “Your wish is my command, my dear.”

Savannah giggled. Smoke and Soot came bounding across the room, a quarter larger than when they’d first arrived here, and toppled into each other. Savannah giggled at her “fur babies.”

“Do you want to lay with me a while?” Savannah asked. “I feel like a bum, but I could use a nap.”

Gabriel, having just woken from his own nap, decided he could fall right back to sleep. It had been a long three days of overtime since he’d last seen his kitten. “Sure. Nap dates are the best.”

Savannah shook her head, grinning. As if on cue, she yawned and blinked her eyes. To Gabriel, she resembled a kitten then, with big, blinking green eyes and a wild mane of red-tinted locks.

Without another word, Savannah led Gabriel to the attic bedroom. The furniture had been moved upstairs two weeks ago, and Gabriel thought the room turned out nice. He paid little attention to it as Savannah walked to the bed without bothering with the light. Sunlight streaming through the windows gave the room a fairy tale appearance.

Savannah threw herself onto the big bed with great force. Gabriel joined her, immediately wrapping her in his strong arms. Holding her in bed was one of Gabriel’s favorite things to do.

Although he thought he’d be able to sleep again, Gabriel found he couldn’t. But, he didn’t mind laying there, holding Savannah as she slept. Gabriel watched, studying her features as though he’d never seen them before.

Savannah’s face was small and round, with a tiny nose and full lips. Her eyes were large, clear even when closed. The curls Savannah always complained about were blonde tinted red and everywhere. Gabriel had always loved that crazy mane. He especially loved how sunlight glinted off them when Savannah was outside. It always seemed to Gabriel a halo surrounded her during those times.

Everything about Savannah was small. It wasn’t only her height, her weight, her nose. Her hips, her hands, her feet, and even her breasts were small. It wasn’t what Gabriel was used to. Marissa had been voluptuous, with big womanly curves. A slender waist had made those curves seem larger.

Gabriel wasn’t sure how long he’d been laying there holding Savannah when he heard a knock. The sound was small and distant from where they slept a story above and a closed-door away. Gabriel gently shook Savannah. Although he didn’t want to wake her, the visitor might be someone she was expecting.

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